The two suspects arrested in connection with the shooting death of a 23-year-old SeaTac man outside the Edmonds Senior Center around midnight Dec. 14 are out of jail.
According to the Snohomish County Prosecutor’s office, the 21-year-old South Seattle driver of the vehicle that sped away from the shooting scene was released from Snohomish County Jail Monday, Dec. 17 after he posted $10,000 bail. The shooting suspect, a 21-year-old SeaTac man being held on $1 million bail, was released Tuesday evening, Dec. 18, after prosecutors didn’t file formal charges.
The prosecutor’s office declined further comment on the case, stating that the shooting investigation being conducted by Edmonds police is still ongoing.
According to police, the shooting happened in connection with a private party attended by an estimated 100 individuals at the senior center, located at 220 Railroad Ave. An Edmonds police officer was on the scene monitoring the party at the time; police had been dispatched twice earlier that night in response to noise complaints.
Just before midnight, that officer heard a series of gunshots coming from the west side of the senior center building, and shortly after witnessed three suspects (one female and two males) running around the northwest side of the building into the parking lot. The officer observed one suspect “attempting to stuff and conceal an item in the front waistband of his pants,” which “based on his training and experience…was likely a gun,” police documents said.
The officer challenged the suspects, but they ignored him, entering a vehicle and attempting to leave the parking lot via the south entrance. The officer reported that he then yelled “Edmonds Police, stop!” after which the driver took off, reaching speeds in excess of 80 mph on Highway 104/Edmonds Way toward Westgate.
Traffic congestion caused the vehicle to stop in the 10100 block of Edmonds Way, after which several officers removed the suspects from the vehicle and searched the car.
No weapon was found in the vehicle, police said.
The three suspects were taken to the Edmonds police station for questioning, where all professed no involvement in the shooting.
Based on police reports, the two men were transferred and booked into the Snohomish County jail, where one was held on probable cause of second-degree murder, and the other for attempting to elude police. A third suspect was released.
Officers found the gunshot victim in the grassy area to the west of senior center thrift shop with an apparent bullet wound to the chest. Attempts to revive him were unsuccessful, and the victim died at the scene.
Officers interviewed at least three other potential witnesses who were present at the party. According to police documents, one of them identified himself as the brother of the deceased victim and said he witnessed the suspect shoot the victim in the chest.
Why no names? Who was the victim? Who is being held for this shooting? $1,000,000 bail, then release? No mug shot photos? What party was being held at the “Senior Center”? Who rented the Senior Center? Why would people from Sea-Tac come to Edmonds for their party? It sounds like the victim, and suspects are all 21 yrs old and over, why is no information given? A person apparently was shot, he died; a person got in his car and sped away after the police told them to stop. Is this a murder? But absolutely no pertinent information is given, why?
Our policy – like that of most media outlets – is to not name suspects in a crime until they are charged. They have been let go and as of now have not been charged. As for the victim, that ID comes from the medical examiner and it has not yet been released. There has been information shared in these comments on the original report (if anyone cares to read through them all) about possible local connections of the party to the senior center. We quoted the senior center director as saying he will not comment further on the details as long as the police investigation is continuing, which it is.
MEN, you are doing a great job with a difficult story. Please keep it up.
Very professional. No rumors, no bias, no fake news, just facts.
I just wish the MSM was half as good.
So why bother to even publish a “story”? Senior Center which is subsidized by tax dollars has no comment. Police apparently have no comment. Medical Examiner has no comment. People drove off from the police when told to stop, but again, the police have no comment. “Most media outlets”, that cover an event like this give more information. This is a story that could have been in the “Twilight Zone”, it could have been called the Murder That Never Was.
Good grief, settle down.
Thank you for the update . Like many I am curious to know more, but respect the limitations you are held to. I believe the fact the suspect was released without bail and without charges being filed is ” the story.” I’m sure when you have more it will be published.
The story clearly states, “the suspect was released on $10,000 bail.” This means the bail was set at one million dollars. That means if the guy disappears, the bail bond company is out one million dollars. A crime can’t be charged until all preliminary investigation is done and the known facts are in. Statements like above are why rumors get started and believed. This isn’t CSI on television with instant answers. It’s called real life.
