Thursday evening’s Art Walk Edmonds will allow art gallery enthusiasts an opportunity to experience that soft chill in the air that foretells so many exciting autumn traditions and art events that Edmonds residents look forward to. Over the coming months there will be galas, the recognition of one more year being added to the legacies of so many of our unfaltering institutions.
As the 2017-18 performance season begins, My Edmonds News and Artfully Edmonds congratulate our oldest arts “institution”, Edmonds Driftwood Players, on its 59th Season – imagine!
Art gallery cooperative Gallery North has been showcasing the work of notable artists of the Puget Sound region for 57 years; and for the 8th year continues its “Beauty of the Northwest Exhibition.” Cascade Symphony Orchestra will begin its 56th Season Monday, Oct. 23 with a concert titled, Russian Arc. The Phoenix Theatre and Cole Gallery are each celebrating their 10th anniversary this years; and readers are encouraged to provide their own accolades to the Edmonds arts venues and performance troupes whose legacy are dear to their hearts in the comments section of our column.
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As is our tradition, we are beginning the third column of the month with an overview of the highlights of downtown Edmond’s artist showcase:
Art Walk Edmonds (AWE) ~ 24 downtown gallery spaces show off our finest!
Featured as AWE-some!
Windermere Real Estate (210 5th Ave. S.) hosts this month’s featured artist, BethAnn Lawson. Organizers of AWE describe BethAnn’s “bold” work as an exploration of the fine edge between abstraction and realism. This is indeed a compelling description by the arts group.
ZINC Art + Objects at 102 3rd Ave. S. will delight those who stroll the art walk with a show by their represented artists. Dazzling jewelry, sharp décor pieces, and clever gifts are the stock and trade of this gallery gift shop owned by arts activist Laura Zeck.
Graphite, located on the southeast corner of Main Street at 2nd Avenue, has a rock solid entry in this month’s art walk. My Edmonds News covered the mysterious appearance of this craggy steward earlier in the Sept. 6 edition of Artfully Edmonds.
ARTspot, color spot! Step inside the art supply store and gallery space at 408 Main St. and you’ll immediately sense the energy and enthusiasm of co-owner Tracy Felix and her staff. A leader in Edmonds arts initiatives on so many levels, Tracy is unfurling her “Inktober” banner for the month of October. Watch this space for details! It’s guaranteed excitement!
Gallery North
401 Main St.
“Beauty of the Northwest 2017” winners are being feted at Gallery North this month. My Edmonds News covered the achievements of all of the winners including Poster Contest winner Karen Bakke for her painting “Ladder Creek Falls.”
First Place: “Moment of Happenstance” by Kathy Collins
Second Place: “Anacortes” by Marcel Schwarb
Third Place: “Evergreen Valley Lavender Farm” by Sandy Burnett
Honorable Mentions:
“Skagit Valley Farm” by Mary Anderson
“Index Washout” by Dimitriy Gritsenko
Each month the gallery delights followers with a video of the achievements of its many members; including this one for September.
Randall J. Hodges will be signing his newly released book, Images Of the West, from his gallery at 317 Main St. Hodges offers photography classes and an impressive collection of stunning images for residential or corporate art collections.
Cole Gallery features the elegant work of Michelle Waldele this month. Whether it’s whimsy, or still life in oils, you’ll be captured by this artist’s style. Artist Scott Gellatly whose subject is atmospheric impressionism joins Ms. Waldele in her exhibition. Cole says of Gellatly’s work, “he presents landscapes full of mood and mystery.”
Edmonds Vision Center is hosting Shoreline artist Lewis LeBrash whose music-themed painting caught the eye of Artfully Edmonds.
Cascadia Art Museum, located at 190 Sunset, is a gorgeous exhibition of interior design in its own right. The art museum generously offers complimentary admission to arts enthusiasts each and every AWE-evening. It’s current exhibition features the work of famous northwest artist, Paul Morgan Gustin. If you have not yet afforded yourself to the luxury of experiencing Cascadia Art Museum, the Gustin exhibit is in its very last days! Please don’t tarry.
