Scene in Edmonds: Sign on Sunset

Mike Echelbarger spotted this sign on Sunset Avenue Thursday morning — . perhaps a tongue-in-cheek reference to the Edmonds Waterfront Connector project? The overpass is aimed at providing emergency access over the railroad tracks via a 16-foot wide, single-lane roadway linking Sunset Avenue at Edmonds Street to Brackett’s Landing Park.
  1. This project is not needed in Edmonds at all! It would be as a ‘viaduct’ cutting off unrestricted
    flow of folks moving along Sunset Avenue, it is a boondoggle of a project overall, and it just
    is not wanted or needed. The sooner the Mayor just drops the plan, the better for us all. Thanks.

    1. I tend to agree with you, Jim. Isn’t this project based entirely upon a hypothetical need and not a demonstrated need?

  2. Why couldn’t this access be put at the south end of our waterfront, where the previously planned Ferry access and holding was to be? Anyone think of this? Wouldn’t this have been less costly and invasive idea? I’d think people would be much more agreeable to this idea.

  3. I completely agree with Jim Underhill. I have followed the development of the project over the past 2 years I’ve lived in Edmonds. I think the need for such an expensive and intrusive structure for medical emergency access is not a reasonable solution. I think the plan should be stopped.

  4. Just what Edmonds needs: more concrete on the beach. The real solution is to get the Trains to switch to ditributed drive where all the cars have electric motors on them and the now lighter engine is only a generator that powers all the cars. Then retool all the freight lines so that when they get near cities the tracks are in cut and cover tunnels and the trains can connect to the grid for power. In our State the tracks are removed from the beach. The route is switched at Monroe south along the eastside in tunnels to Renton. This will also help restore Puget Sounbd ecology by having a more natural beach and many of the smaller streams can be restored to support at least chum salmon and cutthroat trout. Elon Musk is driving down the cost of boring machines.

  5. Many strong opinions both oral and written were voiced by citizens regarding this project over the last several months. Some members on the council opted to approve it anyway.

    A refresher list of names and how they voted may be of interest to the readers.

  6. There have been people trapped for extended periods of time on the waterfront when trains have blocked all the exit streets. I think the last time a woman was in labor. They brought people out through one of the train cars. Yes, we need a plan to get EMP over there. Maybe start with at least a footbridge?

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