The Edmonds Diversity Commission marked its third anniversary during its Dec. 5 monthly meeting.
During public comments, a representative from the Edmonds Arts Commission announced that the commission is soliciting applications for an open commissioner seat. They are especially interested in any candidates who can bring diverse perspectives to the commission.
The vast majority of the meeting was spent interviewing candidates for the commission seat soon to be vacated by Chair Diana White. White has served the Edmonds Diversity Commission with the same dedication and enthusiasm as she does her other community involvement, including the school board and the Hazel Miller Foundation. The commission thanked her for all of her hard work (and for the fresh-baked brownies she brought to the meeting).
Four incredibly qualified candidates were interviewed for the position, and although a very difficult choice, the commission selected Melinda Woods to serve a three-year term. The commission’s recommendation will be forwarded to the Edmonds City Council for approval during a January meeting. In addition, the commission recommended the reappointment of Commissioners Donnie Griffin and Sarah Mixson.
In the city update, City Council liaison Adrienne Fraley-Monillas reported that the city is still looking for additional applicants for the to-be-formed Edmonds Youth Commission, and added that several commissions, including the Diversity Commission, are still seeking youth members or student representatives. Any interested residents between the ages of 16 and 24 should contact the City of Edmonds.
Fraley-Monillas also reported that the City’s 2019 budget process is ongoing, but that the recommendation is to approve the commission’s requests for the same budget as 2018 ($5,500). The commission had requested a half-time employee to support ongoing efforts, and the city is recommending contract support at the level of 30 hours per month.
The events subcommittee will be coordinating with the Communities of Color Coalition (CCC) to present at its upcoming Race Conference on April 20, 2019. The conference will feature multiple speakers, including Robin DiAngelo.
Commission members are also engaging with the upcoming Tribute to Martin Luther King Jr. at Edmonds Center for the Arts on Jan. 21, 2019. Events will be held at ECA in the morning (10 a.m. to noon) for children and community members at no cost, while the evening program (starting at 7:30 p.m.) will include storytelling by Dr. Gloria Burgess and several musical presentations. Tickets for the evening program are $10.
Finally, the partnerships subcommittee discussed progress in the proposed alliance with the CCC for a project important to the Edmonds community. A storytelling blog project is currently being reviewed and will be evaluated once the budget is complete and the commission is fully seated in 2019.
The first meeting of 2019 will be held on Wednesday, Jan. 9 instead of Jan. 2, to accommodate other city meetings. The Edmonds Diversity Commission typically holds its public meetings on the first Wednesday of every month (6- 8 p.m.) at the Edmonds Senior Center. Check the webpage for dates and locations.
Information about the meetings, city-sponsored and other diversity events in Edmonds, and resources for issues related to diversity and inclusion can be found at the Commission’s webpage:
— By Maria Montalvo, Edmonds Diversity Commission
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