Edmonds School Board President Diana White won’t seek re-election 

Diana White

Diana White has announced she does not intend to seek re-election to her seat on the Edmonds School District Board of Directors when her current term expires in November. White has served as School Board Director representing District 5 since 2011, and is currently serving as Board President. 

“Serving on the school board over the past eight years has been extremely challenging and satisfying work and I hope my successor will find it equally fulfilling,” White said in a school district announcement. “My proudest accomplishment has been to provide leadership in the innovative work on district initiatives around diversity, equity, and inclusion.” 

White is an active volunteer serving in various capacities within the community. She and her husband are the parents of four children; one current student and three graduates of the Edmonds School District. Superintendent Kris McDuffy said she is grateful for the contributions that White has made during her eight years of service. 

“It has been such a pleasure working for and with Diana,” said McDuffy. “She is one of the most caring, committed and hard working individuals I’ve ever known. Her passion, clarity of purpose, and tenacity about doing the best job possible for this community have made such a difference! I know she will continue to use her gifts as a leader and community organizer into the future.” 

The election for the Director District 5 position will be held in November 2019. Candidates for this open four-year term must reside in Director District 5, and are required to file with Snohomish County during filing week, May 13-17. To determine in which district a community member resides, there are two maps available: 

In addition to the Director District 5 seat, four-year terms for Districts 1 and 3 will also be on the ballot in Edmonds School District in November. They are held by Directors Carin Chase and Gary Noble, respectively. 

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