A public hearing and possible action on a proposal to ban non-compostable food service containers in Edmonds is on the Edmonds City Council agenda Tuesday night, Jan. 15
The proposed ordinance, introduced by Edmonds City Councilmember Adrienne Fraley-Monillas, notes that non-compostable food service containers “break down into smaller pieces but do not fully biodegrade, and are polluting the Puget Sound and other area waterways.” As proposed, the ordinance would take effect in 2020, which would allow time for business owners to use up their supply of non-compostable containers.
As defined, the containers include “all plates, trays, cups, lids, bowls, cartons, portion cups, condiment packets, deli rounds, and hinged or lidded containers (clamshells) on or in which any raw, prepared or cooked foods or beverages are placed or packaged or intended to be placed or packaged and designed for one-time use.”
The council will also hear three presentations: An update from Sound Transit, and reports from the Snohomish County Prosecuting Attorney and the City of Edmonds Prosecutor’s Office.
And the council will learn more about the city’s plans to address how to incorporate requirements for small cell wireless standards into the city code.
The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Public Safety Complex, 250 5th Ave. N. You can see the complete agenda here.
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