Wouldn’t the bail bond amount be $100,000.00 for the person that put up $10,000.00? I am not really familiar with bail bonds but I understood the amount was 10 % of the bond.
“the suspect was released on $10,000 bail.” This means the bail was set at one million dollars. ”
I don’t understand this, can you clarify?
$10,000 is 10 percent of $100,000.00 not $1,000,000.00. $100,000.00 is 10 percent of 1 million dollars. I understood when a person posted a bond, they pay 10 percent. So the person with a one million bail bond would have to pay $100,000.00 not $10,000…unless the bonding agency lets people out for one percent which they very well could. Or we are discussing two individuals with two different bond amounts….
The driver of the car was released on the $10,000 bail. “The shooting suspect, a 21-year-old SeaTac man being held on $1 million bail, was released Tuesday evening, Dec. 18, after prosecutors didn’t file formal charges.” There were two people arrested that night.
Makes me wonder how fast both the suspects got the money and were both released. If they are over 21 don’t you have to release names? I too wonder why more information was not given out? was it gang related? I never saw the information regarding how the people were related to the senior center. Also, how many adults were at the party? I didn’t see any information regarding that. I had no idea the area they rented could hold over 100? Was alcohol in the building? Many small questions need answers. What is the process the senior center went through to book the event? It is our tax dollars and we do deserve better answers.
Joy, the Senior Center has two rooms that can be rented for events. If there is alcohol, then the person who reserves the room has to get a banquet license from the state. Having said that, there may have been alcohol there with or without the knowledge of the people who reserved the room. I had a Celebration of Life there in October for my husband. We had well over 100 people as the room on the ground level can hold up to 200 people. I did not choose to have alcohol so I did not get a banquet license from the state. The people at the Senior Center were very helpful in getting this all arranged for me. I paid a rental fee and we set up the tables and chairs and put them all away after the event. It was a wonderful place to say goodbye to my husband.
Let the police investigation continue. There is no conspiracy or ‘hiding info’. Law enforcement is following protocol.
Go to church and thank God for your life and what blessings you have.
Merry Christmas!
The story says a bail of $10,000 was posted. It does not say a bail bond was posted it says bail was posted. This person was arrested for alluding officers. No mention is made that charges were filed for alluding officers but logically charges were filed, thus bail was set and paid.
With no charges filed for the alleged shooter then release was proper. As the investigation moves forward and if more evidence is found charges may be filed in the future.
The driver of the car was released after paying the $10,000 bail. “The shooting suspect, a 21-year-old SeaTac man being held on $1 million bail, was released Tuesday evening, Dec. 18, after prosecutors didn’t file formal charges.” These are two different individuals. My question is why didn’t the prosecutors file formal charges? Was there not enough evidence to file the charges? And since the investigation is ongoing, maybe there will be charges filed. However, since the individual has been released, is he a flight risk? I am sure that once the investigation is concluded there will be more answers and maybe even more questions.
Thank you for your professional reporting, Teresa. If information was released by anyone and it was only speculative, etc. it could compromise any future legal action. The police need to be given time to complete their investigation. The case may be more complicated than it appears.
I don’t think you guys have it right. As the story is written… The driver was charged and bailed out for $10k for alluding the cops. The suspected shooter was simply released as the prosecutor did not file charges…in spite of a witness identifying the suspect as the shooter. Lots more going on here that is being said.
Thanks Clint, Dave, Julia, Joy et al. for your questions and comments.
Yes, these legal machinations can be confusing. The following represents my understanding of the situation.
In researching this article, I spoke directly to the Snohomish County Prosecutor’s Office on several occasions, most recently on Wednesday afternoon.
First some background on how this works:
When people are arrested and jailed on probable cause, they can be held no more than 72 hours. Within that time the prosecutor must either a) file formal charges, or b) present sufficient evidence in court to support formal charges, and request that the suspect be held while these charges are prepared. In the latter case the judge will set a dismissal date, usually about a week out, to give prosecutors time to prepare charges. If the suspect is not charged by the dismissal date, he/she will be released and/or the charges reduced to misdemeanors.
