Sponsor spotlight: Alaska was lucky — we may not be

Damage in Alaska, courtesy U.S. Geological Survey.

Although scary,  Alaska fared relatively well after its recent 7.0 earthquake. Experts indicate that geologically, Alaska lucked out due to the depth of the earthquake. Had it been shallower, the devastation and losses would have been far greater.

Updated building requirements in Alaska were also credited in preventing more destruction and loss of life.

Unfortunately California and the Pacific Northwest have not addressed building codes with the same rigor as Alaska. Combined with a much greater population density, damage could be much more severe.

Personal lines specialist Tracy Lake of Edmonds-based All Insurance Services Inc. has extensive knowledge and relationships with leading earthquake carriers. As soon as a shaker starts down the coast (Canada), insurance companies are going to put a moratorium on writing new policies. Don’t get caught without.

— Sponsored by All Insurance Services, Inc.