Mayor: City won’t proceed with Pruitt as police chief, will launch new search at end of year

Sherman Pruitt

Edmonds Mayor Mike Nelson said Tuesday afternoon that the City of Edmonds won’t be proceeding with Sherman Pruitt as its new police chief — and will launch a new national search in the new year “with a new slate of candidates.”

“Yesterday, the city received new information that Sherman Pruitt omitted relevant details from his application materials,” Nelson said in a statement. “Chief Pruitt explained that the omission was a mistake and the result of forgetfulness. Nonetheless, the inclusion of all relevant information is a requirement, and this omission has led the city to decide not to proceed with Chief Pruitt for the position of Chief of Police.”

Pruitt — the current Sauk-Suiattle Tribal Police Chief — “would have brought many great qualities to the Edmonds Police Department, so I am very disappointed by this outcome,” Nelson said. “But if the city were to overlook this omission, it would create a precedent that is not in the best interest of the city for satisfying its legal requirement to do a thorough background check for all law enforcement applicants. I simply cannot ignore such an omission, even for a strong candidate like Chief Pruitt. So, unfortunately, the city will not be able to move forward with Chief Pruitt.”

Nelson noted that Pruitt’s candidacy “ended up being very controversial, with many concerned residents making negative statements about him that were based on false or misconstrued information. I did not back down on my support of Chief Pruitt at the time because I knew the negative statements were not truthful or accurate, and were instead based on broad assumptions about his qualifications and experience without knowing all the facts. Frankly, I was disappointed when the process of selecting a new chief became so personal, emotional, and antagonistic. I hope that I never see a repeat of anything like it.”

“I am committed now, more than ever, to my vision for our police department – a department that is a stronger, more transparent, accountable, and a safer space for Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color in our community,” Nelson added. “I want our department to be an example for other police departments in Washington.”

In conducting a nationwide search in the new year with a new slate of candidates, Nelson said the city will look for the following qualities:

· Demonstrated leadership in community policing, willingness to ask the tough questions about Edmonds Police policies and practices, and implement changes based on findings, ensuring those changes evidence positive changes to the community through consistent evaluation and data collection.
· Demonstrated leadership in promoting women, Black, Indigenous, People of Color, and LGBTQ+ officers in command positions;
· Demonstrated leadership in preventing gun violence, and preventing domestic violence and violence against women;
· Demonstrated leadership in personally working with and engaging People of Color to make them feel safe and welcome in our community; and
· Demonstrated leadership in protecting pedestrians and enforcing traffic safety laws.

“We will find a police chief who is forward thinking and acting,” Nelson said. “Because the future of policing in Edmonds should be a reflection of our community – vibrant, safe, compassionate, caring, and welcoming.”

  1. This announcement by Mayor Nelson is so replete with crap, I don’t now have time to list all of it, that he has to go and much sooner than later!

    1. The Edmonds Police Department is already practicing the qualities you listed. What city are you the mayor of? You won’t need your condescending tone to the citizens and blame them for the failures of your administration when you start listening. This is a load of crap.

    2. Some in Edmonds think that because we have demonstrations at the corner of QFC and PCC by a Unitarian Church in Edmonds we are a town of Racism. Because some businesses have a BLM sign in their window does not mean we have systemic racism. It could not be further from the truth. If a business has a safe place sign in their window does not mean that other businesses are not safe. People are safe in Edmonds as long as you follow the speed limit signs, and give pedestrians the right of way.

    3. Thankful to the council member and citizens who stood for truth in the midst of others being blind sighted. It is about the character of the person, not the color. By the way, to the president of the council, Edmonds is not racist and your comments were destructive. I hope you step down along with Nelson.

  2. How sad that nelson is blaming the public. If him and his HR director and his 4 minions on council would of done their jobs and done a thorough background check, the public wouldn’t of had to do so. We hope we never see a repeat of anything like it, too.

    1. Speaking of minions, 4 voted for the applicant … can the mayor just upend that vote. Again, there seems to be NO PROCESS.

      1. Great point Matthew.

        Does Mayor Nelson have authority to make this decision on his own? Or must City Council reconsider its 4-3 vote to Confirm? I suspect it is the Council that has the authority now.

        Would such reconsideration create a fresh, new vacancy?

        One can argue that the former vacancy ended upon confirmation even though employment at will has not yet begun. Edmonds City Code does not expressly define how a vacancy ends. It was a Conditional Confirmation, but the majority of four Councilmembers acted like it was a legal way to confirm.