In this case, the person who drove the getaway car was booked into the Snohomish County Jail on probable cause of attempting to elude police, with bail set at $10,000. Note that he was not yet charged with this crime, but was being held while the investigation proceeded and depending on the strength of the evidence, prosecutors may or may not prepare formal charges. The driver posted $10,000 bail and was released at 10:08 pm on Monday, 12/17.
Same deal with the suspected shooter, except that he was booked on probable cause for second-degree murder, and bail was set at $1 million. According to the prosecutor’s spokesperson, based on the evidence in their hands at that time, the prosecutors chose not to bring charges immediately, but rather wait on this decision pending additional evidence emerging from the ongoing investigation into the crime by Edmonds Police. The 72-hour clock ran out, and the suspect was released at 7 pm Tuesday, December 18.
When releasing a suspect on bail, the court generally sets conditions such as not leaving town, not using alcohol, not possessing a firearm, etc. The spokesperson from the prosecutor’s office had no information on the conditions imposed by the court on either of these suspects.
And in response to questions about the amounts posted, here’s some additional background:
First, the difference between bail and bond.
Bail is the amount set by the court that a suspect must post if he/she is to be released, as surety that the suspect will show up for arraignment, etc. The court may specify that bail must be posted from the suspects personal piggy bank (in cases of certain egregious crimes and/or if there is a significant flight risk), or the court may allow the suspect to post bond by going through a private bonding agency.
Bonding agencies typically require 10-15 percent upfront plus collateral (jewelry, cars, homes…anything of value) to secure the remainder. The agency then pledges the full amount to the court and the suspect goes free. If the suspect forfeits bail (skips town), the agency keeps the collateral and pays the court the full amount of the bail. The 10-15 percent upfront goes to the agency in any case, as its fee for providing surety to the court.
Note that the court has nothing to do with the bonding agency. The court sets the bail amount, and either the suspect posts it or stays in jail. If the suspect doesn’t have or doesn’t want to post the full amount, he/she can contract with the bonding agency provided the court allows. This contract is entirely separate and independent of the court.
And please bear in mind that I’m not a lawyer, I’m just your news reporter and this is my understanding of how this works.
Full explanation of all this is here:
Thank you Larry for such a great description!
Larry is on it. People criticize out bond system, and there is areas for reform, but it works. Plea Bargaining, however, needs a near total reform.
Larry, thank you for all the new info and the excellent job of reporting. As a news junkie I can’t tell how impressed I am with MEN. I hope you guys win some journalism prizes soon. You deserve it.
Also thanks for the great website for allowing so much reader comment.
Hello Larry,
Hope I’m correct. Are you the reporter following this case? If so can you please come join us this Friday December 21st for the visual, candlelight? Please read my comment I left on here and also feel free to contact me.
Thank you,
Darlene Hampton
I am very upset! I am the Godmom/mom of the deceased victim. My son was randomly selected by punks with pistols who wanted to act hard and gain and get brownie points from their crew. After speaking to eyewitnesses, my friend’s son and my daughter’s friend I learned my son was standing off to the side in the corner as a pointless group fight was going on for no reasons. Two young mean approached my son got him on the ground and was beating him up as a 3 person walked up got on top off him and shot him five times like he was just a nothing. He then got up and just kept shooting on his way to the car. I need the publics help. These young adults need to lay down the guns, stop the violence and realize life matters. My son was 23! He was a wonderful son, brother, father……..he leaves behind his one and three-year-old, son. This was not gang related my son didn’t do that. This was a simple act of ignorance. I’m asking the public to please come and support me, friends and family at the senior center he was murdered at this Friday December 21 @ 7 pm for a candlelight and to promote justice. Please bring an orange or black balloon to let go and a candle and wear something black or orange. Your support is needed. Less work together to stop the violence.
My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family during this time. Such a tragedy.
Darlene, very sorry about this situation. By your description it does sound gang related, like a jumping-in or initiation via committing a crime. This doesn’t sound like a random act of violence like knock-out game, with guns. This is heavy, for this area especially. Stay strong.
