Edmonds City Council set to meet as Committee of Whole Sept. 8

The Edmonds City Council Tuesday, Sept. 8, will be meeting remotely at 7 p.m. as a Committee of the Whole, with the following items on the agenda for discussion only:

– A report on the Countywide Buildable Lands Program, featuring a demographer from Snohomish County. The buildable lands review process is carried out through Snohomish County Tomorrow; participating cities must report every few years on their use of land to determine whether there is an adequate land supply in urban areas for future population and job growth.

– An update on Vision 2050. Read more about that effort in our earlier story.

– A presentation of preliminary findings for the Ballinger Regional Facility Feasibility Study, defined as a “green stormwater infrastructure project.”

– The city’s July 2020 monthly financial report

– A proposal to amend the Edmonds Cares Fund Ordinance “to allow for disbursement of more than one grant per individual or household based on an analysis of continuing need and/or consideration of other, new applicants,” according to the agenda.

Prior to that 7 p.m. meeting, the council will hold an executive session at 6 p.m. — closed to the public —  “to receive and evaluate complaints or charges brought against a public officer or employee,” the agenda notes.

Ctizens who would like to participate in the audience comment portion of the 7 p.m. meeting may connect via Zoom at any point before the conclusion of the audience comment period. Citizens will sit in a virtual waiting room until their turn to speak. When the citizen enters the live Council Meeting, their time will begin. The clerk will be the time keeper and provide a 30-second warning and a final warning when their time is up. The citizen will be removed and the next speaker will be allowed in.

Citizens may connect with a computer or smart phone at: https://zoom.us/s/4257752525 or join the meeting by phone toll-free at 888-475-4499 or 877-853-5257. Meeting ID 425 775 2525

Citizens not wishing to participate in audience comments may continue to monitor the livestream on the City Council Meeting webpage, cable TV channels 21 or 39, or via telephone by calling 712-775-7270, Access Code 583224.

You can see the complete Committee of a Whole meeting agenda here.

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