Can you help? Holly House seeking book donations for holiday giveaway this weekend

Holly House logoHolly House, which provides holiday gifts and other necessities to low-income children in the Edmonds School District, is ready to host its annual toy giveaway event this weekend — but they are in need of children’s books for the event.

According to Executive Director Pam Martinez, Holly House has received “an outpouring of gifts for our children from caring people,” but just learned that the organization’s shipment of 7,000 books will not arrive in time for this weekend’s giveaway.

“Bright beautiful books are such an important part of helping to encourage our children to read,” Martinez lamented. “So many of them are a year to three years behind in their reading levels.” The organization’s goal is to give each child, ranging in age from infants to 17 years old, five to seven books each.

If you can help, books can be dropped off on Friday, Dec. 11 from 1-8 p.m. and Saturday, Dec 12 from 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the former LA Fitness location, 8401 Main St., at Five Corners.

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