Council to hold public hearing Feb. 2 on Edmonds draft tree regulations

A public hearing on draft tree regulations and an ordinance amending the Edmonds Community Development Code to allow hotels as a permitted use in the area zoned Commercial Waterfront are among the items on the Edmonds City Council’s Tuesday, Feb. 2 agenda.

The council discussed the draft regulations at its Jan. 26 meeting, and the public now has a chance to comment on them. The proposed code aims to improve tree retention with new development on private property. It would also implement low-impact development principles, would establish a tree fund into which development contributions or tree penalties can be tracked — with the proceeds spent on tree planting and preservation — and provide updates to definitions, the city’s existing permitting process and the penalties for tree cutting.

The council will also recognize the work of the Citizens Housing Commission and revisit an ordinance, first introduced in February 2020, that would amend the Edmonds Community Development Code to add “hotel” as a permitted use in the city’s commercial waterfront zone.

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In addition to Zoom, regular council meetings are streamed live on the Council Meeting webpage, and broadcast via cable television Comcast channel 21, and Ziply channel 39.

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