Artfully Edmonds: Local playhouses offer warm and cozy holiday havens

My Edmonds News has the pleasure of being the first to introduce The Phoenix Theatre’s new house manager, Phillip Keiman. Photo courtesy TPS.

So many intriguing news dispatches are coming direct to Artfully Edmonds from Edmonds’ two playhouses that we are going to start this week’s column with troupe additions taking place at The Phoenix Theatre (located at Firdale Village) and then proceed to Driftwood Players’ highly successful production now playing at the Wade James Theatre.

Both houses allow patrons to enjoy warm and cozy settings out of winter’s chill – complete with wine bars, designated seating and ample parking. Our theatres draw audiences from as far away as Olympia to the south and Snohomish to the north.

The Phoenix Theatre
Firdale Shopping Plaza upper level
9673 Firdale Ave.

Managing director Debra Rich Gettleman of The Phoenix Theatre announced to Artfully Edmonds this week the hiring of a new house manager for the perennially funny Firdale-based theatre company.

Phillip Keiman (click here to view an impressive IMDB profile) has been selected as house manager, and is described by Gettleman as “an incredible actor and overall terrific guy.”

You can see Keiman on stage in The Christmas Spirit, which is currently playing through Saturday, Dec. 17 at The Phoenix Theatre (the finale on Sunday, Dec. 18 has sold out).

Additionally we have learned that Keiman’s experience ranges from Shakespearian roles to music videos, TV and film drama. Originally from the UK, Keiman moved to Seattle in 2012 and has since added stage, film, TV, radio and corporate credits to his theatre experience.

Grimm Fans!

Let’s do a click! click! on his YouTube channel, which includes shorts from his wide-ranging roles – from Grimm (One Angry Fuschbau) to his 2004 role in “Good Cop/Dead Cop.”

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Sell Out Alert!

The Christmas Spirit

Tickets available for this
Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
Sunday — Sold Out!

Curtain rises Thursday, Dec. 15
8 p.m.

If you long for a Long Island holiday, the boisterous relatives, the unexpected guest, the drama – watching the minutes tick away, then The Phoenix Theatre (now TPTEdmonds online) has three more opportunities for you to experience the insanity of a “real” Christmas Day.

Ala “Death Takes a Holiday,” The Phoenix Theatre troupe of professional-level actors reprise this honest look at Christmas-with-the-relatives.

Megan McKay, Becky Plant, Asa Sholdez, Susan Connors, Arin Larson, Tom Noga, Keith Dahlgren, Chris Anderson, Eric Bischoff and Carlos Martinez.

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Audition Opening!

Last Romance
by Joe DePietro

Last Romance will run Feb. 10 through March 5, 2017 and is directed by one of the theatre’s founding members, Eric Lewis.

Auditions are now available for one male actor to play young “Ralph,” a widower who decides to take a different route on his daily walk—one that leads him to an unexpected second chance at love.

For audition details, contact managing director Debra Rich Gettleman at

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Mr. Scrooge

Plays through 2 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 18 only!

Driftwood Players at
Wade James Theatre

Mr. Scrooge is easily one of the best productions that top-notch Driftwood Players have produced over the recent past – and considering the caliber of the cast and crew that has graced the stage of this company (now in its 58th year), that’s saying something.

Whether it’s for a teen date night, or a dinner-theatre evening to celebrate the holidays, Artfully Edmonds hopes you take a moment to add to the success of this extravagant production.

Mr. Scrooge was reviewed by My Edmonds News opening night.

The Driftwood Players online ticket booth is at this link.

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Events This Week!

Art Walk Edmonds

Each third Thursday of the month Artfully Edmonds dashes out of the house toward downtown to take in the excitement of Art Walk Edmonds. Usually making a stop for a cup of signature savory tomato bisque soup at Chanterelle Hometown Bistro (316 Main St.) with a “Hello!” to owner Brooke Baker, we go from there to discover what’s happening at our gallery spaces.

