After failure of $600 million measure, Edmonds School District presenting $180 million capital levy to voters in April

Entrance to the new building at Spruce Elementary School campus completed in 2019. If the capital Levy is successful, the district will break ground in 2021 on the second and final phase of rebuilding the school (Photo courtesy of Spruce Elementary School)

This story was updated Jan. 20 with a correction from the Edmonds School District.

The Edmonds School District will be asking voters in April to consider approving a $180 million capital levy that would provide much-needed building upgrades, address capacity challenges and improve existing facilities.

If approved by voters during the April 27 special election, the levy would provide $30 million per year for six years to replace Spruce and Oak Heights elementary schools, maintain existing school buildings and athletic fields, and make district-wide accessibility improvements.

At $180 million, the proposal over six years has been reduced significantly from the $600 million capital bond the district put before voters last February. That proposal  failed after receiving a 56% yes vote. Under state law, bond measures required a 60% majority to pass.

Like the current $180 million proposal, the $600 million bond also would have funded replacement of the aging Spruce and Oak Heights elementary schools — both well beyond their lifespan, Weinberg said. The bond was part of the district’s long-term capital facilities plan, which identifies $1.7 billion in facility needs around the district. One project the district is looking to complete with new bond proposal is the second phase of Spruce Elementary School. Work at Spruce Elementary’s campus was split into two phases, with Phase 1 completing in July 2019.

“If it passes in April, we will start breaking ground on (Spruce Elementary)” Weinberg said. “We’re all ready to go, but that would happen soon.”

Once completed, Spruce Elementary’s replacement facility will be approximately 81,000 square feet with a two-story main classroom building and a one-story gymnasium and common area. Under Phase 2, a new north wing of the replacement facility will be added, including constructing a two-story main classroom building, multiple integrated learning support and small group rooms, a new library and an outdoor project area.

This phase also includes installing new playfields and equipment, separate bus and parent vehicle routes, more parking. Other site improvements to existing grass play fields, emergency vehicle access, neighborhood pedestrian connections and new stormwater management facilities.

As the district begins community outreach for the April proposal, Weinberg said this time staff will focus on highlighting how the district will benefit from the levy’s approval. 

“We need to maintain what we have by replacing or upgrading,” she said.

The failed 2020 bond was presented alongside a $96 million replacement technology/capital levy that was approved and funds the continuation of one-to-one computers in grade 2-12 and two students to one computer in grades K-1, along with online curriculum, other software systems and instructional systems. The levy also covers classroom technology, teacher training and support.

A portion of the levy, approximately 37%, also went toward capital facility improvements that include safety, security and emergency preparedness improvements at every school along with other system upgrades and replacements.

Since school districts receive no state or federal funding for improvements to buildings, district construction projects are funded primarily by voter-approved capital bonds and levies. These include school construction and renovations projects, building systems improvements, major maintenance and safety and security upgrades.

Weinberg said district staff are working on ways to present the tax information to voters that help them understand the benefits of the levy. One thing Weinberg stressed was the district’s commitment to keeping tax rates low.

Since 2019, the taxpayers have seen a steady decline in the amount levied against property values. In 2019, taxpayers paid $3.76 per $1,000 of assessed value, and that dropped to $3.71 in 2020.

Currently, the tax rate is set at $2.81 per $1,000 of assessed value because the 2020 bond failed to pass and the district recently paid off previous outstanding bonds. If the new measure passes, Weinberg said taxpayers may see a rate increase from this year, but it will still be lower than past years.

“2021 is kind of like an oddity, if you will, because we’ve paid off outstanding bonds,” she said “We were hoping to keep that rate the same in 2021 with the passing of the bond but because it was unsuccessful it’ll drop this year, and it’ll go up next year, but still less than it’s been in the short term the last few years.”

Additional information regarding the proposed levy and related tax information will be sent out to voters in the coming weeks, Weinberg said.

–By Cody Sexton

  1. I would wait myself…I think this will be voted down. The last thing the overwhelming majority here want is MORE taxes…right now with no job, no money, no help with food and expenses, unless below poverty level. Ya know the difference in whether you need help or not. 1 Dollar…Think about that.
    Don’t misunderstand, I am all for helping people. It was my job. I put who knows how many on state aid of all sorts. Loved it. I said sometimes…its 1$…and ya make too much. No way to wiggle around it. Believe me I tried haha. Not for me more my clients.