Hunni Company! What’s more delightful than a gallery-shop that features products that bring such joy? Located at 186 Sunset Ave. — right next door to the art museum — the Hunni Company is the perfect place to party! Their invitation reads, “There will be art pieces, tote bags, and blank journals. There will be a live mini-jazz band. . .and munchies and lots of fun people.
“Fun people,” you say? Well, in that case visiting Edmonds’ Salish Crossing is a must!
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Special Mentions
Local artist Doug Lofstrom, whose work is as colorful and fun as it is bold, continues his fast-paced production frenzy. Literally “A Man For All Ages,” Lofstrom caught the eye of young rapper, “Rashad,” while setting up his easel one sunny Edmonds afternoon – and – Voila! Art became the avenue of one more friendship.
Lofstrom’s caricature of this columnist closes out Artfully Edmonds this week.
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Saturday, Sept. 23
5 p.m.
11th Annual
ECA Gala & Auction
Once a year the greater Edmonds community acknowledges the importance of the performing arts and main stage with a classically upscale ECA gala.
Characterized as an event that “sizzles” by long time ECA supporter Maggie Peterson, the event is featured as the lead in this past week’s column.
Tickets to Saturday’s spectacular event are available at this link.
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Tuesday, Sept. 26
7 p.m.
Sell Out Alert!
Tamir Hendelman Jazz Trio joins the
Mountlake Terrace Jazz Band in concert (MTHS)
21801 44th Ave. W.
The Tamir Hendelman Jazz Trio will perform on stage with the Mountlake Terrace High School on Sept. 26 at 7 p.m. Tamir is spending two days at MTHS, holding a clinic, and rehearsing with one of Edmonds’ own nationally-recognized high school jazz bands.
During their Pacific Northwest visit the trio will working with several schools in the area; performing a limited number of private concerts.
The MTHS jazz concert is the only public concert scheduled by the trio during their northwest tour.
Our high school students are hoping to sell out the theater and have kicked off advance tickets online now: $15 for adults, $5 for students. Any remaining tickets will be available at the door.
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Wednesday, Sept. 27
7 p.m.
Improv Playground
Mukilteo Hall
Edmonds Community College (EdCC)
20000 68th Ave. W.
We’re just trying to be funny here!
Improv Playground is a drop-in improvisation workshop that runs every Wednesday through evening through winter at EdCC’s Black Box Theatre.
If you’re asking, “I don’t know what Improv is” or “I’ll try anything once,” this workshop is for you!
New improvisers will learn tricks of audience engagement, and old pro’s can receive critiques on new material at this workshop series.
Ninth graders! Think you’re funny? Try life on stage!
The workshop is recommended for ages 14 and up, but younger players are more than welcome. The cost is $10 per session, payable at the door.
Need to know, before you’ll go? Contact Jen Mathews. She can answer all of your questions about this event.
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Friday, Sept. 29
9:30 a.m.– 3:30 p.m.
Nordic Heritage Museum
3014 W. 67th St.
Class sessions for learning the folk art of rosmaling will begin on Friday, Sept. 29. Offered by the Nordic Heritage Museum, this 6-session class will explore this traditional Norwegian form of decorative folk art.
Information about the instructor, the techniques that will be taught, and how to enroll in this workshop series can be found at this link.
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Saturday, Sept. 30
6 p. m.
24-Hour Festival
Conspiracy Theory
The Phoenix Theatre and
Edmonds Driftwood Players
Have you ever experienced a 24-hour theatre festival? Basically, it’s a high stakes challenge!
The timer is set for 24-hours in which time a playhouse (two playhouses in this case!) set out to complete a set number of productions, including writing the plays (sharp pencils and coffee, please!); choosing the directors (“You lookin’ at me?”); select 8 separate – but sometimes dual-role – casts (auditions! readings!); 8 separate-site rehearsals (“Places, everyone!).
All of this must take place within 24 hours and as that last hour sweeps in, audiences take their seats to witness either success and salvation – or failure and frustration. It’s a theatrical blood sport that — in particular — Shakespeare would love!
Recap: Two theatre troupes, eight directors, eight playwrights, a huge casting list, eight rehearsal sites, and eight curtain calls! Quite simply? You are not going to want to miss the action!
Tickets are $25 each and that includes hors’ d’oevres and desserts!
