A committee tasked with developing concepts to replace the aging Welcome to Downtown Edmonds sign on Highway 104 has come up with three new ideas, and the public is invited to comment on them at a Feb. 11 public meeting.
As of Friday, Feb. 8, no decision had been made to cancel the meeting due to the weather, but that could change on Monday, the city said.
The Gateway Sign Committee, composed of 10 individuals representing the community plus city staff, has been working with designer Clayton Moss to develop the concepts. After three committee meetings and one public open house, the Edmonds Gateway Sign Committee is moving ahead with the process for replacing the aging gateway sign for downtown Edmonds at SR 104 and 5th Ave South. The next public open house is scheduled for 6 p.m. Feb. 11 in the Edmonds Plaza Room, 650 Main St.
According to a city announcement, the committee has helped create criteria for the sign, reviewing functional and aesthetic elements. The committee has also been reviewing public comment gathered at the first open house on Nov. 29, and through an
online survey about design elements and sign types that reflect Edmonds.
The three concepts being developed reflect public comment and the guidance of the committee, the city said, but the work is still in progress. At the last committee meeting on Jan. 17, one post and panel design and two monument-style design concepts were reviewed by the committee, which are shown above with slight modifications
based on the committee’s suggestions.
“After an additional committee meeting this week, the draft concepts shown will be further developed,” the city announcement said. “The developed drawings will be presented at the Feb. 11 open house and the public is invited to attend and make comment.”
Being one of the folks to commented in a negative manner to the city’s first sign proposal, these these three concepts are a huge improvement! Thank-you for going back to the drawing board. Progress.
I agree!
I like #1. The others are too modern for traditional Downtown Edmonds.
I really like number 1. It really has class. It depicts the flavor of Edmonds.
I believe #1 looks the best to us
#1 definitely gets my vote.
A recurring concern I’ve heard expressed by citizens is a perception exists that downtown Edmonds is “Edmonds,” when our city is much more than the downtown area. If this sign is to be a gateway sign to the downtown area, consideration should be given to enlarging the word “downtown” to ensure the casual observer recognizes he or she is simply entering one of the many areas of Edmonds.
I cannot agree with you more, Dave.
It’s logical ‘Downtown’ should be the emphasis.
By the time you reach the sign, coming from I-5, for example, you’re already three miles into Edmonds.
Downtown is a section of Edmonds. It is not Edmonds.
Just ask those living in Seaview, Westgate, Firdale Village, 5 Corners, Maplewood, etc.
I am absolutely in favor of #2 & 3. 3 being my favorite. We are experiencing a period of growth drawing in younger people. It’s important we look to the future. Clayton has done a stellar job of guiding us with his innovations. I am a working artist. I love the artistic energy in 2 & 3. They represent vitality. Not at all stodgy.
Clayton, thank you for your hard work on behalf of Edmonds. I really like sign number two and look forward to it being our welcoming sign to residents and visitors as they enter our community. Please keep up the good work and thanks again for your support of Edmonds. Pat Shields
I like #2 or 3 #2 being my favorite. It is sleek and easy to read and reflects the new face of Edmonds. With our many new restaurants and emphasis on the Arts through the Cascadia Museum, the Edmonds Center for the Arts and the soon to be built Edmonds Waterfront Center, this sign is a good one for the upscale community that Edmonds has become.
The sign is set back from the road with a 40MPH speed limit, so in addition to just plain NOT liking #2, its text is too small and too long to be practical. I’d go for something along the lines of #1 or #3.
What will # 3 look like in winter? Backround will depend on plantings, or perhaps look ratty 6 months out of the year. This will requires more maintenance.
Like #1. Gives a feel for what visitors will see as they visit or wait in the ferry line.
I like #1 best, but I could live with any of these three options, honestly. I agree that “Downtown” should be bigger on #1. I’m not a fan of the “monument” type of sign unless stone/rock is tied to the character of the town. North Bend, Granite – those places are good places for a rock-themed sign. As Jeffrey Thompson pointed out, #1 shows something associated with what we actually have downtown, more than either of the others.
#1 gets my vote as well. #2 looks like a Mall Sign. #3 is not bad but does not reflect Edmonds’ spirit and Does not stand out.
I have to factor costs here too. It seems like City Leaders are bound and determined to spend $40k on a sign no matter what. SMH.
#1 and and # 3 are nice but the kerning is weird on #3 🙂 suggest using a different font for ‘downtown’ or match the keening to welcome