Dear readers:
Every two years, we have city elections and every two years, I see the following behavior as the ballots hit mailboxes:
— A flurry of letters to the editor from supporters about candidates’ accomplishments or opponents of certain candidates about their wrongdoings.
— Accusations of campaign signs being stolen or vandalized.
— Comments that are borderline (or sometimes over the top) inappropriate in terms of personal attacks or other misinformation about those running for office.
So as of Wednesday, July 21, we will no longer be accepting letters to the editor regarding support of, or opposition to, candidates or campaigns for the duration of the primary season (through Aug. 3). I would also ask that the candidate-related commentary be respectful and be assured that I am monitoring those comments diligently to ensure that they stay that way. If your comment doesn’t get approved, it’s because I have determined it doesn’t meet our guidelines.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Teresa Wippel
Of course, no problem Teresa. Hang in there! Thanks for all you do. Deb.
Civility is a choice, and choosing to engage respectfully is something that benefits us all. There are certainly ways to raise issues with candidates in a respectful and productive way.
Thank you for the great news coverage and moderating the debates Teresa. This has certainly been an important way to get essential objective information for our city.
On the issue of voting, I never received my ballot, and found that it was very easy to track my ballot status and request a new one.
I support this policy. I am tired of the “popularity contest” letters that have flowed back and forth in the past. However, I’d like to know what kind of candidate-related commentary WILL be accepted? Today, for example, there are letters supporting Janelle Cass and Luke Distelhorst. I’d appreciate knowing your specific guidelines. Thank you.
Today is the last day for submitting letters – the publication date mentioned refers to the day they are published on the website. I hope that helps.
Good Morning, Teresa!
I appreciate the editorial you have given us this morning in explaining the what, who and why of your decision to discontinue inappropriate political comments unlike other social media that makes a decision with no explanation as to why a posting has been cancelled.
Each of us receive our voters’ brochure giving us information on each candidate and/or initiatives for us to read and make our own decision on how we wish to vote.
Between the brochure, mailings, TV news, phone calls, emails and posted signs, we should be able to formulate our own thoughts. You have drawn a line in the sand and informed us as to the position My Edmonds News has taken. Thank you for taking this position!
It is our responsibility to get all the information we need in order to make an intelligent decision.
My Edmonds News, keep up the great work!
I applaud your courage and integrity. Thank you for a direct and thoughtful approach in an effort to keep public discourse civil in Edmonds.
Yours is a much needed voice.
Sandy Olson
Every election, the My Edmonds News coverage just keeps getting better and better!
The debates were especially informative, well moderated and as a pleasant surprise all of the candidates were cordial to each other.
After the last Presidential debate, and the bad – no make that putrid – behavior on both sides, I swore off watching these forever. MEN restored the debate process!
Thank you!
Thank you for your thoughtful election coverage. We are lucky to have My Edmonds News as a resource.