Bring us along on your art walk stroll – My Edmonds News provides the behind-the-scenes “click-ables” and liner notes about both artists and galleries in an expanded format that you don’t get from other news outlets.

Art Walk Map

Artists Don Haggerty and Kathy Deratius have been invited to treat ARTspot patrons to a trunk show of their jewelry designs for December’s art walk Photo courtesy the artist.


408 Main St.

A Trunk Show!

As messages came in this week we realized that Red Step Gallery artists Don Haggerty and Kathy Deratius were back at ARTspot, and my route for December was set!

We recommend that your first stop for December’s Art Walk Edmonds be ARTspot where a trunk show will be in progress, showcasing jewelry designed by Haggerty and Deratius  featured in a festive, colorful atmosphere.

My Edmonds News readers will recall that Haggerty was featured by Artfully Edmonds in 2014 as the duo transitioned to their jewelry line.

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Rebekah’s Boutique (404 Main St.) is hosting Czech-born artist Treva Carroll for December’s art walk. Since moving from its origins as a consignment shop, this boutique has brought in a fresh and more upscale line of fashions.

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Sound Styles
100 5th Ave. N.

Sound Styles will be filled with good cheer as guest pianists provide accompaniment for an old-fashioned caroling sing-along and melodies drift out to be heard by passersby.

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Art by Mark Medema, courtesy of Ombu Salon + Spa.

Ombu Salon + Spa
550 Main St.

Ombu Salon + Spa is hosting painter Mark Medema for Art Walk this month.

Like his host gallery, Medema’s style is big and bold – vibrating with color and energy.

With a background in graphic design, fashion design, and music and audio engineering, Mark Medema paints music.

He discovered early on with his work with music that he often envisioned colors and shapes (a phenomena known as “synesthesia”, explained here by After this discovery Medema found many parallels between audio and visual composition. He describes his art as a “complex harmony” as well as “reactions within the elements” with which he is working.

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“Narcissus in Winter” by Michelle Waldele. Image courtesy of Cole Gallery.

Cole Gallery
107 5th Ave. S.

Gallery owner Denise Cole would like to introduce Luke J. Tornatzky to this month’s Art Walk crowd thusly: “Long known as one of the premier painters of wooden boats and the beauty of our local waters, Tornatzky is nationally acclaimed for his colorful and dynamic approach to his subjects.”

Come see for yourself, chat with Mr. Tornatzky and featured artist Michelle Waldele while greeting your Edmonds friends and neighbors over hot cider and winter treats.

Cole says of Waldele, “In her latest show, master of classical realism Michelle Waldele explores the beauty of the winter garden. Rendering little birds amidst foliage and late blooming flowers, exquisitely detailed still lifes and more, Michelle never fails to bring her charm and wit to each of her paintings. Each work has its own narrative, a delightful view into the artist’s vision of the beauty of a winter garden.”

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Anchor Chic Consignments
529 Dayton St.

Artfully Edmonds welcomes new-to-the-scene Anchor Chic Consignments to the Art Walk Edmonds line up.

My Edmonds News business reporter Janette Turner was first to introduce owner Liz Le to the Edmonds community in this December 7 feature.

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Edmonds Vision Center has the pleasure of hosting this month’s featured artist, Debbie Drllevich.

Edmonds Vision Center
201 5th Ave. S.

Edmonds Vision Center is hosting Featured Artist of the Month metal artist Debbie Drllevich, who will be exhibiting her nature-inspired metal sculptures.

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Re/Max Direct Realty (110 4th Ave. N.) has the pleasure of showcasing the photography of Elizabeth Bilinski this month. Elizabeth studied art at the University of Washington and this is her first time participating in Art Walk Edmonds.

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Heading back down Main St. toward the waterfront, let’s stop in and say “Hi!” to Zinc Art + Object owner Laura Zeck; and then proceed toward Cascadia Art Museum and their delightfully upscale gift shop.

