Edmonds City Council Position 1 candidate Alicia Crank is hosting a virtual general election campaign kickoff on Wednesday, Sept. 15 from 6-7 p.m. via Zoom.
You can learn more about her campaign platform and priorities, as well as participate in a Q&A with attendees.
“A lot of things have changed in Edmonds since the original kickoff in February,” she said. “I think it’s a great time to re-engage with residents and community stakeholders on what has transpired over the last few months and exchange ideas on how to move our community forward.”
You can register at tinyurl.com/CrankGenKickoff.
As the November general election approaches, we are reintroducing our “Election Notes” column, meant to provide brief highlights of news from local candidates running for election this fall. Candidates who want to submit announcements to us for consideration can email myedmondsnews@gmail.com.
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