Every year as Mayor, I always look forward to the State of the City presentation. It’s important to pause and reflect as we begin a new year on the successes and challenges of 2015, as well as talk about what we expect and hope to accomplish in 2016. This year the presentation will be on Thursday, Feb. 11, 8:30 a.m., at the Edmonds Theater, 415 Main St. I hope you will attend. We will once again videotape the presentation and post it on our website www.edmondswa.gov for future viewing.
My staff and I work hard to stay in contact with everyone in our community throughout the year by writing twice-a-month columns in the Edmonds Beacon and My Edmonds News, posting news and announcements on the city website and Facebook page, broadcasting live city council meetings, and publishing quarterly online newsletters. But in addition to all those ongoing forms of communication, I also believe it’s critical to come together as a community and take stock of our accomplishments and challenges as we launch a new year.
As in our past State of the City events, we will have two guest speakers give personal reflections on our city. Last year, Diana White with the Edmonds School Board and travel expert Rick Steves spoke to our community. This year, local business owner Ruth Arista of Arista Wine Cellars and Pastor Barry Crane of North Sound Church have been kind enough to participate in the program. I look forward to their comments.
We have also invited local and county leaders to attend. Each year, we are fortunate to see more representatives from such Snohomish County groups as the Economic Alliance Snohomish County, county government and the Snohomish County Cities organization; organizations who have helped build awareness that we as a county must work together.
Most importantly, though, I look forward to seeing Edmonds citizens in attendance. Each year I am struck by the number of people from across the community who take the time to hear how far we have come and how much more we hope to accomplish. Our city has gained a deserved reputation of caring deeply about its history as well as its future.
Finally, I want to give a “shout out” to the Mayo family and the Edmonds Theater for their support of our community and allowing us access to our historic movie theater for the morning event.
I hope you will find the time to join us and once again “pack the house” to hear the state of your city.
— By Dave Earling
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