Zinc Art + Object is located at 102 3rd Ave. S. with its sister location, Zinc Contemporary, holding court at 119 Prefontaine Pl. S. in Seattle. Same lovely staff, very different collections – all edgy, all dazzling!

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Originals by Kenneth Paul Block are available at CAM’s upscale art museum gift shop. Image courtesy of Cascadia Art Museum.

Jan. 19 – New Show Opens!

Cascadia Art Museum (CAM)
190 Sunset Avenue

CAM announced this week that original drawings by Kenneth Paul Block are being made available in the museum store.

“These works feature runway drawings for Yves Saint Laurent, complimentary pieces that were available at our Gala. A sophisticated piece to brighten any home, each work goes for $1,500 (or $2,500 for the pair).”

For membership levels to Edmonds showcase art museum, go to CAM’s official website.

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Hunni Co.
186 Sunset Ave.

Drie Chapek: “Luminous and visceral” describes the work of this AWE-exhibiting artist who uses a sculpting method to [artist statement] “create images that appear alive, they exist as paint in the micro and macro in the image. I depict the body as being one with Nature by placing various organisms, landscapes and elements, alongside human flesh. The comfort of familiar elements and the opening to the unknown connections create a conscious space for the viewer to inhabit within the architectural construct of the image. Images built with paint appear to transform over time and exist through gradual change.”

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Don’t forget to wrap up your evening at one of the After-AWE stops! See the Art Walk map for a list of participating restaurants.

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Sunday, Dec. 18
4 p.m.


Trinity Lutheran Church (TLC)
6215-196th St. S.W.

Two chorale reprisals are scheduled by Lynnwood’s Trinity Lutheran music program with the intention of presenting a beautiful choral program in celebration of the holiday season.

This Sunday’s chorale program is inspired by the poem by Maya Angelou, Amazing Peace, and will feature the Jazz Choir, Chamber Singers, and the Concert Choir, under the direction of Mike Saccamanno.

Mead High School’s choirs return for the third year to add their voice to this inspirational program.

Questions about the TLC music programs may be directed to 425.778.2159 ext. 2203 or

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“They’re Back!” Yes, always amusing “Seattle Radio Theatre” with Pat Cashman and pals is returning to the ECA.

Tuesday, Dec. 20
7:30 p.m.


Seattle Radio Theatre at
Edmonds Center for the Arts
410 4th Ave. N.

Seattle Radio Theatre, with all of its clever lines and double-entendres, returns to the ECA stage to add uproarious laughter to Edmonds’ holiday season.

Pat Cashman, Tracey Conway and Jim Dever have put their heads together to twist up the lines, and whip humor into a family-friendly nostalgic tale of a charming hobo showing a wealthy family the true riches of the season.

Based on the 1947 film, The Prince and the Pauper, the Edmonds’ version, “It Happened on Fifth Avenue” 
 follows the mishaps and misunderstandings that occur when a thoughtful homeless fellow moves into an elegant mansion while the owner’s family winters in warm southern climes.

Added talents to the ECA stage for a night of sheer fun include Steve Wilson, Lisa Foster, Chris Topping, Rob Jones, Curtis Takahashi, along with Dolores Rogers; with special appearances by Ciscoe Morris and Tomo Nakayama.

All tickets are $12 (a holiday gift in itself!) and can be obtained via this click! click!

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Tuesday, Dec. 20
7:30 p.m.


Trinity Lutheran Church (TLC)
6215-196th St. S.W.

The North Corner Chamber Orchestra, with members Kwan Bin Park, violin; Yoojeong Cho, soprano; Kwangsuk Ku, opera bass; Jean-Sun Ahn, violin; Gary Gibson, percussionist/pannist; and Joshua Park, flute will perform at Trinity Lutheran Church next week.

Although the performance is free to attend, donations are encouraged following the program to benefit the Neighbors in Need program at Trinity Lutheran Church

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Friday, Dec. 23
7 p.m.

Holidays in TangleTown

Tangle Town Trio

Historic Edmonds Opera House (Masonic Temple)
515 Dayton Street

A magical evening of stories and song is about to take place at our historic opera house!