        Our City Code states that “…when an appointive office becomes vacant, or is about to become vacant, again within nine months of the city council’s confirmation of the last mayoral appointment to that office, the city council may waive an additional round of interviews, by motion adopted by a majority plus one of the full council, and proceed immediately to confirming the appointment of a candidate interviewed by the city council during the most recent recruitment for that appointive office.”

        We are certainly within nine months of the Council’s confirmation of the last mayoral appointment to that office.

        Hopefully, City Officials will be open and transparent and disclose how the Code applies to the current situation.

        Maybe what would be best tonight would be Council Reconsideration of their previous vote to confirm followed up by a vote to waive an additional round of interviews to facilitate the ability to proceed immediately to confirming the appointment of a candidate interviewed by the city council during the most recent recruitment for that appointive office.

        Would that open the door for an appointment of Mr. Lawless like we saw on April 9th – only this time a legal appointment made after Council actually waived interview requirements?

        1. This is the point I tried to make at the council meeting tonight during public comments. Move forward with the other candidate (lawless) – either because 1. the confirmation process is still open or 2. the confirmation process was completed but a vacancy opened up within 9 months. Of course the response was… crickets.

        2. Thanks Darrell. I just listened to your comments. You did a solid job and I appreciate the points you made.

          I will try to expand on a couple of points. First, Mayor Nelson executed an Appointment on December 3rd. Council had an opportunity to make an up or down vote on that Appointment and Council voted up – a 4-3 vote to confirm. Our Code does not expressly state whether a Mayor can change his Appointment decision AFTER City Council has confirmed his Appointment.

          Logically, it makes sense to me that proper process for the current situation would be for the City Council to have to reconsider its 4-3 vote. I can see others arguing that the Mayor has total control over his appointments even after Council has executed the confirmation authority Council has in the process.

          These issues can be hard to comprehend, made more difficult by the mess our City Code is in.

          Second point. I think it can be argued that under the 9-month law or even without the 9-month law, Mayor Nelson has a path he can follow to Appoint Mr. Lawless today.

          The December 8th Council Meeting Minutes include the following:

          “Council President Fraley-Monillas said if the current appointee is voted down, the Mayor can make the decision either to bring up second candidate or go out for more names or potentially start the process over. Mr. Taraday agreed, advising that was up to the Mayor.”

          I think the Mayor can now legally appoint Mr. Lawless without the need for any further recruitment or interviews. Maybe Mayor Nelson will reread his own April 9th Press Release and act accordingly.

  3. Our community is already a safe place for all. Stop stepping on the hearts of all that live here. Stop going hundreds of years back to drum up some white guilt. Sometimes being a politician it is better not to say anything but to do the job you wanted.

  4. Mr. Mayor, you are missing the point. Your “confirmed candidate” may not have included specific facts that he should have, but frankly, that is the reason for a proper investigative background check. It appears you and the Council President have failed us.

    Items found, based on the U.S. District Court document, pointed to specific items that should have made the Mayor’s selection stop in its tracks. The question many of us have is, why did you nominate someone with a domestic violence background? Even if you did not know prior, you and the Council President continued pushing the confirmation forward on December 8th when you had those court documents in hand. Lack of good judgment can only be the answer.

    Mr. Mayor and Council President, your arrogance towards the citizens of Edmonds is outrageous. Until we get the facts and answers, this issue will continue. It appears you do not want to take any responsibility for your actions. And it seems you and the Council President are not listening to the citizens.

    P.S. “One measure of a persons’ worth is how they perform during a crisis: Edmonds Mike Nelson said. … Acting Chief Lawless has been a steady, firm hand during a time of uncertainty. I can’t imagine a person better suited for this job than Jim.” We want to take you at your word, but guess we cannot.

  5. Mr. Nelson – you failed. Your process failed. And you brought angst to Edmonds and your police force. Own it. And perhaps when you do, maybe a bit of trust will be restored.

  6. Looks like the other candidate (Lawless) meets your new list of qualifications. And he was part of the multi-candidate selection process in 2020. So why can’t you pick that candidate and stop spending money, wasting time?

    Have the city attorney answer this question. Council President asked that question last meeting but I didn’t hear the attorney affirm whether the process has to start over or if you can just put forward the other candidate.

    And stop blaming the residents of the city for you and the voting majority of the council dropping the ball. I am so thankful that my fellow residents stood strong and did the rest of the investigation for you. And thankful for the 3 minority voting council members trying to stand up for the right thing. At least somebody did it.

