Next steps for city’s housing strategy among items on Feb. 19 council agenda

Next steps for developing an Edmonds housing strategy — including whether the city should set up a housing commission “representing the full geographic scope of the city” — will be discussed during the Tuesday, Feb. 19, Edmonds City Council meeting.

The council agenda notes concerns expressed by the public that the city is moving too aggressively in developing an affordable housing strategy, “and that more time is required to consider all feedback and to develop a plan that preserves Edmonds’ character and quality of life.”

During Tuesday night’s meeting, the council will be asked to establish some direction for next steps, including:

  • Whether the city’s Comprehensive Plan should be amended to extend the due date (now 2019) for development of a housing strategy, and if so, what should be the target due date?
  • Whether the Comprehensive Plan should revised to state the city will focus on “development of a housing options plan” rather than “develop a strategy for increasing the supply of affordable housing,” since the housing element of the Comprehensive Plan already contains strategic direction?
  • Whether a citizen Housing Commission should be established to work with city staff to develop affordable housing options recommendations that would be delivered to the council.
  • If such a Housing Commission is created, what would be the process for selecting members and what would be its mission?

Also on the council agenda are the following items:
– An Edmonds Marsh study update from Windward Environmental
– A public hearing on the council’s decision to extend the city’s moratorium on crumb rubber infill on public playfields.
– A presentation on a proposal to replace the city’s wastewater treatment plant sludge incinerator with a two-step process that creates a dried product that can be reused as a soil conditioner or amendment.
– A proposal to change the way committee meeting agendas are handled to enhance transparency.

The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. in the council chambers, Public Safety Complex, 250 5th Ave. N. You can see the complete agenda here.

  1. Part of any committee should be study and recommendation of rent control. Consider the average rent per square foot in the area is $1.20 – $1.30. But the Compass Housing low barrier project already approved will charge $700/month for 250 square feet or $2.80 per square foot. The housing is not affordable it is simply scaled down to fit the income levels where they can fleece the working poor and charge double. The cost per square foot to build here is around $375 for a custom home but the Compass project partner Blockables charges $200/sq ft. So if you are building for less why renting out for more? Look at the numbers and do the math. Enact real and fair policy don’t just line the pockets of the same elite rich.

  2. First step before selecting a new committee is to undo all actions done during, under and by the previous one. Namely the administrative rezoning undertaken for Edmonds Lutheran Church, Compass Housing and Blockables Inc. That action was done at the behest of people who did not and do not reside in Edmonds. This is the only way to regain voter and resident trust. Otherwise the new committee that will have no power and requires residency to be considered for membership highlights the appearance of a corrupt and non-democratic City administration.
    The new committee should be granted a broad mandate including studying the funding sources, investors, ownership stake and associations of any and all organizations taking part in projects that are granted tax exemptions, code deferrals and any other incentives by the City. Additionally, as the current zoning and City plans already exempt specific areas from being developed further or differently these areas should forgo representation on the committe in favor of additional representation from the areas most impacted. Finally no one who does not reside full time in a City of Edmonds located property should be appointed. Previous committee members, those involved in current projects (particularly those under scrutiny) should recuse themselves.

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