Letter to the editor: ACE has concerns about housing strategy


The Alliance of Citizens for Edmonds (ACE) has reviewed in detail the Mayor’s housing strategy as it was presented in July 2018. We have developed many recommendations and comments.

ACE has concerns about the housing strategy adversely impacting building heights and density, disruption of single-family residential areas, including parking impacts, and other. There are some aspects of the plan that ACE could support, such as evaluation of land suitable for new affordable housing development. And there are some aspects of the plan that warrant more evaluation and data from the City before ACE could support, such as proposals to allow more flexibility in accessory dwelling units. There are also potential hidden costs, service and tax impacts to citizens of Edmonds that must be openly addressed by the City as part of this process.

Go to https://aceedmonds.org/news-blog/ for the detailed comments developed by ACE on the Housing Strategy and recently submitted to City Council, Mayor Earling and Development Services Director Shane Hope.

In light of strong opposition heard at various community meetings we believe it very important for the City to actively reach-out to the larger Edmonds community for open comment and input. ACE looks forward to being a part of this process moving forward.

John Reed, on behalf of
The Alliance of Citizens for Edmonds (ACE)


  1. Great letter and good observations John. Finally some sanity (and sadly I include myself in the insanity part of the equation) in this whole Edmond’s Housing dust up. I’m glad Edmonds has you and the ACE organization to help Edmonds navigate thru the stormy waters of housing issues, really facing the whole country, not just Edmonds. You and your organization appear to be dealing in facts, figures and possible outcomes of the various strategies. There will be no easy answers based on ideology or wishful thinking. Your point as to hidden costs is well taken from both sides of the issue I think. The hidden costs as things stand now are staggering in Edmonds and beyond. Good luck and wish I had some brilliant answers for you. Clint

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