Driftwood Players jet around town seeking funds for new ‘fly system’

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Driftwood’s technical director, Rick Wright, attempts to fly Peter Pan around stage without the benefit of a “fly system” in this humorous campaign appeal video.

Driftwood Theatre , which begins its 58th Season in September is jetting around town with an appeal for donations to upgrade the fly system at the home of the oldest playhouse in Edmonds, the Wade James Theatre.

In Q&A format, managing director Amy Gentry responds to questions about the Power2Give campaign rolled out by the theatre company several days ago:

WHAT is a “fly system?”

Well, it’s not the most glamorous-sounding part of the theatre, but it’s a very important part! The fly system is the mechanical part of the stage that holds curtains, set pieces, backdrops and, in many larger theatres even people, from the ceiling and moves them on or off the stage.

Why does the Wade James Theatre’s fly system need updating?

After many years of presenting wonderful productions, stage mechanics experience wear and tear and need to be updated or repaired. Our current fly system is in need of replacement in order to keep crews, actors and musicians safe and to ensure that the theatre building stays updated and delivering fantastic shows each year.

The campaign’s Q&A format is supplemented by the theatre company’s technical director Rick Wright and veteran actor Carissa Meisner Smit in a humorously clever video embedded on the campaign  page.

How much could that cost?

The total cost of the fly system upgrade will be over $10,000. This includes removing and upgrading the current system ($4,500), parts ($3,000), and labor ($2,500).

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For the balance of January, Driftwood Theatre is running a fundraising campaign through Arts Fund’s Power2Give which matches donations 50 cents to the dollar (ie: if you donate $100, Driftwood Theatre will receive $150.

“The maximum donation through this campaign is $7,500, which could cover the bulk of this expense,” Gentry explains.

“In addition to ticket sales, Edmonds Driftwood Players relies heavily on donations from individuals and businesses within the community. All donations will be an incredible help.”

For specific questions regarding the “Keep Driftwood Flying” campaign you may visit their website, or call Driftwood Player’s office at 425-774-9600.


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