Local community organizer and longtime volunteer Laura Johnson announced Thursday that she is a candidate for Edmonds City Council Position 7.
She will face incumbent Neil Tibbott, who recently declared his intent to run for a second term.
Describing herself as a wife, mother and small business co-owner, Johnson said she chose to move to Edmonds because “I knew it was the perfect place to raise a family and I wanted to be a part of this community.”
“When I found myself unsatisfied with governmental decisions, I knew that if I was going to complain I should also be willing to do something to make a change,” she added.
Johnson has been a strong advocate for protecting and restoring the Edmonds Marsh and for legislation requiring safe storage of firearms. She also was a leader in opposing installation of tire crumb rubber infill on public playfields in Edmonds, citing public health and environmental concerns. As a result of work by Johnson and others, the Edmonds City Council placed a moratorium on further crumb rubber installation until current studies are completed.
Johnson serves as co-chair of the Edmonds Historic Preservation Commission, is co-lead for the Edmonds Group of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, a member of the Alliance for Gun Responsibility, and a founding member of the Edmonds Neighborhood Action Coalition.
“One of the most rewarding parts of my community-based work has been helping others become more civically engaged,’ she said. “With that in mind, I am committed to increasing the transparency and accessibility of our local government. I am also committed to thoughtful environmental stewardship and I will always keep in mind the future generations that will inherit the impacts of the decisions we make today.”
She said she has the early endorsements of former State Senator Maralyn Chase, Council President Adrienne Fraley-Monillas, School Board Director Carin Chase, Diversity Commission Vice Chair Anabel Hovig, Diversity Commissioner Mindy Woods and community organizer Courtney Wooten.
Her website is www.votelaurajohnson.com.
I am thrilled to see this news! Laura is a stellar candidate with a real heart for Edmonds. She will be an outstanding addition to City Council!
Laura is an informed and dedicated community activist who would be a great addition to the City Council.
Laura cares deeply about “who wins and who loses” in issues like the crumb rubber that is installed on playfields and is known to be toxic — especially for children. She is thoroughly honest and seeks reliable, accurate information on whatever issues interest her. She cares about protecting our natural resources more than many in government. It’s very courageous of her to step up to run for Edmonds City Council.
Do we really need a “activist?” I hear community organizer and cringe..
I would love to see a normal, God fearing, honest (no agenda) organized LEADER.
I don’t want someone coming into office to mimic Seattle’s terrible laws and tax collecting.
I want a leader that wants to listen to its people and NOT have their own agenda.
I don’t want someone coming into office that think the only issue Edmonds has is its building heights and Marsh.
Interesting comment. I wonder how we define “normal,” and “God-fearing.” What does it mean to have “no agenda”? I’m pretty sure most human beings have some sort of agenda, and I think you might be surprised at how many of us share the same agenda: to keep our families and communities healthy and prosperous for all.
You have very nicely described just some reasons why Neil Tibbott needs to be retained as our city councilmember.
Joy, what would make you think Laura isn’t a “leader” or “god fearing” or “normal”? I don’t see anything resembling leadership, Christian values, or normal about how our current American Constitution is being upheld to the same standards meant for the last 220 years.
Also, why on earth would you think she would bring Seattle’s laws into the picture? Is she from Seattle? The announcement says nothing about where she moved from.
I don’t usually bother bantering with people who make assumptions or leap before they look, but let’s give this brave woman a chance to run. A “community organizer” means someone who is willing to put in the time and effort to work hard for a community and to see it remains healthy.
What is “normal” to you (other than”God fearing”). Do tell!
Laura’s passion to be civically engaged and informed makes her an outstanding candidate. Her love for Edmonds is demonstrated by her volunteer work and commitment to the community.
Her passion for making Edmonds the best place to live for her family and others is authentic.
Edmonds is fortunate that Laura is willing to give her time and energy to work on the city council. She cares deeply about the quality of life in our community and will be a strong advocate for keeping it safe and welcoming.
Sue, the agenda should be what The people of Edmonds want for their community. no more no less.
Well, if Ron Wambolt and Joy Trevino oppose Ms. Johnson, that’s good enough for me – she has my vote! Go, Laura!
