Wednesday, May 3

6 p.m.


Writer’s Spring Social

EPIC Group Writers


Café Louvre

210 5th Ave. S.

EPIC Group Writers is hosting a Spring Social for writers and friends on Wednesday, May 3, from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. at Cafe Louvre, according to EPIC Group Writers president Susan Ferguson.

EPIC Group Writers is an Edmonds-based 501(c)(3) non-profit organization offering resources to writers since 2012. The purpose of EPIC Group Writers is to create and sustain a community of writers of all levels who share, encourage and nurture the literary and other creative arts for the benefit of the community at large. Epic Group Writers seeks to develop and maintain cooperative relationships with other artistic and cultural entities.

Café Louvre is offering its cafe space to give local writers and their friends a chance to meet up and strengthen the writing community, according to café owner Haifa Fakih.

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