The Edmonds snowmelt begins

As temperatures warmed slightly, snow began melting in Edmonds Tuesday. The city urged residents to clear out their storm drains to prevent blockages, which will help reduce flooding. See more information about that here.

The National Weather Service is predicting mostly sunny skies Wednesday, with a high near 38 degrees, and a slight chance of snow overnight. There is also a slight chance of snow Thursday morning, with rain and snow likely later in the day.  And more precipitation — mostly rain — later in the week.

  1. Although we pay Edmonds taxes (for over 25 years) we have yet to see a city sanding truck or plow after this latest round of snow! We have been unable to drive out of here and currently there is a truck stuck in the snow on our hill (2 days!!)
    When will we get out of here- still almost a foot of snow on the road! 71st and 165th Place

    1. We hardly ever get these kinds of conditions. In fact, it’s more than 50 years since we’ve had this much snow. Why pay for snowplows that would not be used for, quite literally, years at a time?

    2. The City is just now able to plow side roads and hills due to the accumulation of snow and slush. We will not put private property, our vehicles and most importantly the well being of our operators at risk if conditions are too risky. Your neighborhood has been added to the north end plow list and will see some attention shortly.

  2. In the Meadowdale neighborhood, the only streets I’ve seen touched by plow or sand are the ones that have yellow center lines. I assume those are the “arterials.” This morning my wife got stuck on 73rd Ave (not arterial) because the snow/slush came up to the chassis of her car.

    1. Ugh. 73rd Ave to 173rd St was a bad dream yesterday; this morning it’s a nightmare! Glad I didn’t have to go to work.

    2. Thank you city snow plows! I’ve lived in Edmonds for just 12 years, but until this afternoon I have never observed a snow plow come down 173rd St to 73rd Ave, even during the winter 2008 snow storm. We really appreciate your effort and the extra hours you had to put in these last two weeks.

      1. Your comment was noted earlier in the day and I made sure your address was added to the queue. The operators have a ‘system’ they work through to make sure arterials, connector roads and bus routes, etc are open first and as conditions allow they can begin reaching the neighborhoods. Getting to your neighborhood is a challenge to begin because of the hills and the reality of the ole’ what goes up must come down. And when you’re a giant dump truck with a plow and fully loaded with sand you really really want to come down safely! (for everyone’s benefit) We appreciate your patience in these unusual (for us PNW’s!) conditions. Thanks Jim and I’ll pass your comments on to the crews!

  3. We had 2 ft of snow over two days in 1996. I remember because it motivated my husband to buy a 4 wheel drive truck

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