It seems like more important considerations should be, what do you not like about Neil Tibbott? Why do you have confidence that Laura will do an even better job than what Neil has done?
I don’t know personally either one..but I want a leader that does what its Constituents want.
Is that so outrageous??? Don, I don’t know who you are but if that is all it takes to get your vote..wow maybe you should move to Edmonds.
Normal to me would be someone who is level headed, doesn’t react or rule with emotion but with intelligence and wisdom. A common thinker. Someone you elect that doesn’t want to march to their own drum and not the people whom elected them.
Congratulations Laura! It is not easy entering the world of politics. You seem to be prepared every time you come forth for public comment. Good Luck!
Just look who is behind laura. Look at her PDC filing and who is running her campaign. One of the largest Democrat PACS out of Seattle, that is statewide and national.
Keep outside money out of Edmonds City Council races. This is supposed to be a non partisan.position.
Fred, are you saying you don’t know the difference between a political consultant and a political action committee (PAC)?
It seems to me that candidates like Laura Johnson who are conscientious enough to want to accurately complete PDC forms are the kind of informed and prepared candidates we want to be running for public office. If this takes hiring a consultant, then I say “bravo!” for candidates willing to do what it takes to get it right. I think it’s a preview of how Laura will approach issues in our community: by doing her research and consulting experts as needed, as well as listening to voices in the community. That’s the kind of leadership I want to elect.
Accurately completing PDC forms is mandatory; it is not optional as you make it sound.
It’s a little disconcerting to see the negative response to a qualified person announcing that she is running for office. If there is so much concern about this position being non-partisan, I wonder at what can only be described as attacks from people who appear to have partisan views. I hope this isn’t a sign of further nastiness to come. There is every reason to believe that Laura Johnson is dedicated to representing g the interests of all community members to the best of her ability.
This is such good news to hear that Laura is going to put her name forward for City Council. She is a committed and thoughtful community member. I really have appreciated her efforts on raising awareness on crumb rubber and its associated environmental and human health concerns.
I’m equally surprised to that some previously elected community members would cast a shadow on someone putting their name in the ring for any elected position. We are all better served to have candidates face an opponent, in an election process.
This is off of the BlueWave web site that is representing Laura.
“Blue Wave Political Partners, LLC is a political consulting firm, assisting in compliance and fundraising for Democratic candidates throughout the country. “
Again this is a non partisan position! Laura should make a pledge to represent the Edmonds voters and only raise money from Edmonds residents and not take any in kind contributions such as ads or mailers from organizations involved in politics.
What are her issue’s, will she lower our taxes? Inforce the current laws on the books or cherry pick?
Fund for more police protection? Make our town safer? Listen to all of the Edmonds tax payers, not just the organizations she belongs too? Will she uphold the whole “US Constitution” if elected??? The the 1st and 2nd amendments?
During my last 3 campaigns for office, i was self funded and would not accept any contributions or in kind donation for ad’s or mailers.
Mr. Gouge,
I imagine that Laura Johnson will correct the record for herself, but hiring a consultant is a very smart thing to do if you’re a first-time candidate. My campaign treasurer in 2018 was a Godsend. I would recommend her to any candidate, experienced or novice.
As for the non-partisan status of public races, your reference to “Democrat PACS” makes it absolutely obvious as to your party affiliation and you serve in at least two “non-partisan” positions in our community. (As a longtime English teacher, I trust that your use of a noun instead of an adjective (Democratic) was either intentional or as a result of longtime right-wing pollster, Frank Luntz’s messaging research. After he discovered that most people like the word, “Democratic,” the R’s switched all of their public pronouncements to “Democrat” as an adjective.) Political parties represent values. The decision to frame their messages from “Democratic” to “Democrat” was a purely political scheme. So much for non-partisanship; it’s really about values and goals.
I like the idea of getting your funds from Edmonds too. That way we know the issue are all about Edmonds and Edmonds voters.. Seems fair. So this again seems like Seattle is getting involved with this campaign? Why would they want to get involved with Edmonds?