Act I begins at 6:00 pm at
The Phoenix Theatre
9673 Firdale Ave.
Act II begins at 7:30 pm at
The Wade James Theatre
950 Main St.
The ticket price includes free admission to the festival casting and selection process
at 7 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 29 at The Phoenix Theatre.
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Saturday, Sept. 30
6 p.m.
One FanJazzTic Evening
DeMiero Jazz Festival
Black Box Theater, Mukilteo Hall
Edmonds Community College
20000 68th Ave. W.
One FanJazzTic Evening is sponsored by the DeMiero Jazz Festival to benefit the festival, which is scheduled to begin Thursday, March 1.
Performers for the One FanJazzTic Evening include Dee Daniels, Last Call (a vocal jazz group), Snohomish High School’s jazz choir, and special guest soloists.
Appetizers, a cash bar, and silent and live auction items will round out the evening.
Jazz Festival staff and volunteers are looking for auction items for the One FanJazzTic Evening event. Please contact them if you are interested in contributing to the auction segment of the event.
Tickets to One FanJazzTic Evening are $45 per person, and are available here. You may also mail a check for your tickets to: DeMiero Jazz Fest, P.O. Box 1442, Edmonds, WA 98020.
For more information, visit The DeMiero Jazz Festival website at
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Sunday, Oct. 1
4 p.m.
1211 4th St.
The hometown favorite, world wind famouns Gothard Sisters will be as close as the Town of Snohomish. Don’t you miss them?
Tickets to see the trio who started out as three string-instrument talented youngster-buskers at Edmonds Saturday market are available at this link.
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Friday, Oct. 6
6 p.m.
Walking the Borderline: Elizabeth Austen Reads New Poems
Edmonds Library
650 Main St.
Former Washington State Poet Laureate Elizabeth Austen will read her new works following the Write on the Sound (WOTS) preconference introductions.
Austen is the author of Every Dress a Decision and two chapter books. She also produces poetry programming for NPR-affiliate KUOW-FM 94.9 in Seattle. Austen will read her new poems and discuss her writing process.
The event will be held in the main living room area of the library and light refreshments will be available.
For questions regarding the library’s speakers program contact librarian Richard Suico,
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Oct. 1 -31
Calling All Artists!
Inktober Challenge at
417 Main St.
ARTspot is once again throwing down the Inktober Challenge! Remember how crazy fun it was last time?
Artists may register at ARTspot for a fee of $65.
We will let innovator, ARTspot’s Tracy Felix, speak directly to the arts’ community on what’s included in the registration fee:
- ARTspot Inking Kit. A toolbox full of quality paper and inking products to inspire you throughout the Challenge. You get to keep it forever! Your reserved kit will be ready for pick up anytime after Sept. 25th.
– Window display at ARTspot. ARTspot would like to add to your collection as the month goes by…. for the first 31 artists who register only! If you can bring in, or mail, your drawings to ARTspot throughout the month, everyone can watch your display grow!
– Advice and encouragement from the staff at ARTspot on how to work with your medium of choice. This can be a great opportunity to experiment with new ways of using your art materials. - Demonstrations:
- There will even be an ink demonstration by me, Tracy Felix – date and time to be announced.
- Chris Minor will demonstrate printmaking techniques on Thursday, Oct. 19 from 5 – 8 p.m.
- Discounts and Benefits
- 10% off at ARTspot for the duration of the Challenge. This includes everything in the ARTSpot inventory except clearance items. Yup, (says Tracy), you get the discount from the time you sign up through Tuesday, Oct. 31.
- On Tuesday, Oct. 31, 5 – 8 p.m. all of Edmonds will celebrate Halloween! It’s tradition! Literally thousands of people of all ages dress up (or not) and descend upon downtown Edmonds to trick-or-treat. If you love Halloween, this is for you!
- Inktober is a family friendly event.
— By Emily Hill
Emily Hill is the author of two novels and a short story collection. Emily is retired from a career in public information and news media relations. If you would like your event listed, or featured, in Artfully Edmonds, Emily invites you to contact her at (Caricature by Edmonds artist Doug Lofstrom)
Wow. What an amazing place to live – so much to do.