Updated at 12:40 p.m. with video footage.
Edmonds police released dramatic video early Friday afternoon of the man suspected of shooting of a clerk at an Edmonds 7-11 store earlier that morning.
In the three-second clip, the man is seen coming through the door and jumping up on the counter with a gun pointed in the direction of the clerk, who was not shown on camera.
The 64-year-old clerk, an Edmonds resident, was shot and killed Friday morning and Edmonds police are searching for the man who is believed to have pulled the trigger.
Edmonds police spokesman Sgt. Shane Hawley said it’s unclear whether robbery was a motive for the shooting. “We want to find the guy so we can determine the answer to that question,” Hawley said.
According to Hawley, a customer who entered the 7-11 — located at 8101 238th St. S.W. — found the clerk laying on the floor, unresponsive and bleeding around 5 a.m. “When Edmonds police units arrived at the store, they discovered the clerk, a 64-year-old man from Edmonds, was deceased from an apparent gunshot wound,” Hawley said.
Police units from across Snohomish County, King County and the Washington State Patrol responded to the area and a K-9 unit was dispatched in an attempt to track and locate the suspect. The track was unsuccessful, Hawley said.
The Edmonds police detective unit was called to the scene, and was expected to remain there for several hours collecting evidence.
Police have released a still photograph from the video in the hope that the public can help identify the suspect. He is described as a white male, possibly in his 20s, wearing black shoes, black pants and a red and black jacket. The hood of the jacket was up and his face was covered when he entered the store.
They have also released a photo of a light-colored vehicle seen in the area around the time of the homicide.
Police said the subject is a serious threat to the public, so anyone seeing him should not approach him and instead call 911 immediately. Anyone with information about this incident should contact the Edmonds Police Department at 425-771-0200. A phone tip line is available by calling 425-771-0212. Online tips can be submitted through www.edmondswa.gov/police/anonymous-tip.html.
It’s time to look at the feasibility of putting a police substation on Hwy 99.
That idea was turned down by the last council.
The suspect is probably a light skinned Hispanic.
Thats an area diseased by white kids and adultd rich and poor all addicted to dope. Ive been homeless and rarely met any latinos on the streets and the ones ive met only a fraction of them were using dope. And theres alot less black people than whites on the streetd. White folks love getting high and looks like theyre getting violent too.
Please tell up more , Guadalupe Hernan, maybe a bit biased are we.? Take a care to look up the racial background of criminals in Washington and see what groups are over represented.
“Probably”? What makes you say that? There is zero anything to suggest that this person was *probably* Latino. Given the tweakers who hang out at those motels and in front of Safeway, it’s very likely that this person is WHITE.
…said the guy who happens to be white, himself.
Tyrone, why would you jump to such a bigoted conclusion? Not helpful!
Sad &Tragic. This is another reason, 1 block from this 7-11, we DO NOT need Drug users imported to Edmonds to live in & allowed to use drugs in “PODS” at 236th 84th Ave West, behind the church. Proposed & built by Compass housing alliance. You see, Drug users become “dealers” to support their habit & they have user “friends” and they will come from far & wide to “camp out” next to their Drug POD friends. in our neighborhoods, & they will need to get money for their habit. The SAME thing happened at Licton Springs N. Seattle. “You can “Google Maps” “88th & Nesbit ave N. Seattle” look at “street view” 2018 you will see people doing drugs on parking strips & prostitutes, all captured on google map cams!
Learn more here: https://www.facebook.com/NO-Edmonds-Drug-Offender-User-Low-Barrier-Pods-1113856432098092/
Or discuss here:
You can stop worrying about the ‘pods’. Compass backed out of the project and the property will revert back to Edmonds Lutheran Church at some future date.
How do you know this?
Would someone please tell me how posting guesses on what happened and why regarding this crime without knowing the facts is going to be helpful to anyone? While I appreciate being able to share opinions immediately, I think being able to wait for the facts would be more beneficial and useful in the long run.
The facts: A man is dead and someone did it. We should be thinking of his family today and that they lost a family member. He went to work and didn’t come home. That is something not mentioned by the comments so far.
Thank you, Rebecca – I completely agree. Someone is dead, they likely had family, as well as customers and friends. And the murderer is at large somewhere.
Claiming one can identify the race – or honestly, the gender – of the perpetrator from a grainy YouTube video from the security camera is only shining a light on one’s own presumptions and biases. It won’t help solve the case or the family of the victim.
Not to mention, half the posters here can’t type and/or spell, let alone compose more than one or two coherent sentences. They must be tweaking while typing.
And your point is…? It must be lonely to be so superior to “half” of us.
I guess you’ve never been a victim of autocorrect or tried to type on your smartphone.
