Edmonds pioneers reconnect, reminisce and reacquaint at annual Old Settlers’ Picnic
Posted: August 12, 2018 962
More than 40 long-time residents gathered Sunday at Edmonds City Park for the 119th annual Old Settlers’ Picnic.
Senior member at the event was the ever lively, animated and engaging Helen Clousten, who will turn 104 later this summer.
During the 2018 Old Settlers Picnic, Long-time area resident, historian and author Betty Lou Gaeng points to her photo in the 1945 Edmonds High School graduating class.
Old newspaper clippings, photos and memorabilia scattered on the tables jogged plenty of memories for picnic participants.
Betty Lou Gaeng and daughter Marilyn Fussner Courtade at the Old Settler’s picnic I August 2018. (File photo by Larry Vogel)
Event organizer Chris Deiner-Carr (R) has been pulling the Old Settlers’ Picnic together for the past four years, having inherited the job from Karl Stadler (L) who said he’s done it for “15 or 20 years, I think.”
Picnic participants share memories of old friends from their high school days.
More than 40 long-time residents gathered Sunday at City Park to share memories, laughs and good times at the annual Edmonds Old Settlers’ Picnic.
A tradition stretching back 119 years, the first Old Settlers’ Picnic was held in 1899. It pre-dates even the senior member present at Sunday’s event, Helen Clousten, who will turn 104 later this summer.
Amid tables scattered with potluck food offerings, old newspaper clippings, high school yearbooks, photos and sundry memorabilia, participants spent the day laughing, hugging and sharing stories of times past, friends, teachers, classmates and the events that shaped our town.
For more information on the event, see Betty Lou Gaeng’s recent article in My Edmonds Newshere.
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