Reminder: Tickets on sale now for Republican Party’s Lincoln Day Dinner

Screenshot (166)Best-selling author and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza will be speaking at the Lynnwood Convention Center on April 22 as a part of the Snohomish County Republican Party’s Lincoln Day Dinner.

D’Souza came to the United States as an exchange student from India in 1983. He was a policy analyst for Ronald Reagan. Since then, he has also become a renowned filmmaker. His top-grossing documentaries are “2016: Obama’s America” and “America.”

He is also a best-selling author. His books include “America: Imagine a World Without Her,” “Obama’s America: Unmaking the American Dream” and “What’s So Great About Christianity.” His latest book is “Stealing America.”

Tickets can be purchased online here, by calling the Snohomish County Republican Party’s office in Marysville at 360-653-1100 or by emailing

Buy your tickets by Thursday, March 17 to be entered into a drawing to attend the VIP reception.

General Seating is $75, Preferred Seating is $100 and $250 seats include the VIP Reception. Special table rates are also available.

  1. Dinesh D’Souza was indicted in 2014 by federal prosecutors for campaign finance violations. He made illegal election contributions and then made false statements about them. D’Souza pleaded guilty to a felony count and was sentenced to five years probation, eight months in a half-way house and a $30.000 fine. Community service and therapy are conditions of his probation. It is surprising that a person with his history has been chosen as the featured speaker for a Republican Party fundraiser.

    D’Souza’s views, as reflected in his publications and films, are extreme and dubious. In his book “The Enemy At Home”, D’Souza wrote “The cultural left in this country is responsible for causing 9/11.” Most disturbing is D’Souza’s sustained smear journalism against Barack Obaama. Differences in political outlook are one thing; debasement and lies are quite another.

    The outrageous political rhetoric of this year’s Presidential election cycle has made a mockery of our democratic process. It’s sad to see the inflamed rhetoric of someone like Dinesh D’Souza featured at our local level.

    1. Kudos Don. Since Ms Hall wrote this in her book, ‘The Friends of Voltaire’, many people attribute it to Voltaire himself.

  2. Wow, I have been in California for a few months and have not been keeping up with MEN. I did not know that the comments forum has now allowed commenters to tell another to “shut up”. Is this a relaxing of MEN standards?

    1. As far as I can tell, the person commenting was not telling anyone to “shut up” but indicated he felt that the previous comment was directing others to do so.

      1. Really? The “previous” commenter did not direct anyone to not speak, as a matter of fact Donald Williams quoted E.B. Hall……”I do not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it”. It was pretty clear that the following commenter wrote “guess you should just vote for Trump and shut up….” If that is not telling someone to “shut up”, I do not know what is.

        1. I agree Linda Mae, it read very clear. He told the guy to vote for Trump and shut up. Don’t know how it could read any different.

  3. The original commenter didn’t try to “stifle free speech” in any way. She just pointed out that the Snohomish County Republican Party has chosen to hire a convicted felon as their keynote speaker to honor the memory of Abraham Lincoln.

  4. I would like to point out that legally speaking, a private individual cannot “stifle” or “chill” anyone’s Constitutional right to free speech. That can only be done by the government or an agent of the government.

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