Updated at 9:48 a.m. Thursday with Sound Disposal information
Republic Services — which serves Edmonds residents outside of the downtown Bowl area — said Thursday morning it was planning to run Thursday residential routes with a one-hour delay.
“In the interest of safety for our customers and our drivers, there will likely be some neighborhoods that we are unable to service due to poor conditions,” said Republic Services’ Russell Joe. Those neighborhoods that are missed will be able to set out extra trash at no charge on their next collection day, he said.
The hauler serving the Edmonds Bowl — Sound Disposal — reported that they had to skip a few customers on Walnut Street between 7th and 9th, plus a couple of alleys due to icy conditions, City of Edmonds Recycling Coordinator Steve Fisher said. ” If icy conditions ease, they will attempt trying to get them picked up today or tomorrow. For now they are concentrating on their regular Thursday customers,” Fisher said.
Thank you for adding the time stamp to the garbage disposal notice. Because I usually read the e-mailed version of this news early in the morning, it helps me understand when to expect an updated and more current notice.