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Thank you Colleen and C’est la Vie !
You are very welcome!
*This* is the community I want to live in!
me too!
What store in Edmonds doesn’t do this?
I hope all the Edmond’s shop keepers follow your lead! I have lived in Edmonds 61 years! My home!
Great message. And, to top it off, they have the most unique and cool merchandise.
Big smiles, thank you
I love my City!!!
How lovely!
Thank you for this. It’s much appreciated. And please add disabilities because we’ve some challenges with disabilities here in Edmonds, too.
I am not certain why in the most liberal, and Democratic Party region of the country is a sign like this necessary. It is if you see this sign you have a safe place to run. Is it because we are so white in Edmonds that we somehow need to show the world that we are welcoming to all. How about just treating all your customers with respect. Edmonds needs to stop making the news with its crime and political hysteria from the left.
Perhaps it is because minorities who are under fire elsewhere welcome the reassurance. It’s not a question of white alone, but of for example LGBT’s who read every day about abuses, proposed laws, the many states where they have no guarantee of housing or job security. Or racial minorities who don’t look dark, but hear threats in the media, or people who read how dangerous it can be to be overheard speaking Spanish? I suggest that for some, this will be a very reassuring sign to see. Sometimes welcome and acceptance needs to be explicit.
It does imply that a safe place is needed to run and hide from the daily persecution experienced in Edmonds.
So self righteous.
Are people chased on the streets?
“We Welcome”, as if any other merchant in Edmonds does not.
This type of signage is detremental to the City of Edmonds.
Or, are they saying everyone in Edmonds is a racist, except for me. I’m better than everyone else, look at me.
Promotion of fake racism in Edmonds to profit, rather disgusting and very detremental to the City.
Maybe she can burn a pile of MAGA hats, to display her tollerance.
Wonderful but it is a bit sad that we need signage like this. I hope we can get to a point where this is not necessary. I am proud of C’est la Vie and Edmonds.
We don’t NEED this, we have had this sign in the window for 2 years and have received so many compliments we decided to make it permanent.
I wonder if they welcome all cookies too!
I agree with Steven. It is sad this message is necessary to state what should be second nature to us.
Good point, Allen.
Seems to me that Colleen has a right to put any sign she wants in her window as long as it doesn’t promote hate or insult any particular group of people. Same goes for Ken at the Bakery or any other private owner of a business anywhere in the Land of the Free. The sign is neither “necessary” or unnecessary; it’s just the owner’s stated viewpoint that all people can feel welcome in her establishment. If she put up a sign such as “no Republicans or Trump Supporters will be served” then we would have a problem. Edmond’s folks (Right and Left politically) need to quit inventing problems; there are enough real ones to solve.
You make an invalid assumption that it does not offend a particular group, or one person.
One person was offended by the Build the Wall cookie, and the vial comments against a business owner started.
She states “you are safe here”, that is a blanket statement that people should have cause and concern for their own safety, while in Edmonds. A factual lie regarding Edmonds.
A person of the groups described in her comments, who may read her comments, would then think there currently is a problem in Edmonds, based solely on her baseless statement.
Her comments drive home HER perception that a Safe Haven, is there when they need to be protected.
A ludicrous statement at any level.
It does not promote Edmonds, it degrades Edmonds.
Hope anyone who is commenting on this topic comes to our 3 Practices event today (Feb. 23) at 2 p.m. at Edmonds United Methodist Church!
Is it a “factual lie” if a church, such as mine, states openly that all are welcome? We also have a sign saying we are LGBT welcoming. Both might be seen, if I follow you, as saying people are not safe, when in fact these are affirming, welcoming signs. We have non-LGBT members who explicitly join us because they appreciate the open environment, and feel that such statements provide an atmosphere they want to bring their children up in. I expect that the average person who sees the C’est la Vie sign would not think that Edmonds in dangerous, but that it is welcoming and that some businesses make a point of stressing that welcome.
There is too often reason for some to feel endangered in our broader society. This sign is a very welcome affirmation that Edmonds is a warm and accepting city. .
Fair enough. Now all they have to do remember to put the word “Welcome” on the new replacement Edmonds sign.
Well said Clint.
What if the bakery put up the same sign welcoming all?
First off, my name isn’t Clifton; it’s Clint for future reference. Secondly, I’m not the one making assumptions and assertions of negative implications; you are. If you are offended by what she wrote on her property, that’s your problem not anyone else’s; just like the person offended by the cookie made her problem someone else’s when it wasn’t. Ken has no problem with business. When I was there last week he had someone at every table and told someone he’s backed up with cookie orders he can’t fill. Good problem to have, don’t you think? Stop making mountains out of mole hills. We will all be happier and safer.
Clinton J. Wright
Sounds like you need some serious anger management therapy.
Brent Malgarin. I’m curious to know why you think a personal opinion about what you think my mental health needs are would be of any interest to anyone else who reads this publication. Hope you feel better now, because you are the only person in the world that cares about this. Like I said, ” mountains out of molehills.”
People, i’m guessing this window sign is in response to the neo-nazi leafletting that happened a few months back. I was tempted to make a “no nazis” sign myself. The baker guy isn’t a nazi. That’s just his opinion.
In my opinion, and it’s apparent we have very strong opinions, the only place in Edmonds which feels a bit unsafe is here. Can we open our minds a little to allow our fellow citizens and business owners some ‘space’ to put a welcoming sign up in their business or write on a cookie without all the defensive discourse? I remember when we used to be friendly around here…
Judging from the crowds I see at the Art Festival, Farmer’s Markets, Waterfront Festivile and just plain nice sunny weekend days, people aren’t much afraid of anything in Edmonds. Personally, my biggest fear is someone telling “factual lies” in my presence. Oh, the “anger” that creates in my tortured soul. I think I might need “anger management.” I know, instead I’ll just attend the next 3 Practices.