My Edmonds News presents the Daily Legislative Report, covering the 2021 Washington State Legislature. Substitute Senate Bill 5273, sponsored by 32nd District Senator Jesse Salomon, concerning shoreline armoring, was heard on the Senate Floor. SSB5273 passed the Senate 28-21, moving onto the House for consideration.
“Nearly one-third of Puget Sound’s shorelines are armored with structures like bulkheads and seawalls,” said Salomon. “These structures can be incredibly destructive to marine habitats in the area. There are several alternatives that can achieve comparable results for property owners while also having less impact on the natural environment.”
For more information on House Bill 5273–
For more complete information on any legislation, including sponsors, a synopsis, and fiscal note, visit the Washington State Legislature’s bill information webpage:
Shoreline armoring? What a stupid name for shoreline structures. Whoever thought of that tag should jump in the water with a live Texas high voltage cable…and sing Lucky Star by Madonna.
On the serious side….if you want to repair MILES and miles of shoreline….just run the railroad tracks onto the sound and drive train off the shoreline shelf….it will make a great artificial reef after the toxic diesel that pollutes the track area from years of poisonous fumes dissipates..
The new Edmonds Waterfront Center is a good example of how to remove a hard armor sea wall and replace it with more natural armoring (boulders and large, anchored logs).