EPIC Group Writers has just completed installation of a book display at Edmonds Public Library as an initiative to coincide with the Write On The Sound (WOTS) writer’s conference, which takes place in Edmonds the first weekend of October.
The display, curated and designed by EPIC members Vivian Murray and Judith Works, is comprised of books by local authors, and represents an impressive display of the literary legacy of Edmonds-area authors.
“It was so fun to set up,” says Works, who has just received word this week that her book, Coins In the Fountain, is on the short list of semi-finalists for the Journey 2017 Book Awards in the category narrative non-fiction.
Readers can follow the achievements of all of the EPIC Group writers at the organization’s Facebook page or official website.
Books by the following authors are included in the library’s display case:
Vin Carver A Split in Time
Molly Charles Passion Flowers
Nicki Chen Tiger Tail Soup
Lisa Constantino Maiden’s Veil
Kristina Marie Dizard Remnants
Paddy Eger Letters To Follow
Lehne Ferges Images of America – Lopez Island
Mindy Halleck Return to Sender
Anne Marie Heckt A Cradle In the Waves
Brandon M Herbert Walking Wolf Road
Linda Lee Hope Silver River Secrets
Kizzie Jones A Tall Tale About a Long Short Dog: Spanish
Gloria MacKay Time Lines
Gloria MacKay Throwing Sticks And Skipping Stones
Laura Moe Breakfast With Neruda
Diane Noble Evangeline Takes Flight
William Stuck The Elements of Style
Timothy Trimble Air Born
Dorothy Van Soest At the Center
Kim Votry My Own Magic
Sandra Walker Little Merchants
Judith Works Coins In the Fountain
John L. Wright Bumping Against the Glass
Many thanks to all the authors who participated. I’m sure there are many more in Edmonds.
Also, thanks to the wonderful librarians at our library to provided the old typewriters – it was such fun to add them to the display. If you are interested in purchasing any of the books please check with the Edmonds Bookshop.