City requests neighborhood input for 2019 Edmonds Traffic Calming Project

The City of Edmonds is requesting public input on the 2019 Traffic Calming Program.

The program has a budget of $20,000 to address speeding concerns and reduce cut-through traffic on streets where a problem can be documented. The program consists of a three-phase process:

– petition and review for qualification

– education/enforcement

– possible installation of traffic calming devices.

To have a location considered in the 2019 Traffic Calming Program, submit a citizen action request and neighborhood petition form to the city. Both forms can be found on the city’s website here. The petition must have supporting signatures from at least eight different households within the neighborhood.

City staff will evaluate each petition and determine if it qualifies for the Traffic Calming Program. Projects deemed qualified will be prioritized and pursued based on available funding.

In past years, the program has funded the installation of speed radar feedback signs, signing and pavement markings. Alternative solutions may be considered depending on location and the traffic

Forms must be submitted by March 7 to Bertrand Hauss, transportation engineer, either by email at or to Edmonds City Hall (Attn: Engineering Division), 121 5th Ave. N., Edmonds, WA 98020.

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