If you have seen her, call Melissa at
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Thank you, Teresa. I’m sure she’s just sleeping in the tall weeds or shrubs in a neighbor’s yard and will show up when she’s ready… but in the meantime, I wanted to get her photo out there. She’s been a member of the family since she was 6 months old.
Melissa, I hope you are reunited with your furry friend soon.
Thanks, John. She does pull these disappearing acts but usually not for this long. She has now missed 3 doses of hyperthyroidism medicine and several meals. I hope wherever she is, she at least has access to water. When she does show up, she’ll get a lot of attention and be kept indoors for as long as she puts up with it. If/when we let her out, we’ll go out with her.
I filled out a lost pet report at the Lynnwood PAWS office yesterday afternoon. I also had them run Chloe’s microchip number. As of 5 p.m. no one had turned her in. I’ll keep checking in with them.
I posted this on my Facebook page last night,
Dear Chloe,
We sincerely hope you’re okay. Please come home so we can give you lots of love/attention and food/water. We miss hearing your purr and having feline paralysis. We hope you’re at the front door in the morning.
Well, I’m up and she wasn’t at the door. If anyone has seen her, please contact me. This is the longest she’s gone without making an appearance at the door. My hope is that wherever she is, she has a source of water and possibly some wet food.
Next step is to put up lost cat posters.
It’s now Monday afternoon and still no sign of our furry companion. I sure hope she’s okay and comes home soon. Please keep sending positive thoughts our way! Thank you!
It’s been almost a week since we last saw our 16 year old cat. Chloe is a 16 year old Torbie – a mix of tortoise shell and tabby – she has lots of black on her head and back, lower half of back is tan/orange, has a black band around her neck (like a necklace), has the loudest purr, and loves to have her head rubbed.
She is being treated for Hyperthyroidism and has now missed the last 5 days worth of doses. If someone does see her and she looks really hungry, she loves tuna or salmon treats. We’ve been feeding her Fancy Feast and Wild Calling canned food.
I am really hoping that she didn’t encounter a raccoon or other wildlife. I am also hoping that she didn’t see an open garden shed or garage door and get closed inside. Please check your garden sheds and garages for our furry companion. She loves napping in tall weeds, flower beds, under shrubs, blackberry patches, basically any shady location. She’s been known to nap on our neighbor’s deck. She may also have taken shelter under someone’s deck. One last possibility is someone’s crawl space.
Has anyone heard any cats in duress or seen a mystery cat in their neighborhood at any time during the past few days (7/15 – 7/19)? Since we have no idea how far Chloe roams, she could be anywhere – which is why I included my immediate neighborhood as well as the 19 surrounding ones.
We miss her so much and just want her to come home.
Hoping that Chloe finds her way home to you, Melissa.
I miss her so much and I’m having a hard time believing that no one has seen her….or maybe they have and they just don’t know that she’s someone’s beloved pet.
Chloe is still lost. For the MEN readers in the 10 house radius of the 9400 block of 232nd ST SW, please check your yards, garages, sheds, under cars, any place that a cat could slip into for our beloved pet. We miss her so much and just want her to come home or get dropped off at PAWS Lynnwood. She is microchipped. Again, she’s a cross between a Tortoise shell and tabby. She may be quite thirsty so she would welcome a bowl of water. Thank you kind MEN readers!
It’s now been almost two weeks since we last saw our sweet fur baby. We are not giving up. She is taking Hyperthyroidism medication. I put more flyers up around the neighborhood and left postcards on doorsteps this afternoon. We would really appreciate everyone in our neighborhood* to check under their decks, garages, RVs, sheds, shady areas of your yards, basically any place a cat might be able to get into and hide. We would also appreciate it if a few people would leave a bowl of water by their door for her and any other pets that might wander through your yard. We just need someone to see her, identify her, and call us. We keep her carrier in the car so we can come get her. Thank you.
*streets surrounding the 9400 block of 232nd ST SW
Chloe is still lost/displaced. She may have been seen by a neighbor sometime between the 22nd and 26th, but hasn’t been seen since, so maybe some other neighbor saw her and is taking really good care of her. Chloe needs her medication. She loves to nap under shrubs or in a shady area of a yard. She blends in with her surroundings. Please contact me if you have any information as to her whereabouts. Thank you – a very concerned pet parent
It’s now August 3rd and Chloe still hasn’t found her way home. For those of you in the Westgate area, please continue to keep an eye out for her. She may have curled up in the corner of a yard, a shed, under a bush, in something such as a basket or even found her way into a garage. She needs medication and access to water. My contact number is listed under one of the above photos. Thank you for helping us look for our sweet elderly cat.
Chloe – you came into my life when you were 6 months old. It’s now 15 years later. You have been missing long enough, it’s time to come home. Your loud purr is just one of the things we miss hearing. Another is having you be our lap kitty. We’re really hoping wherever you are, you’re purring your little heart out. We’d rather know that you re-homed yourself instead of worrying that a coyote attacked you. Please let someone see you so they can call and let us know where to pick you up. We love and miss you. Just a few of my favorite photos.