Reminder: City meeting on housing issues set for Jan. 10 at Swedish Edmonds

An informational meeting on housing issues in Edmonds is scheduled for Thursday, Jan. 10 from 7-8:30 p.m. in the Swedish Edmonds Hospital Conference Room, 21601 76th Ave. W., Edmonds.

The meeting will be similar to the one held Dec. 3 at the Edmonds Library. It will include a short presentation on housing developments, the use of multifamily tax exemption and the status of a draft housing strategy, along with questions from the audience and responses from Edmonds Mayor Dave Earling and city staff.

“We believe the community is looking for information, as well as expressing ideas about housing needs for the future,” Earling said. This particular session is being held outside the Edmonds Bowl to provide more geographic diversity, he added.

An initial draft housing strategy was released this summer and generated a wide range of comments and questions.  The strategy is now on hold until it can be determined whether or how to continue the effort, the city said in an announcement.


    1. I agree with you. I have lived here since the early seventies and it has never been this bad. We used to call homeless people bums back in the day. Now it’s as though many are proud to be homeless I have had someone tell me that they were proud to be homeless they don’t have to work and all they need is their cell phone. It’s really sad. I wish the laws would get tougher in our city. Regarding homelessness.

  1. The mayor will have an eye opening session. He is right that moving these meetings outside of the bowl will provide diversity of opinion. Those in the bowl are happy to be altruistic and serve the so called poor so long as it is done outside the bowl. They are seeking to use public funds to serve their own political and social ideals but keeping their property and lifestyle without negative impact. The church project on 236th and 84th is a perfect example. The crime is already climbing as the do gooders who live elsewhere invite drug use and car camping to a neighborhood in which they do not live. Those of us who cannot afford the bowl are stuck with the mess so they can feel righteous. When 90+ “families” bring their drugs and crime in who will suffer? The nearby residents while the bowl dwellers will go on with climbing property values and a their lily white lifestyles. Not only will we pay as victims of crime and lose property values but our utility rates will sky rocket as the PUD and Olympic View Water are overwhelmed with new connections and users who do not pay.

  2. Why are the Church and City using companies and entities from outside the City for housing construction? The cost per foot for blockables is outrageous. A group that wants to assist working people but goes out to for profit companies looking to go public and partners with a non-profit that pays their CEO double the median wage! I am sure the City politicians and administrators all have a piece of the action whether stick options, re-zoned real estate or job security keeping people just on the edge of poverty it us the same old corrupt machine of slum lords, investors and corrupt politicians.

  3. The ceo of compass is a liar. At the library meeting she was “selling it” (blokables) as housing for people with 80% ami – average median income. We called her out on it and she modified her lie this time to 60%. The company’s tax form proved otherwise- most 50% OR LESS. She tried to market it as families with children. Then why do they need a social worker on site to care for people with drug problems and mental health issues? That really gets to the heart of the issue because people are not required to get help-they can refuse it. That’s enabling and not helping.

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