    1. I think I’ve answered my own question on whether or not the process “must start over”. I read it as “No it does not need to start over if the council agrees to that.”

      Per edmonds code section 2.10.010.D, the “process” is valid for 9 months after confirmation. Meaning that if something happens to the confirmed person and they again need to refill the position, the Mayor can go back to the last round… which means Lawless.

      No need to waste time and our tax dollars. Pick Lawless, confirm, and move on. Just need to get 5 council members to agree to this approach.

      Fore reference, here are the words from 2.10.010.D:

      “… that when an appointive office becomes vacant, or is about to become vacant, again within nine months of the city council’s confirmation of the last mayoral appointment to that office, the city council may waive an additional round of interviews, by motion adopted by a majority plus one of the full council, and proceed immediately to confirming the appointment of a candidate interviewed by the city council during the most recent recruitment for that appointive office.”

  7. As a 30 year veteran of law enforcement in Washington State and Snohomish County, I can say, in no uncertain terms, that the Edmonds Police Department currently IS, and HAS BEEN “…an example for other police departments in Washington.” as stated by Mayor Nelson. The men and women of various ethnic and national origins that make up the Edmonds Police Department exemplify all that is good about law enforcement! ANY law enforcement agency can be better…Edmonds is no exception…but good leaders like Chief Lawless are constantly striving to improve – to be better today than they were yesterday! Make no mistake! EPD is already an exemplary organization and its community should be proud of the work they do and the care they take. If something isn’t broken, don’t try and fix it…you’ll just make it worse tinkering with it! It is sickening to see politics take over common sense and doing the right thing. A community can have both, but this process surely isn’t an example of that!

  8. We are clearly having a major trust crisis now in Edmonds. I truly hope for his sake and ours the mayor was truthful in his comments in this article.

  9. This is a complete slap in the face to the EPD, the citizens of Edmonds and the explanation is even worse. Totally revealing. We need a new Mayor.

  10. So, an omission on his application disqualifies him but TWO domestic violence charges do not? I’m calling BS on this. What person in their right mind is going to want to work as the chief when we have this mayor and council in office? No one. What a joke.

    1. Like I said before, the real loser in all this will be whoever ends up as Chief. That poor person will have to work with and for these two mental midgets who go out of their way to publicly ridicule their very own constituents that put them in office.

      Personally, I’m trying to figure out how I can be a racist when I don’t even believe in the concept of a White person, Black person, a Jewish person or a Native American person being a part of any sort of separate Race from the human race. Sick people, like Adolph Hitler, invent racial stereotypes so they can steal their labor, land or lives for political and/or material gain. It’s not complicated – just pure evil.

      Nelson has shown himself to be little more than a political hack opportunist using Edmonds as a stepping stone to higher office in the Democratic Party; and I’m sorry I supported him in any way. I don’t know what AFM is; but I do know she is her own worst enemy. These two need to go ASAP. The rest are well meaning folks trying to do their best for Edmonds, I think, even when I disagree with them. I suspect L.D. will have a hard time getting elected on his own and I hope Alicia Crank runs again so I can vote for her.

      Edmonds has a heavily Mayor centered form of government with a largely impotent and/or collusive council. It’s been this way ever since I can remember, which is a long time. I’d be happy to be a part of any group that tries to change that dynamic, as long as they are not political party oriented in relation to city governance.

  11. One quality of a true leader is his or her ability to admit when they are wrong, and then to do everything in their power to correct that wrong. To chastise the citizens of Edmonds for wanting answers about your process in selecting Chief Pruitt, and to blame us for your failure to thoroughly vet the candidate is beyond shameful Mr. Mayor. The tone of this press release is that of a spoiled child, caught with his hand in the proverbial cookie jar, and most definitely not a leader who understands the err of his ways and asks forgiveness from those who allowed him the power he is choosing to abuse. I don’t believe I have ever been more regretful of a vote I cast.

    1. Well put Annon. This press release is such a disappointment…blame the public is just part of the problem. The Mayor refuses to take responsibility for this mess he created and then goes on to imply that our current Police Department is inadequate in most everyway.
      Our Mayor “should be a reflection of our community – vibrant, safe, compassionate, caring, and welcoming.”
      You Mr. Mayor are a real disappointment. Please do us a hugh favor and resign your office. Please!

