Hekinan delegates arrive to mark 30 years of Edmonds Sister City ties

It was a festive afternoon at the Harbor Square Best Western Monday as a 20-member delegation from Hekinan, Japan arrived to honor their city’s 30-year sister city relationship with Edmonds.

The delegation included Hekinan Mayor Masanobu Negita, several city officials,  members of Hekinan Sister City Association, and citizens.  On hand to greet them were Mayor Dave Earling, City Councilmembers Buckshnis, Mesaros and Tibbott, members of the Edmonds Sister City Commission, several department heads and interested citizens.

“This is a special time for us,” said Earling.  “Over the years many of us have come to know each other as friends. It’s such a thrill for me to be celebrating the 30th year of this wonderful relationship between Edmonds and Hekinan.”

Earling was followed by Hekinan Mayor Negita, who addressed the group in English.

“On behalf of Hekinan City, it is an honor and a pleasure to meet you all again,” he remarked. “We sincerely appreciate the efforts of the City of Edmonds, Mayor Earling, the commission, and all Edmonds citizens for this successful relationship, and I look forward to our continued exchange, and to some very special times on this visit.”

The delegates are looking forward to a full week of events including a visit to LaConner, a tour of the Tulalip Tribes Hibulb Cultural Center, a day in Olympia and much more. The delegation is particularly looking forward to spending Wednesday evening celebrating Halloween Edmonds style, and are preparing some special costumes for the event.

Learn more about the Edmonds-Hekinan sister city relationship at the Sister City Commission webpage.

— Story and photos by Larry Vogel

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