While I have yet to tire of the weather in the Pacific Northwest, I have to admit that the signs of spring always lighten the load a bit. It’s not so dark in the morning, so I can see the tops of whatever tulips my aggressively hungry squirrels have forsaken, and the greens that put the Emerald in Emerald City show up – even in the most neglected yards (read: my yard.) Another sure sign of spring for me is the mix of panic and excitement over what to do with the kids for spring break and, yes, summer. (I know, I know, it’s early, but Edmonds Parks and Recreation have opened registration for their summer camps as of this week. You can find all the info at EdmondsCamps.org.)
Frances Anderson Center is always my first thought when it comes to spring break, which is April 4-8, as we’ve done all our spring break camps there. This year, they are offering a Discovery Days camp and an UK Elite Soccer camp. We have done both of these camps and would very much recommend both.
Spring Break Discovery Days Camp is a great mix of learning and physical activity. Each day, kids ages 6-12 meet at the Frances Anderson Center, 700 Main St., before taking off on foot to places like Yost Park and Olympic Beach. These camps include “games, crafts and outdoor exploration with a different theme each day.”
This year, the camp offers exploration of “plants and animals found in the forests and beaches of Edmonds, and how they connect in a complex web of life.” My oldest has been taking these camps since the moment he was old enough and we have yet to be disappointed. The camp runs from April 4-8 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. While we’re at it, they are also offering a Discovery Mini-Camp on May 13 for a non-student day in the Edmonds School District. Called “Power to the Pollinators,” this one-day camp, also for kids 6-12, will included campers planting their very own pollinator garden to take home. You can register for each event at reczone.org or by calling Debbie at 425-771-0230.
The UK Elite Soccer Spring Break Camp will also be April 4-8. It runs from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and is for soccer players ages 5-12. My youngest son did this camp last year and I was really happy with it. Even though he was youngest, and as it turns out, not the biggest fan of playing soccer, the UK Elite Coaches were so helpful, professional and just the right speed. By the end of the week, he was engaged and participating in their daily “world cup scrimmages.” Each camp day has a theme that will help kids with their “technical and tactical” skills and each player gets a player evaluation at the end of camp — and, of course, their own UK Elite jersey. You can also register for this camp at reczone.org or by calling Debbie at 425-771-0230.
Glazed and Amazed, 514 Main St., is also offering options for spring break. Their “Peace, Love & Art” Spring Break Camp can be taken two ways. Kids 6 and up can sign up for all three days of camp, April 5, 6 and 7, or just take one or two days of the camp. This three-and-a-half hour camp starts each day at 12:30 p.m. and goes to 4 p.m. Each day kids will make two projects. with a snack break in between. Projects include a glass peace sign, a coupe dinner plate with hearts, and a tiye- dye fused glass handprint. Their website urges kids to be sure and “wear messy clothes for this camp!” You can visit the Glazed and Amazed website or call them at 425-673-5474 for more details.
— By Jennifer Marx
Jen Marx, an Edmonds Mom of two young boys, is a traffic reporter by dawn and writer and PBJ maker by day. She is always looking for a fun place to take the kids that makes them tired enough to go to bed on time. You can find her trying to make sense of begging kids to ” just eat the mac n cheese” at jen_marx . If you have a kid-friendly event you’d like to share, email her at play@myedmondsnews.com.
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