From the charm of downtown, to the events that build community, our breathtaking natural amenities, and watching children and grandchildren grow and thrive — one thing is for certain, love for Edmonds flows strong.
As Valentine’s Day approaches, here at Ed! we decided to publish a love letter to our city, from citizens in their own words.
“I moved to Edmonds from New York in 5th grade, 1980. Over the years, I’ve witnessed our small town evolve into a vibrant, increasingly diverse, multigenerational, environmentally friendly and socially conscious community. After decades away (moving out of state for college and marriage), we relocated back to Edmonds specifically to raise our children here. In fact, we both chose to live and work in Edmonds. The schools, the community feel, the beautiful Puget Sound and mountains, and most especially the warm community keep us here, where now, with two almost-grown children, we plan to retire.”
— Nichole Sargent
“Building sand castles by the ferry dock when my kids were little, counting the train cars that loudly rolled by while doing so. The excitement we all had when Revelations opened. So many Glazed and Amazedbirthday parties. Having the best Monte Cristo sandwich on the planet at Rusty Pelican while catching up with friends. Watching a toddler’s face light up just as brightly as the Christmas tree when Santa finally turns it on at the annual Tree Lighting. Munching on popcorn while my monster, lion, mummy or princess filled up their Halloween bag from so many generous businesses during the merchant walk. Seeing the artwork my kids and their friends have on display at the Art Festival. Taking them to their first Fun Factory class at Francis Anderson when they were two to taking homecoming photos of them on top of the library when they started high school. I’ve raised my kids here and even though one of them is heading off to college soon, I know when he comes back we can still walk on the beach and be excited to see starfish if the tide is out. Edmonds is a memory maker.”
— Andrea Wetzel
“Edmonds is home. The beach. The walkability. The safety. The variety of small businesses. I grew up here and so happy I am raising three kids here. We love it here.”
— Diane Mooney
“We moved to Edmonds from Seattle 18 years ago because it was affordable to buy a house. We loved the artistic feel of the downtown small businesses and the walkability which has only gotten better over time. Also recently being diagnosed with Celiac I can visit most any of the downtown Edmonds restaurants and have a safe gluten-free meal. Plus the views are unmatched with the waterfront, parks, and the ferry.”
— Martha Karl
“Edmonds is truly the ideal place for me, my family (wife and 13-year-old twin sons) as well as my business. I very much appreciate the community we live in because it is full of interesting and caring people who truly want to make our city (and world) better. I can’t imagine a better or more beautiful setting for my office than my current location on the waterfront – and the proximity it gives me to local organizations and businesses. I love living and working in Edmonds!”
— David Kaufer
“I love driving around a curve and seeing those gorgeous Olympic Mountains. The Frances Anderson Center and all the classes, SnoKing Sports, and so many activities for my kids when they were little. Then as they grew up, they can walk to downtown, the library, and meet friends. You don’t have to go to Seattle, you can get great arts and events here, plus fantastic dining out with all the new restaurants and great happy hours. Edmonds has spoiled us since we can walk right into a little village…hear the train, see the ferry and smell the sea.”
— Bethany Moore
“We love Edmonds for the small town feel in a big metro area. ‘Know your neighbor’ is an actual thing when you live in Edmonds…we play sports together, we eat together, and we play at the beach together.”
— Brandi Huff
“I have lived in Edmonds for 48 years and while much has grown and changed during that time, the heart of this town has always stayed the same. I moved to Edmonds in 1971 to raise my daughter. We now have two of our grandchildren attending the same high school she did. After retiring, we downsized to a condo right near downtown. We have a great time walking to the Farmer’s Market with neighbors, enjoying lunch at Girardi’s with friends, and love having our grandkids over to walk to dinner at Taki Tiki and then to a movie at the Edmonds Theater. I am proud to call Edmonds home!”
— Cher Shoup
There is no doubt that Edmonds is dear to our hearts for myriad reasons. As the season of love and romance is once again upon us, we have just one question: Edmonds, will you be our Valentine?
To learn more about the great businesses, shops, restaurants, and services in downtown Edmonds, please visit
Created by the Edmonds City Council in early 2013, the Edmonds Downtown Alliance (Ed!) is a focused, funded organization that supports and improves business conditions in Edmonds. With over 350 members, Ed! funds programs related to activities such as beautification, marketing, security, parking, clean-up or administration. For more information, we invite you to visit
— By Kelsey Foster, on behalf of Ed!
(Sponsored by the Edmonds Downtown Alliance)
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