      1. Oh my what a mess. And I am not in the slightest bit surprised. This is not over by a long shot. Sadly I say, You will see what saying you are woke when really you are not even close does for you. I was born woke but I don’t look at it quit as some do. To me it means aware!! I don’t think many around here are really aware of much except on the occasion they have to be. This is one of those times. THE division of rich and middle class and poor in this community is so obvious you can smell it. AND now you can see it too. And now for the next chapter!! I hope you are all ready…

        1. Deborah, please elaborate on your wokeness! I believe people, for the most part, can make their life better and achieve! The people of Edmonds are wholesome and kind! These people have put numerous plans in place to help feed, house and care for the poor, homeless and needy! The racism in our city, I believe, must be very small. I cannot speak for black people, but I believe most citizens of Edmonds are pure of heart and very giving and not racist! As we move into the future, all of us want to be better citizens, whatever it takes!

  12. Mayor Mike Nelson is a person who shovels loads of crap that he has tried to disguise as facts. These are distinct personality traits of a person who has no relationship with reality. He should resign immediately, as well as AFM! We have been duped by these dishonest people who blame the citizens of Edmonds.

  13. Does anyone out there know what harmful acts made by an elected official rise to the level required to start a recall petition for removal from office? I’m not kidding about this…..the statement released by Nelson is almost unbelievable in it’s tone deaf condescension, and his total lack of insight into how he created this mess proves, to me, that he is unfit to retain the job of our mayor.

    1. I would think if they can do a recall of Durkin if they wanted to try they could in King County so why not Snohomish? I say a recall is in order. Not out of spite but out of responsibility to the citizens of this ENTIRE rather large little town. A recall will hasten the process before more damage can be done. And it willL. I would think he would be so embarrassed by the obvious BS he is trying to wiggle out of this with…no one is biting. There is one reason and one reason only this occurred and we all know what it is. AND that too is sad because look how it turned out. Although now knowing everything (well thats doubtful) but knowing more than we did thanks to social media we know why Pruitt can’t be a chief of anything. Not in this new world. I don’t know the man personally and he may be very nice and sorry for his past very bad indiscretions but right now he is paying the piper, much like Nelson will now. HE Isn’t going up in political position anywhere.. certainly not on a Federal level and I sincerely doubt state wide either. SO he had his chance. HE blew it and he put a town in turmoil when we needed his help the most. I do however wish him well. Maybe he can write a book. And they can sell it only just in the Bowl of Edmonds … Oh Boy. HaHa

  14. I am frustrated and disappointed with the way the process of appointing a new police chief has unfolded over the past several weeks. Last week the concerns of 3 council members were dismissed out of hand. All 3 asked for a delay in the process which was rushed through, despite information indicating concerns related to domestic violence by the candidate. Council member Olsen asked specifically about domestic violence allegations and was completely shut down by the mayor.

    Citizens have taken it upon themselves to unearth additional information. Rather than thanking them for doing the job you should have done, Mayor Nelson, you now blame the community for “negative statements”. Shame on you.

    We already have a police chief who is forward thinking and acting and policing in Edmonds IS a reflection of our community – vibrant, safe, compassionate, caring and welcoming.

    Your unwillingness to admit that this process has been deeply flawed is extraordinary. We expect better.

  15. ““Because the future of policing in Edmonds should be a reflection of our community – vibrant, safe, compassionate, caring, and welcoming.”

    Edmonds is none of those things.

  16. All I can add is that the City does not need to spend any more money or waste any more time. Chief Jim Lawless appears to have the confidence of many Edmonds residents and should be confirmed now as Chief. Stop jerking the City population and Police Department around and make things right.

  17. Pathetic and sad that our Mayor fails to acknowledge his failure in this process and now wants to double down with a “ nationwide search” for a new Police Chief. He did not need a nation wide search when he previously put forth current acting Chief Lawless as the “best possible candidate for Chief of Edmonds PD”. If that was true in March, why not now?

    One fears the Mayor’s new criteria for a nation wide search for candidates will include the unwritten message that “no whites need apply”. Discrimination due to race is illegal in Washington. We deserve the best qualified Chief for EPD regardless of that persons race or gender. Will Mayor Nelson publicly commit to follow the law?

  18. The mayors statement is ludicrous. He and his HR director got it wrong, tried to hide it and got caught so now rather than own it, the chose to blame everyone but themselves. Mayor Nelson, you were elected to lead this city and you’ve proven that is a job you lack the skills for. I question the qualifications of your HR director as well. And Council President, we all know you had the documentation and chose to shove the vote. Rather than spend more tax dollars, let’s fulfill the promise you made in April and confirm Chief Lawless for the position he’s qualified for. It’s the right thing to do.