TangleTown Trio members Sarah Mattox (mezzo-soprano); Jo Nardolillo (violinist); and Judith Cohen (pianist) share nostalgic stories and the most beloved holiday songs of all time at one of Edmonds most iconic landmarks — historic Edmonds Opera House (Masonic Temple).

This special evening is sponsored in part by the Governor’s Chamber Music Series.

Concert ready kids:

Children age 10 and under are welcome to attend free of charge with an adult.

Tickets are being sold at this link.

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Ride Edmonds trolley to make the logistics of your shopping easier and to delight your children — and grandchildren!

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January’s Coming Attractions!

Friday, Jan. 6 ~ 7:30 p.m.
Saturday, Jan. 7 ~ 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.

Ballyhoo Theatre presents Bend2: R&J
at The Phoenix Theatre
Firdale Shopping Plaza, Upper level
9673 Firdale Ave.

Ballyhoo Theatre will feature a cast of Ballyhoo alumni and seniors, for a benefit production of BEND2: R&J, a “miscast concert series”; with Michael Corey as accompanist and music arrangements director.

Based on Shakespeare’s iconic romantic tragedy, the musical journey features miscast and re-purposed versions of songs such as “All I Ask of You”, “There’s Gotta’ Be Something Better Than This” and “Bring Him Home”.

Local Stars Made Good!

The evening stars Ballyhoo talent who have expanded across the country to share and study their craft, including in New York, Chicago, Cincinnati, Seattle and beyond.

Ben Broughton – Redmond High School

Nicholas Corey – Graduate of University of Washington

Victoria Felix – Graduate of Columbia College Chicago (Musical Theatre)

Ryan Floresca – Technician/Performer at ArtsWest and others

Katie Grant – Chicago College of Performing Arts

Samantha Paley – New York University Tisch School of the Arts

Erich Schleck – University Cincinnati College – Conservatory of Music

Emma VanderWeyst – Gonzaga University

Ticket prices include VIP Tickets for $35, which includes a beverage, dessert, talkback with the cast and a signed show poster.

For more information contact:

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Monday, Jan. 9
7:30 p.m.

Cascade Symphony Orchestra

Edmonds Center for the Arts
410 4th Ave. N.

Following a celebration of the holiday season with its by-popular-demand repeat performances this past week, CSO will continue its season with Pathetique, featuring Tchaikovsky’s Symphony No. 6 in B minor.

Please call the ECA box office at 425.275.9595 for tickets to the January concert if you are not a season ticket holder to the performances of this exceptional orchestra.

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Wednesday, Jan. 25
7:30 p.m.

Sell Out Alert!

Peking Acrobats

Edmonds Center for the Arts
410 4th Ave. N.

The Peking Acrobats, veterans at performing daring maneuvers atop precarious pagodas of chairs; and experts at trick-cycling, precision tumbling, somersaulting and gymnastics are on their way to Edmonds.

See this flamboyant ensemble defy gravity with amazing displays of contortion, flexibility and control. Masters of agility and grace, they push the envelope of human possibility.

Tickets are available now at the ECA online ticket booth.

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Sell Out Alert! Early ticket sales!

Saturday, Jan. 28
7:30 p.m.

Seattle Repertory Jazz Orchestra (SRJO)

Edmonds Center for the Arts
410 4th Ave. N.

By the end of January we will literally need a return of the hot jazz of SRJO. So, Michael Brockman and band members will swing with Basie Bash: New York, 1937.

The concert showcases Count Basie’s early work from New York in the heyday of swing dancing, with numerous hits from the Basie band’s first years in the national spotlight (1937-1939).

Tickets for what promises to be a very snazzy occasion are available via this ECA box office link.

– By Emily Hill

 Emily Hill is the author of two novels and a short story collection. Emily is retired from a career in public information and news media relations. If you would like your event listed, or featured, in Artfully Edmonds, Emily invites you to contact her at


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