If the featured photo for this week’s edition of Artfully Edmonds caught your attention because of its spirited appeal, you will want to meet our featured artist, Chris Minor.
We first met Chris (and his wife Katherine) at Art Walk Edmonds a year ago and have been stalking him ever since – thinking that a Halloween interview might be to the liking of our readers.
As I chatted with Chris and his lovely lady at the celebration of ARTspot’s 30x30x30 Challenge 2015, I was struck by the declaration that his death-oriented art style culminates from the wont of mischief and merrymaking; and not from anything more — shall we say — grave?
Chris (CM) agreed to an Artfully Edmonds (AE) interview in honor of this month’s 3rd Thursday Art Stalk!
But before we get to that interview, first a little bio bit about his experience and background, with thanks to ARTspot’s Tracy Felix:
Chris Minor, a long time Northwest resident, lives and works in Edmonds. His artistic interests currently include printmaking and acrylic painting. Currently his primary focus is linoleum cut block printing.
Though self-taught with no formal training, Chris has enjoyed the creative outlet of carpenter/cabinetmaker through his “day job” over for the past 30-plus years.
His interest – and transition to lino-cut block printing – was a natural fit considering his years of experience with tools and attention to detail, skills required in finish carpentry. Only recently has Chris been offering his work for sale and public display. During the summer of 2011 his print titled “Ryoriya, Kyoto” won first place in the Edmonds Arts Festival juried competition. His work is in private collections in Florida, Tennessee, Seattle and Japan.
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AE: Chris, thank you so much for joining us here at My Edmonds News. We have been anticipating, with excitement, the opportunity to introduce you to our readers.
First, who – or what influences – do you credit with the development of your art?
CM: You mean other than [controlled substances]? Let’s assume you do!
Back in 2005 my wife and I took a trip to Japan to visit members of her family. As it turned out, her Uncle Yasu, aside from being a gracious host and most excellent tour guide, is also an accomplished wood carver and printmaker. After spending time watching him magically work his craft and visiting the printmakers guild in Kyoto, I decided then and there that printmaking would be my medium. So, I would say there’s a heavy Japanese influence in my art, especially in my early work
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AE: Do you listen to music as you design, create, and complete your lino/acrylics/and printmaking?
CM: Yes! I always listen to music whether I’m sketching, carving or printing. The louder, the better! I grew up being forced to listen to my Dad’s “hillbilly” music (George Jones, Hank Williams, Loretta Lynn, Johnny Cash); then, add a heavy dose of his bluegrass music. After rebelling in my early years, I ultimately came to love that style of music.
These days “alternative country” or “Americana” is what I listen to mostly, as long as it rocks!
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AE: What muse (other than Mango The Cat, who was introduced to us through your Facebook posts) amuses you?
CM: Now as far as a muse goes, I would have to credit my lovely wife, Katherine. Good answer, right? Corny, but true. Katherine is a very talented artist (Sumi painter and jewelry-maker). She’s super supportive and doesn’t hesitate to critique my work honestly (we don’t always agree on her assessment, however. Imagine that!) Katherine even puts up with my loud music. Yeah!
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AE: Your art reflects a Southwest influence. How did that element develop — did you live on the desert?
CM: Nope, never actually resided there. However, I have spent time in the Southwest. In the mid ’70s I did a bunch of hitchhiking through Texas, Arizona and New Mexico.
You remember the long-haired hippie with the backpack, cardboard sign thumbing it out on the side of the road? I was that person.
The amazing landscape, native peoples, cowboys and the general vibe was quite an eye opener for a kid who was born and raised in Detroit. Since then, Katherine and I have taken many trips back to that area and we’ve also traveled extensively in Mexico and Belize. It’s an extraordinary region to visit and eat yummy food, but I wouldn’t want to live there; it’s too hot.
This year’s Art Stalk! print is actually the first traditional “Day of the Dead” style work that I’ve attempted. It was really fun!
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AE: Why laugh at death, as you seem to do in your work?
CM: Excellent question. Hey, to tell you the truth, I like to laugh at most everything, so why not death? I mean, what’s the worst that can happen? (Laughter) Don’t answer that.