So sorry for the death of your Godson Darlene. If I were in town, I would gladly attend your vigil. I do not pretend to understand all this alienation, violence and polarization in our society. I’m 73 years old and graduated High School in Edmonds. There were teen alcohol parties and fights between social groups and bullying of the “out group” kids then as now. I was bullied myself in the 9th. grade by “in group” kids just because I was the new kid in town and needed to be put in my place I guess. One thing we didn’t have then, was a bunch of people carrying loaded firearms. Firearms and drugs/alcohol are a bad combination anywhere and everywhere. This nation has a huge problem with contempt for the rule of law and our institutions coming from the highest places and the lowest. With computers and spyware, large corporations spy on us to try to sell us the next popular widget or insurance we probably don’t need or want. We let other nations help determine who we vote for thru social contact websites and false postings. We are in big trouble and I pray for us everyday. I’m trying to get all the “isms” and “ideologies” and easy answers out of my feeble old head. Just trying to love my fellow man. As you know, it isn’t easy. Clint
Larry, I am so I didn’t give you credit in my comment. I thought Teresa had done the reporting. You have done a fantastic job with a difficult situation. And Darlene, I am so sorry for your loss. What a tragedy.
No apologies necessary, Dorothy. We’re a team over here at My Edmonds News, and much of what you read here wouldn’t happen without a lot of collaboration.
A huge problem in some communities is that witnesses won’t cooperate with the police. If these guys were already released, even on bail, chances are EPD’s job is made more difficult than need be. Guessing that if anybody actually fingered the guys that did this, they’d still be in jail. Speculation only, and I could be wrong, we’re seeing first hand why police in Chicago, Baltimore, Ferguson have such a difficult job, why this is so common there. There’s a culture to not speak up for lives that matter.
The gofundme page(s) for the young adults who trespassed at Harvey’s raised thousands of dollars. In comparison, the gofundme for dad that was shot at the Senior Center has only about $170 in it. There isn’t a gofundme for the African Immigrant who was beat up by a panhandler on the 4th of July. There were op-eds written over a BLM sign that was thought to have been stolen, but was more likely blown away via wind. What is the formula that triggers grandstanding and outrage from our left-leaning community? I’m grandstanding- it’s a character flaw. Persuasively, I’m trying to say that there’s a lot of people pretending to be woke democrats who are really silent on tangible issues in Edmonds that are supposedly in their wheelhouse. The moron who spit on a lady’s car at McDonalds got a lot of attention. Has everyone who had the [Mueller-]-time to protest Trump’s AG appointment outside PCC also donated to the gofundme of the black man [the dad] who was shot here in town?
What are you babbling about? You’re so focused on the evil left-leaning Americans that you don’t realize you’ve really lost touch with reality. Take care of each other. Trump’s isolated, alone and with a finger on the button.
Answering your question about what I’m babbling about, some of us who peddle in certain politics that appropriate POC, won’t throw in when there’s a POC who legitimately needs help. Some people are more concerned with what I said about their politics than what actually happened to a dad. I reverse-virtue signaled.
I sure wish all you “left leaners” and “Democrats” in Edmonds would wake up and see that you are the root of all these problems we are having. If you all just went away, Edmonds would be wonderful again. I’m sure of it. So many labels and so much finger pointing. Boy we seem to be good at that stuff.
I virtue signaled. It isnt nice to be on the other side of it. All that said poorly, it can be objectively said thst the Civil Rights movement needs a reboot, since it has digressed a lot since Democrats jumped in front of the parade. Raise your hand if anyone thinks the Civil Rights movement has worked the way Democrats champion it. MLK was shot by democrats and people followed Jesse Jackson instead of Abernathy. Now we’re here.
I have finally seen the error of my ways. Having lived in Edmonds for 57 years, I now realize that I am the root of all of Edmonds’ problems. Can you advise me where I ought to go? As I’m 70, I need to move soon, while I still can. I’m sure going to miss my walks here, and my friends and favorite Edmonds safely in the hands of the “right leaning” with their wonderful “Republican” ways. I’m also going to wear mittens from now on, to avoid finger-pointing. Thank you for setting me on the path of virtue. I realise now that diversity of opinion is a snare and a trap.
The victim is my baby brother and I respect the fact that his name isn’t blasted all over the internet. My brother is a good man with a heart of gold and didnt deserve to go like this. His sons miss him, his sisters, brothers and the ones who became his family. Fly High baby brother we love and miss you so much.
Tia, incredibly sorry to hear about your brother. Him being a dad really affects me. Feel free to contact me at if there’s anything we can do.