  2. Or how about this: Give the tax payers who have likely suffered tremendously throughout 2020 a tax break to help them out with the economic burden of the shutdowns. Given the demands from the teacher unions and the rate we are going, I have no idea when or if the buildings they so desperately want will be used.

    The only way I am ever going to consider voting for this measure is for a concrete, non flexible, definitive plan from the school district, state, and teacher unions for a reopening, including a date. Until then, learn to make do with less.

    I am particularly angry at the teacher unions demand for vaccinations ahead of other groups without a guarantee to return to work. Why does someone who is not necessarily elderly or at risk deserve to take a vaccine from an elderly person or an immunocompromised person, or a healthcare worker just because they are a teacher?

    On the topic of vaccine, how does our good for nothing governor think he has any inkling of authority to whine about the outgoing president when it is HIS administration that currently has 300,000 vaccines sitting unused, it is HIS administration throwing out vaccinations that couldn’t be stored, and it is HIS administration that constructed a website for the vaccines that gives you a security error when you try to see how far down the line you are. If he can’t deliver 400,000 vaccines, why would he be able to deliver more? All throughout this year he has put far more energy into postulating against Trump and weighing his worthless opinion on national politics, instead of doing his job for Washingtonians and I am beyond sick of it.

  3. I can’t believe that college place middle school isn’t being replaced? It needed to be replaced when my daughter attended there 15 years ago.

  4. Smoke and mirrors! Go to the county web site and look at the valuation increase of your property. You will pay more. My assessment value went up 10% from 2019 to 2020, like most homes in all of Edmonds in 2020. The mill rate only went down 1.33%.
    Fred Gouge

  5. Let the hand-waving and partial facts begin again! This conveniently does not mention that we started paying more to the state (my state assessment went up 63%) for public education starting in 2018. Additionally, the state imposed a ceiling on local (enrichment) levies starting in 2019. Sooo, have your taxes for public education really gone down?

  6. Has anyone at the school district read the news lately? People are uncertain right now in so many ways. Financial issues, job work balance while helping with education at home while schools are closed. People are hungry, out of work, and food banks are busy and our small businesses struggle. With any little money left over we have been trying to support those businesses, donate to food banks, Paws, and military vets or whatever cause one chooses to help.

    Why not do your part for your community and try to help people struggling save money right now and use money saved by not running buses, empty buildings, and other areas. Not tax them.

    To bring forth a levy now and raise taxes shows a complete disconnect with your community and what is going on in the world. Why would you seek to add more financial burden with people struggling? Yes, and property taxes are already increased. All tax payers please check the county website.

    Can’t believe I even have to respond to something like this right now. To bring a levy to the public right now , during these uncertain times, you should all be ashamed.

  7. “To bring forth a levy now and raise taxes shows a complete disconnect with your community …”

    No, it actually does the opposite – it in fact shows a complete “connect” with the community. The School District is actually asking us – as a community – to decide on a proposed levy. If our community doesn’t like the proposal then we as a community can vote it down. By seeking a vote the SB is conceding that it is up to all of us – not them – to decide the issue. I personally don’t like the proposed levy (I personally would vote against it at this time), but I am totally down with having the community decide the issue.

  8. The school district never ceases to amaze me with their audacious and asinine words. As parents struggle to keep their kids engaged and respectful of a system that has continuously let them down, the district is trying to sell taxpayers on funding their wish list. Having kids perform at grade level is a major victory in a climate where school administration is more interested in self-congratulations and dictating what people should plan for Thanksgiving than actually focusing on their job of educating our kids. I have an idea for Weinberg, et al: focus on education and running the schools. Once we see you can do that, maybe it will be easier to convince the taxpayers that you are a worthy custodian of more of our funds.

  9. As a parent in Edmonds School District, who has 2 kids who went to MLT Elementary (one of whom spent 1 year in the new building after bond funds paid to rebuild it), 2 kids who went/are going to BTMS (which is sorely in need of a revamp), and 1 kid in MTHS, with another to spend the next 4 yrs there, I have to say that I vote *for* bond issues related to buildings. Because all or our kids are worth good facilities.

    Most of the other comments are speaking about teacher salaries or COVID-19 vaccines, or other non-issues, with respect to a bond issue funding buildings for our kids. Perhaps the commenters could take on the actual issue at hand, rather than digressing in personally beneficial ways, in the future.

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