Letter to the editor: Suspend minimum hours requirement for unemployment benefits


Gov.Inslee needs to immediately suspend the minimum hours (620) for UI benefits and order the Employment Security Department to activate these claims and backdate payment to date of job loss.  Many Washington residents have been left destitute and desperate due to this income loss — they are taxpaying citizens with the least and are hurt the most.  These citizens have been excluded from receiving any benefit as well as the former $600/week stimulus money. This should not continue. This is a simple and smart action that can diminish destitution, desperation, domestic violence and depression.

Gov. Inslee — step up to the plate and hit a home run! Use your power for goodness. Do the right thing and do it today!

Be a goodness governor.

I implore anbody who can get this to the attention of the governor to please do so.  Please help us.

Thank you,
Christine Koch

  1. There are states that allow people to work full time up to a certain period without risking losing their UI. NH did this experiment in an attempt to get people who were perennially on UI off and into the job market. I believe it was a success.

    UI is not structured or funded for what is happening. The economy has to be running to levy UI to pay people who collect UI. There is next to no slush fund for this. The way to extend UI for those collecting it is to increase the levy on those who are paying it. This is why CARES act programs were created. Even those benefits are going to run out at about the same time. All states are in line to get money from the Fed. Washington State is even asking Washington DC for $1Billion for new staff just to process relief claims.

    The governor needs to open up the economy for all of our sake. This winter will be the End Times.

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