Seriously, no one really knows what happens after death. If I were to pry deep inside my brain, there may be some long lingering affects of growing up in a Southern-based, holy roller, hellfire preachin’, shoutin’ in the aisles, no fun, demon-outcasting, cultish church that labels persons like me as “backsliders destined for hell.” Does that influence my art? You be the judge.
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AE: Hmmm. Do you have an artist statement you would like to share with My Edmonds News readers?
CM: Sure. Maybe not a traditional “artist statement” per se, but here goes: I’ll start by talking about one of the things I like most about what I do. It’s when people look at my work and smile, or grin or laugh. If I can have that affect on a total stranger, then it’s all worth it.
I don’t create art for the money. As long as the proceeds from selling my art covers my materials and beer costs, I’m good.
As an Edmonds resident, I’ve been fortunate in connecting with, and hopefully contributing to, the Edmonds arts community. People don’t realize the wide range of talented, helpful and generally good people that make up the local arts scene.
I think art should be fun to create and fun to look at! That’s my statement, like it or love it.
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AE: Chris, it’s always fun catching up with you and Katherine. Thank you for taking the time to introduce, to our readers, the backstory of how your life experiences have influenced your art.
Readers who would like to follow news posts from Chris Minor can link to this website: https://artspotedmonds com/chris-minor
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Thursday, Oct. 20
5-8 p.m.
This week’s Art Walk Edmonds will experience an altered state — Art Stalk!
So prowl downtown for Thriller-themed art and cast a “The Best of Art Stalk!” vote for one of the scarecrow exhibits.
Yes! You and your friends will not only experience the unsurpassed work of great artists; plus entertainment, you will also have a chance to participate in “The Best of Art Stalk!” scarecrow balloting (which is a one-night phenomenon, being held in conjunction with the Edmonds Historical Museum’s Scarecrow Festival 2016).
Special Art Stalk! map
Grab an Art Stalk! map from any of the live scarecrows (Key Club members of our local high schools) or your favorite gallery, or participating merchant. The map features an impressive array of the work of local artists, and also scarecrow exhibits in the downtown Edmonds core.
Note: Not all scarecrow exhibits had been constructed by the time AWE published its map – so Artfully Edmonds has been advised that Art Stalk! will honor write-in votes for any entries that are now up but not featured on the map.
Where to get your Art Stalk! ballots
Keep your eyes open for live scarecrows on the streets of Edmonds who will be passing out maps and ballots, and posing for pictures.
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Edmonds Historical Museum activities
118 5th Ave. N.
7 p.m.
Only in Edmonds would scarecrows be serving hot beverages at the museum – and they will be!
“Above the Law” – hip-hop performance – will provide entertainment on the museum’s new outdoor plaza.
“The Best of Art Stalk!” vote tallies
8 p.m.
Turn in your ballots at one of three ballot drop-off locations
- Edmonds Historical Museum, 118 5th N.
- Coldwell Banker Bain, 108 5th S.
- Cascadia Art Museum, 190 Sunset Ave.
Results from the ArtStalk! voting will be released by Art Walk Edmonds on Friday.
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Official Scarecrow Festival 2016
Online voting for the Scarecrow Festival begins Sunday, Oct. 23 at the museum’s website: https://www.scf.historicedmonds.org
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Gallery North (401 Main St.) invites Art Stalk-ers! to check out the gallery’s “Mrs. Quick Draw McGraw” – the fastest sketch artist in the Northwest.
The missus was created for Scarecrow Festival 2016 by member artist Leah Rene Welch.
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Christopher Framing & Fine Art, located at 537 Main St., is featuring a “Debut Gallery Show” of the art of Whitney Buckingham Beechie for this month’s art walk.
“This will be epic!” promises the artist from her event page. We are sure you’ll agree – see you there!
For more information on Whitney’s accomplishments go to her Facebook event page.
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Cole Gallery
107 5th Ave. S.
“Moments” by Pam Ingalls
Known throughout the art world for her rich, luscious Impressionist oils, Pam Ingalls asks us to slow down and shift our attention to the beauty of the simple, everyday life in her new show featuring interiors and still life paintings.
