Edmonds City Council to hold special meeting Dec. 10 to discuss 2021 budget

The Edmonds City Council is holding a special meeting at 5 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 10 to discuss the draft 2021 city budget and possibly take action to adopt it.

This item had originally been on the agenda for Tuesday’s Dec. 8 council meeting, but councilmembers decided to postpone the matter to a future date.

Under state law, the council has to adopt the budget by the end of the year.

To join, comment, view, or listen to the Edmonds City Council Meeting in its entirety, paste the following into a web browser using a computer or smart phone:
https://zoom.us/j/95798484261. Or join by phone: US: +1 253 215 8782 Webinar ID: 957 9848 4261

Persons wishing to provide audience comments using a computer or smart phone are instructed to raise a virtual hand to be recognized. Persons wishing to provide audience comments by dial-up phone are instructed to press *9 to raise a hand. When prompted, press *6 to unmute.

You can see the complete agenda here.


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