The Archdiocese of Seattle on Friday announced final settlements totaling $165,000 for two separate cases involving allegations of sexual abuse by Sister Dolores Crosby in the 1980s, when she served as principal at Our Lady of the Lake Catholic School in Seattle from 1979 to 1992. Crosby also taught at Edmonds’ Holy Rosary School from 1973 to 1978.
Crosby, who died in 2007, was also principal at Immaculate Conception School in Everett from 1992 to 1999. In 1999, Crosby surrendered her credentials for teaching and administration when an individual brought forward an allegation of inappropriate contact that took place in the 1980s.
In addition to Holy Rosary in Edmonds, Crosby taught at several other archdiocesan Catholic schools, including St. Anne School, Seattle, from 1968 to 1970, and St. Frances Cabrini School, Tacoma (now Lakewood), from 1978 to 1979.
Crosby was included on the Archdiocese of Seattle’s List of Clergy and Religious Brothers and Sisters for Whom Allegations of Sexual Abuse of a Minor Have Been Admitted, Established or Determined to be Credible when the list was originally published in January 2016.
As part of its commitment to transparency, the Archdiocese of Seattle invites people to visit its Protect and Heal website to learn about the history of sexual abuse in the archdiocese. To report any suspicion of abuse by any church personnel, contact local law enforcement. In addition, anyone who has knowledge of misconduct by a member of the clergy, an employee or volunteer of the Archdiocese of Seattle is urged to call the archdiocesan hotline at 1-800-446-7762.
What a disgusting person!!
The Seattle Archdiocese and the media fail to mention Delores Crosby taught in Spokane at St. Francis of Assisi under the name Sr. Catherine Joan. She went to Holy Names Academy in Spokane, graduated with my mother and taught my two older sisters. She was transferred to Seattle as the parent community wanted her “out!” Two other clergy would later be added to the list not to mention Pat O’Donnell who lives in Mount Vernon as an “unregistered” sex offender. Absolutely shameful!!
Thanks for that additional information Karen. I visited Spokane when I lived in La Grande Oregon the first year I was married. Then we moved back East. I have friends who live in Seattle and I have worked there in a healthcare job/company based in Boston with facilities in WA. I have just finished an extremely difficult year as an officer of a mens’ group in my local parish in OHIO during the lockdowns and extremely difficult process of getting vaccines and now re opening. I am about ready to throw in the towel for good, I have had enough.
I’m so sorry. Thank you for stepping up. It’s just so shameful we are here having been indoctrinated. I did the same with my kids. Pressed them through the Sacraments. Neither practice today. I advised them I did it for a reason but they need to choose their path. It’s hard to grapple with a imbedded lifestyle. It’s hard to decide to walk away or stay. Best to you. There is no easy answer for those impacted.
I was a student at Our Lady of the Lake in Seattle. Sr. Delores came to OLL when I was in the 7th grade (1979). It didn’t take long before I knew she didn’t like me. I questioned too many things. I had to go out to the hall on many occasions. Mostly my fault I’m sure. 🙂
Then there was the “Closet Incident”. I made her upset one day at the start of the school day. She had a “Sisters Tea” that day so she placed me in a supply closet, and told me to stay there until she came back. 2pm or so she came back, chastised me and then let me leave.
I have more stories than this comment section will allow.
I’m sorry, but I don’t think I can forgive her for things she did to me.
I’m so sorry for your experience. I’ve lost a brother to suicide as a victim not from Dixie but Brother Berard Connelly at St. Francis of Assisi. He “trained” the Alter Boy’s”
I’m so sorry. I’m saddened I knew her as a family “friend.” I was raised in a staunch Catholic upbringing where it was encouraged to have a priest or nun serve. Aside from my sweet auntie who served as a Nun with the School Sisters of Notre Dame in Mankato my Spokane family hosted many clergy in my family home. It didn’t bode well unfortunately.
John Charles, Unacceptable. Please know I have overs the years and always will support you. Thank you for being strong and sharing just one example of what you experienced. This sadly comes as no surprise. I’m so sorry you experienced this. You were still just a child. Take good care. Keep in touch as always.
John, I was fortunate to never have this woman as my teacher. I was a 7th grader at Holy Rosary in Edmonds in her last year at the school. Like you, I knew she didn’t like me as well. I had a friend whose family invited her over for dinner on a regular basis. I could never understand why they liked her. She was controlling, mean and nasty. I was beyond relived that she moved on just before I would have been in her class in 8th grade. I’m so sorry for your closet experience and whatever else you endured. She didn’t like me either because I speak my mind. Not easy to be controlled. I had a dealing with her that was not as harsh as your closet experience, but it showed her true colors. Interesting. Hope your life is blessed now- free of people like her