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“On The Fence”
Edmonds Arts Commission
700 Main St.
Strolling Edmonds this weekend? Then make it a point to see the work of Seattle artist Elise Koncsek entitled, “Edit”. The temporary art installation is located at the Frances Anderson Center Field Main Street fence, as part of Edmonds Arts Commission’s On the Fence program.
This interactive installation invites viewers to create stories from twenty-three individually mounted, brightly painted laser cut wood panels containing a word or a phrase on both sides of each panel. The viewer is invited to flip the panels to create a story, or change the current story, as well as play with color patterns of the panels. The overall effect is an exploration of permanence versus change, personal expression, color combinations, and the nature of language.
Elise Koncsek is a professional photographer and an installation artist. Over the past three years her works have appeared all around the Seattle area. She has also created installations for the popular Burning Man festival. For more information about Elise, go to https://koncsek.com
“On the Fence” is a program of the City of Edmonds Arts Commission. Artists are encouraged to apply and information is available at www.edmondsartscommission.org or by calling 425-771-0228.
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Thursday, Oct. 20
8 p.m.
Driftwood Players at the
Wade James Theatre
950 Main St.
Opening Night!
Fahrenheit 451
Don’t miss this exciting drama!
Directed by Ted Jaquith and produced by J. Woody Lotts, Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury stars Ryan St. Martin, Paul Gliarmis, Camisa Hensel, Simone Barron, Rebecca O’Neil, Jean Sleight, Sean Morrone, Justin Tinsley, Rita Baxter, Sarita Benson, Anthony Floyd, Nicholas Horiatis, and Dawn Cornell.
Visit a dystopian time when television messaging is crafted to control society. Imagine!
Tickets for what promises to be one of this season’s most provocative productions are available by calling the Driftwood Players at 425-774-9600 or visit their online ticket link.
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Thursday, Oct. 20
7 p.m. and
Friday, Oct. 21
8 p.m.
Meadowdale High School
Black Box Theatre
Boys vs. Girls and
Girls vs. Boys!
The Meadowdale Players drama department kicks off the 2016-17 season with their annual Boys vs. Girls production. It’s going to be a staged grudge match! Who will win the thespian rivalry of-the-sexes?
This year’s production is written by Tanner Powell and Alyssa Olton; directed by Peter Davies. Audiences can see two comedic plays each evening; one with an all-female cast and one with an all-male cast.
Which performance is your favorite? Vote by donation after getting in under the free admission banner.
The production that earns the most money wins the coveted trophy! (Donations help buy scripts and fund stage sets and costumes for the Meadowdale Players.)
Tickets at the door.
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Friday, Oct. 21
5-9 p.m.
Lynnwood Convention Center
3711 196th St. S.W., Lynnwood
Puget Sound Art Exhibition
And Live Music
The Puget Sound Art Exhibition is a one-night evening of the arts featuring live music and art in a variety of mediums.
Drew Schmitz is the exhibition’s featured artist. A Lynnwood resident, Drew enjoys graphic design, sketches, paintings, and designing tattoos. He displays his work online at this link.
Live music with local songwriter/singer Dawn Madsen will highlight this gathering of artists. Dawn will be performing from her new album, “The Long Way Home”.
Art featured in this exhibition will also include the work of public art creator and UW-Bothell instructor Gary Carpenter; drawings and paintings by local art instructor Ken Smith; multi-media non-traditional artist and former iron-worker Kevin Guilmet; yarn art creations by Lynsey Keenan; graphic art by Drew Schmitz; paintings by Eric Madsen; and Sharron Hitt; and crafts by Sam Rohlman.
A no-host food and cash bar will be set up at the event. For more information, contact Terran Madsen, 425-366-6330 or do the click! click! to this link.
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Saturday, Oct. 22
5-9 p. m.
Edmonds Yacht Club
326 Admiral Way
FanJAZZtic Masquerade
By the “DeMiero Jazz Fest”
A Festive Star-Filled Night is what the local jazz scene can expect at the Edmonds Yacht Club in celebration of the DeMiero Jazz Fest Gala.