  19. This whole situation is embarrassing for the City of Edmonds. Mayor Nelson is a disgrace to the City and to blame the public for this is unconscionable. He bandied the word ‘transparency’ about so many times during his campaign and has turned out to be anything but transparent. He is quoted above with saying that “ “I am committed now, more than ever, to my vision for our police department”. His vision. Not the people he serves but his vision. Well it is our police department Mr. Mayor, not yours exclusively. The Council and Mayor have lost sight of that fact in the recent vote for Mr. Pruitt. There is a clear choice for Police Chief and that is Officer Lawless. To do another search is a waste of time and taxpayers money. I have lost confidence in this Mayor’s ability to lead, his honesty and transparency and would call for his resignation if I had that power. It will be within my power to vote against him if he decides to run again.

    1. That is what caught my attention also: Nelson’s commitment to HIS vision for EPD to be “a safer space for Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color in our community”, as if it is unsafe now!

      I am beginning to suspect the Council President’s statement to KING 5 regarding “all the racism in Edmonds” was a set-up so the public would be silenced (“cancelled”) if we spoke out against Pruitt.

      The arrogance of our elected “leadership” is astounding, and the disrespect for our current Police Department is unbelievable.

      Why Nelson wouldn’t have just gone back to his pick from this spring, unless that was a set-up, too — a chance to have the appearance that those same 4 council members were keeping Nelson in-check.

  20. Thank Heaven the majority won..doesn’t happen often. I would definitely keep looking for new candidates for the future.

  21. Let the impeachment process begin! The mayor and his research person knew all of this ahead of the vote. They need to go!

  22. This isn’t the first time Mayor Nelson has made an error. You can look it up.
    1. IRS had lien on property owned by the Mayor and his wife for several years of unpaid taxes. Those have subsequently been paid.
    2.In 2019 Attorney General announced that the SEIU Washington State Council would pay up to $250,00 in fines for Campaign Finance Violations that occurred while he was Director.

    In my opinion, this should be strike 3.

    1. Does anyone see the comparison of Mayor Nelson and the current President? Not willing to accept responsibility for anything; rejection by the voters; rejecting officials who don’t abide his views of excellence. The mention of impeachment seals the deal. Edmonds deserves better. Can you imagine the turmoil the next election will generate? Remember MEN when you are making your next year’s tax free donations. Their recent work deserves rewards.

      1. Yes! I definitely thought that this was so very similar to our current and happily outgoing President.

  23. Mayor Nelson created a list of attributes he wants to see in a future Edmonds Police Dept. He clearly does not know the high quality of the officers who now serve our city. During my nearly 6 years on city council I represented Edmonds on the board of SNOCOM 911, and after the merger with SNOPAC 911, continue on the SNO911 Board. I observed first hand the respect and admiration the other police chiefs and the sheriff had for Edmonds Police throughout our county. I also observed AC Lawless’ leadership serving that board as the Chair of the Police Tactical Committee for SNO911. Our police force is more diverse than our city, more highly trained and the envy of every force in our county. AC Lawless is a key reason for the quality and diversity of the women and men who serve us. The Mayor should know this and act accordingly. But rather than act, he blames. As I read his statement, I felt I was reading a statement from our current President, uninformed and not taking responsibility. How unfortunate for Edmonds to have three more years to endure this style of “leadership”.

  24. My thanks to My Edmonds News for informing the Edmonds population of the misdeeds of our mayor and four of our city council members.  And thank you for allowing us to comment – it seems the majority in Edmonds feels that the vote for Pruitt was a sham.

    The mayor’s condescending message regarding his retraction of the nomination is an insult to the Edmonds citizens.  The council president’s comments on King 5 news that Edmonds is racist is also an insult to us.

    We need to band together to fight against using taxpayer dollars on a hunt for another candidate when we have one right here.  Earlier in the year even the mayor said so.

  25. We have a leadership void and a tone-deaf majority council. These positions are designed to be non-partisan for a reason. We see what happens when this is not followed.

    Susan Paine and Laura Johnson have been selected to lead council. These are two of the four who rushed the confirmation of a candidate who was not qualified to lead the police force. The former council president stated our city is racist. In fairness, we have had pockets of racist-related incidents. There is no room for racism in this city. But to manufacture a crisis to control the narrative is not acceptable. The FBI data does not support that we have a rising tide crisis specific to racial tension.