What do you think I type on? Anyway that looks like a bona fide certified old fashioned murder. No robbery there. A robber will come in, look around , case the place before doing his thing. In this video, it looks like the bad guy was out to kill the good guy.
We have had one stranger murder in the last two years. Those are low statistics as statistics. Go. True, one murder is one murder too many, My heart goes out to the family of the clerk. I have my theory , but it is just a git feeling and it is not appropriate to share it.
Me my wife and 9 months daughter live 2 minutes away from the 7-Eleven. I have been helped many times by the victim late at night. I generally get off work around 2 a.m. and stop by there on my way home. This is such a tragic loss although I did not know the man personally it saddens me and my family to know that he is gone. Mention of race and motive is irrelevant, all the police need to do is find the person in charge of this heinous crime. Please send your thoughts and prayers to his family and those that are surrounded by this tragic violent act. It is scary to think that this is happening only minutes away from where my family is and where I frequent.
Yes a police station up there would run them out..
I’m not a sneaker head, but it looks like he’s wearing Jordan Max Aura Basketball shoes:
^These are super distinctive if you pause the frame right when he walked in.
He has black pants and black hat under the red jacket (which I am betting he threw away). The black pants look to be in good shape, so I am leaning not homeless. I am betting that he could work in food service. The shoes are sold at footlocker, and they often wear black pants there too, so maybe a retail job. The jacket is a wind-breaker of some sort (also in good shape). I would check the dumpsters for that very distinctive jacket. Seems premeditated. Check the Goodwill to see if a jacket or shoes like that were bought recently.
Yeah good eyes, that’s an expensive older north face jacket.
Avery, I think it is a North Face too, not that exact one though, as that one is black in the back shoulders and under the sleeves. I think you’re right on the monogram. It’s an older style Northface I think. This guy isn’t homeless is my guess, has a job in sales or service, likely goes to school. My bet the jacket was bought specifically for this purpose.
Police say it’s a white male in his 20s and it doesn’t look like he took anything. He ran in, jumped on the counter, and shot.
Real recognizes real. This looks like a white dude. The only racial point worth making in this thread is that [to my knowledge] the Senior Center shooter was not caught. Possibly 100 people (of color) watched it happen, many knew who did it, the murderer may have led police on chase even, no one behind bars. No statements from witnesses, no statements from the Edmonds Diversity Committee.
Catch these people and put them behind bars forever, regardless what color they are. All of us are wrong.
I would look into what the victims official position was, if the point was simply to commit murder than there’s likely a motive. If the shooter was a former employee who maybe got fired by the victim that could be motive. It’s possible they could have known each other outside of the 7-11 but then there would be likely opportunities to commit said murder off camera.
I agree. It seems odd that he came in, jumped on the counter, and shot and then left without taking anything. Hopefully the police will provide an update when they finish their investigation.
Thoughts and prayers for the victim’s family and friends.
I heard that it is possibly being investigated as a hate crime. This makes sense in the way it was perpetrated. While I hope this is not the case, I believe the sweet man who was killed was of Middle Eastern descent.
Jane Dahl – everyone who works there (it’s owned by a lovely family so 90% of the employees are family members) is of Middle Eastern decent and they’re all SOOOO incredibly sweet, I’m praying it had nothing to do with their ethnicity (not that there’s ANY excuse for what that S.O.B. did) but it was the first thought I also had when I heard what happened ….
A hate crime? That sounds like an answer if they had no clue why it was done.
Something more behind this.
Good Morning,
Thank you all for sharing your thoughts and concerns about this horrific crime that has happened in our community. I assure you that your detectives have been working tirelessly on this since the moment we were called. Additionally, your patrol officers are making contacts and passing any information they get on to the detectives. We will provide you with factual information as soon as the investigation allows. We ask that you respect the investigative process and the grieving family. Your EPD will continue working to bring this killer to justice and at that time we may know the motive for this terrible act. If you have any information please call our tip line at 425-771-0212 or email policetips@edmondswa.gov.
Thank you,
Sergeant Josh McClure
1st off Sergeant Josh McClure, thank you and your fellow officers for your service!! I live right around the corner from this 7-11, it’s our neighborhood little store owned by a very sweet family and the members work there and treat us like extended family. They know all my girls’ names and when my significant other and I go in there, we’re always greeted with big hellos!! We want so very much for this disgusting human being to be caught and removed from our neighborhoods as soon as possible so we’re praying someone calls in a tip and gets this guy behind bars!!! Our hearts are still breaking for everyone affected by this loss…we’re just customers and were deeply affected by this so I can only imagine the pain this family is enduring. Please if anyone knowsSOMETHING – SAY SOMETHING!!!!!!!!! God bless everyone.