Live entertainment and smooth dance tunes is what The Jazz Pearls, have in mind for an evening that will put the spotlight on Alexa’s catering; and feature both silent and live auctions – and everyone’s favorite party element: costume prizes
Tickets and additional information are available at the Jazz Fest website (www demierojazzfest org) or by calling 206-473-9416.
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Monday, Oct. 24
7:30 p.m.
Cascade Symphony Orchestra (CSO)
Edmonds Center for the Arts
410 4th Ave. N.
Celebrate Halloween in a most classical manner. CSO Music director Michael Miropolsky has an imaginative mind when it comes to a sense of the macabre, as illustrated by the selections that this preeminent orchestra will perform for Opening Night of its 55th Season.
Don’t miss “Opening Night With a Bit of Halloween”.
Ticket information for this season of CSO performances is available by calling 425.275.9595 or visiting the orchestra’s website at this link.
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“Rising Star”
Cascade Symphony 2016-17 Competition
Application deadline: Nov. 1, 2016.
Cascade Symphony Orchestra seeks an exceptionally accomplished young musician to perform as soloist with the orchestra this season. Talented students are encouraged to enter the Rising Star competition by submitting an audition CD of their best performance of the piece specified on the CSO website for their instrument. The Rising Star competition application can be found by visiting www.cascadesymphony.org/education/rising-stars/ and clicking on the application tab.
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Family fun!
Thursday, Oct. 27
6:30 – 9 p.m.
Spirited Bingo!
Meadowdale High School
Great Hall (entrance nearest flagpole)
6002 168th St. S.W.
Celebrate fright season with a spirited game of Bingo!
Meadowdale High School’s MAMBO is hosting a spine-tingling evening of “Spooktacular Bingo.” Don’t be afraid to show up in costume to play and win some fun prizes. $7 buys you a book of Bingo cards.
Pizza, snacks and dessert will be available for purchase. All proceeds benefit the visual and performing arts programs at Meadowdale High School.
The best up-to-date source for information on MAMBO is at this link.
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Workshops ~ Actors and Authors
Oct. 22 and Oct. 29
Writing Workshops
Sponsored by EPIC Writer’s Group
Location: Coldwell Banker Bain
108 5th Ave. S.
The Art of Research
Saturday, Oct. 22, 2016
Elena Hartwell is a playwright and novelist who values research as a crucial element of writing. Learn a variety of methods and areas of research that will bring authenticity and engaging details to your fiction and non-fiction work.
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The Art of Story Structure
Saturday, Oct. 29, 2016
Scott Driscoll is an award-winning instructor and writer. Scott will lead participants in an exploration of how story structure is a “Desire Quest” that upsets the balance of a character’s world and leads to life-changing events.
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Tens and Teens!
Driftwood Theatre
Improv with Jenny Price (ages 10-15)
Wednesdays, Oct. 26-Nov. 16
4:30-6:30 p.m.
Looking to gather new and creative ways of approaching a scene and improving your acting? Look no further! Learning improve will help you step out of your shell, be funny and gain some new life skills (and confidence!). During this four-week class students will learn the basics of improvisation. The focus will be on basic scene work, partner and group work. Most importantly, they will have fun, meet new people and explore new ways to tell a story!
Introducing Driftwood’s new Education Associate
Lauren Ruhl has joined the Driftwood Players organization as Education Associate this month.
In introducing herself, Lauren tells My Edmonds News, “I am a firm believer that access to the arts helps to promote creativity, a stronger sense of self, and can provide the tools needed to create a positive change in this world. To that end, I am very curious to learn from you – our community – what excites you as far as education opportunities here at Driftwood! Through performance, training, and outreach I hope that we can meet you wherever you are in your journey, and I welcome feedback on how we can accomplish that.”
– By Emily Hill
Emily Hill is the author of two novels and a short story collection. Emily is retired from a career in public information and news media relations. If you would like your event listed, or featured, in Artfully Edmonds, Emily invites you to contact her at myedmondsnews@gmail.com.
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