    My confidence in this current administration and four of the councilmembers is low. They have displayed a gross abuse of power and trust that many entrusted to them.

    The right thing to do is to step down and do what is in the best interest of Edmonds. However, they have yet to “own their mistakes” – which is very telling. And unfortunate.

    This latest debacle with the Chief selection is one of several – of which more will come to light soon, I’m sure. The key now is to quickly improve officer morale and stability within leadership so that our response times to property crimes (these are rising) will not be prolonged. If officers leave because they, like many of us do now, question the integrity of the process and the objectivity of leadership, we are on a quick path to becoming more like Seattle.

  26. “I am committed now, more than ever, to my vision for our police department – a department that is a stronger, more transparent, accountable, and a safer space for Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color in our community,”

    The only lack of transparency I saw this year from our police was from our mayor and city council.
    Also preventing gun violence? What gun violence does Edmonds even have? Don’t we average one murder per year?

  27. I have not interacted with the Edmonds Police Department much, so I can not speak to how well they conduct themselves. I do want to address the concerns of racism in Edmonds that Mayor Nelson and city council members have mentioned and are striving to address. While I believe that the people writing comments here have not personally witnessed what they would consider racism here, I also believe the people of color living in Edmonds who have spoken up about numerous acts of racism they have had to endure in our city. Please know that just because you don’t see it or hear of it, it can still exist. Is everyone in Edmonds overtly and intentionally racist? Of course not. I would say the majority of people living here are not intentionally racist and want to do the right thing. The first right thing to do is begin listening to and believing our neighbors of color when they say they frequently experience racism in our city. We are not accustomed to doing this–giving victims of racism the authority to speak on it, but they are the only ones who truly know what’s going on. I don’t say this to excuse how the process of choosing and confirming the new police chief occurred, but to shed light on why the incoming police chief will need to be competent in addressing issues of racism in Edmonds.

    1. This is far from the truth. People have gotten on this bandwagon and have tried to create racism. All of this is a result of current events and now it has taken on a whole other agenda. The police department in Edmonds is diverse and operates professionally and compassionately. I have lived here for decades and have never met anyone who is racist. We need balance but not an overhaul that disregards truth for color. Quite frankly the people standing on Edmonds Way for 6 mos. waving signs in your face have become an irritant and are now ineffective. I speak for my neighborhood as a whole which includes White, Native Americans, Asians, Middle Eastern, and probably many others. There is no litmus test here. There are better
      ways to improve this city than trying to shove opinions and viewpoints in people faces and lives. We are not Seattle.

    2. So Kristen, when Alicia Crank states “Edmonds is not a racist city. Does racism exist here? Absolutely. It’s ok Anytown USA. Edmonds is not special or exempt to those types of behaviors. So that statement? (Referring to City Councilwoman Adrienne Fraley-Monillas statement to King5 that Edmonds is racist. Not helpful.”

      Who should we believe? You or her?

      1. Tina Drennan, I recommend we listen to the people of color who work and live in Edmonds, including Alicia Crank.

        1. I agree. But we also need to listen to others. I personally haven’t met Alicia Crank but from what I have learned and seen I think she Rocks. She knows more it seems about EDMONDS then many. She it seems has been involved with so many places, so many positions that she excelled at all it seems. I like her moxi and I like here rational self control too. I like her willingness to look at all issues. I am looking forward to meeting her in the future. I have no idea what Alicia Crank dreams of for her future but I think she already has a great present and I expect her future to be even greater. SHE is transparent and with her its real not just play acting to get what SHE wants. I love that about her. Stay just as you are Alicia… If you want to haha Deb.

  28. Mayor Mike Nelson AKA Mayor Mike Cooper 2.0
    Learning from history, looking back two mayors, didn’t former Mayor Mike Cooper’s performance cause city leaders and citizens to draft Dave Earling? Thank you Dave for agreeing to run and serve so well in the past.

    We need a mayor than can be respected by a broad community and region while not drawing the negitive attention of local TV and radio. Do I hear a nomination?

  29. Gerry Tays I think your comment about current President has nothing to do with the topic. I would ask you to please stay on topic. Cindi I agree with you.

  30. Can’t let this one go- Cliff Ruthrauf – and I suspect you are one of the ones to have voted for a tax cheat for a president in the past. And far as being on topic Joy, can’t think of a better comparison.
    Edmonds deserves better.

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