Citizens of our state need to know the truth abut the proposed Kalama methanol plant. They need to know they are being lied to by the Chinese company seeking to build the world’s largest fracked gas to methanol refinery — and have U.S. taxpayers subsidize it.
This plant would use more fracked gas than all other industries in Washington combined, and the resulting greenhouse gas pollution would undermine Washington’s climate goals. The environmental review for the project is deliberately hiding the impacts of this highly polluting project. Tell the state Department of Ecology to reject the misleading report and make the informed decision to deny the final Shoreline permit needed. Protect our children’s future; this is our last chance to stop this dangeous project. Call 360-407-6969 or email the Department of Ecology contact: jeff.zenk@ecy.wa.gov
Marjie Fields
Thank you for the alert regarding this project. I found the proposed plant will not only pollute the surrounding environment in the fracking process but add additional environmental injury with the methanol being exported for plastic production. Approval has been delayed but Big Money is behind this project.
Keep shutting down industry and manufacturing chase Amazon out of town and before you know it we will have such clean air and water. just no jobs. dont know how you are going to take care of all the people.
I just sent off a letter to Mr. Zenk. Thanks for the information.
Thank you for your article. I sent off a letter to Mr. Zenk.
Studies are being currently reported on that our environment may be in much more trouble than
we previously imagined. It may make a necessity of seriously rethinking how we live.
And not to continue to do those things that add to our problems.
Seattle Times – Why are birds and seals starving in a Bering Sea full of fish?
New York Times – How Scientists Got Climate Change So Wrong.