Fred, I am sure you were relieved to hear that a PDC (Public Disclosure Commission) consultant is not the same as an outside PAC (Political Action Committee) so your fears of outside influence can be put to rest. I know you are glad to learn that Laura is doing everything she can to comply with campaign disclosure regulations as transparency in government is important to her.
You will also be delighted to learn details about who is running Laura’s campaign. She is. I am her campaign manager; I live in the City of Edmonds, and I pretend to be a valuable consultant while she does all of the hard work and heavy lifting.
Laura’s campaign is just about as grassroots as it comes. Last week, she “paid” me with a can of ginger-flavored sparkling water and a hamburger which her husband cooked on the grill. Both were very tasty and funded by Laura herself.
I am so glad you were able to afford to self-fund your campaigns in the past. Laura feels strongly that the voices of all people should be heard, not just the voices of those with money to pay for it.
Please reach out to me through Laura’s website http://www.votelaurajohnson.com/ if you wish to meet for coffee and discuss these important issues further.
Ms. Whitcomb
Misleading statements do not earn positive responses.
Mr. Wambolt
I suggest you read April Osbourne’s statement about public disclosure documents and Laura’s campaign “organization,” which is decidedly Edmonds-based. There is no reason to accuse me — or anyone else — of misleading statements when you are clearly one of the people creating an issue about Laura’s candidacy where none exists. You and your cohort sound intimidated by Laura’s bona fides, and I’m sure that’s not how you wish to come across.
Your comment that I reacted to: “It seems to me that candidates like Laura Johnson who are conscientious enough to want to accurately complete PDC forms” My reaction: “Accurately completing PDC forms is mandatory; it is not optional as you make it sound.”
I stand by my reaction.
Mr. Wambolt —
Good for you! Defending a position that nobody is disputing is SO important! Meanwhile, the world moves on with a candidate capable of bringing a fresh perspectives to the City Council.
All of us should go to the 3 Practices session on Saturday. Then try to use some of the techniques discussed would be helpful. I guess we are in for quite a political season. Just wait until all the candidates have filed and we will get a bunch of mud tossed around even with it is not raining.
I look forward to seeing you on Saturday, Darrol.
Not my turn in the Hot Seat, I did that last time.
Darrol..that’s what politics have always been, and thank heaven we live in a free country so people ask questions in debates and speeches.
Darrol..that’s what politics have always been, and thank heaven we live in a free country so people ask questions in debates and speeches.
Would be great to have you at the 3 Practices event on Saturday.
Hi Joy, I think you missed my point above. With all the barbs being tossed few are listening to each other to help us understand various points of view. I was suggesting that we could all gain from attending the 3 Practices session Sat. I also was making the point that at the last session I was selected by MEN to be the initial presenter on issues relating to affordable housing. Two minute opening remarks was hardly enough time to lay out some thoughts. The second step in the process was for any one to ask “I would be curious to know” questions to help folks try to understand each other. The session was to demonstrate the process and not try to solve the issue of Affordable Housing. Saturdays session will likely be similar but using Race as the topic. The communications methods discussed are want the session are all about. My point was we all could use a “tune up” on how to better communicate so we can understand each other.
Race? What does that have to do with the upcoming election? Why would I want to attend that? Off topic. Don’t like to chase rabbit holes. I want to stay in point who would be better to run Edmonds. We are all colors here.
Two folks who endorsed the candidate play a large role on the diversity commission. MEN encouraged folks to attend 3 Practices. I just suggested that attending the session would give us all more tools to help work together. These tools will help us sharpen our questions for all candidates. I want to elect someone who will listen to the people, is open and honest, base their decisions on facts, and are willing to work so we take care of basic services. The list goes on but candidates that practice the principals of the 3 Practices will do a better job for Edmonds than those who do not follow some of these practices. So I am guess I will not have the pleasure of meeting some of the folks who have commented above.
Darrol- I would definitely be there if I was not already obligated. Oddly enough, before this event was rescheduled I was already signed up for a weekend long “compassionate listening” workshop. Thank you for being in the hot seat last time.
Laura Johnson: Thank you for all you do for our community!