The Edmonds City Council will be meeting virtually in committees starting at 5 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 14, but will not — as has been common practice in recent months — have an additional council business meeting the same evening.
City council committee meetings are work sessions for council and staff, with no audience comments taken.
The busiest committee agenda, by far, is the Parks and Public Works Committee meeting, which starts at 7:30 p.m. Among the topics is a project update on a proposal to add over six miles of bicycle lanes in various Edmonds neighborhoods, funded by a $1.85 million Sound Transit Access grant.
The Parks and Public Works Committee is also scheduled to hear an update on the city’s waterfront redevelopment project, which the council approved funding for in August 2019. Among the work included in the contract: removing the existing bulkhead in front of the Edmonds Waterfront Center parking lot to restore shoreline habitat and improve public access, regrading the beach, driving steel sheet piles, and forming and pouring concrete for a realigned portion of the marine walkway, plus two new concrete staircases and an accessible ramp. The committee’s Tuesday agenda memo notes that the project has “presented may challenges including contaminated soil, archeological discoveries, saltwater inundation of concrete footings and the removal and replacement of significant amounts of unsuitable materials under both sets of new concrete beach stairs. Separate construction contracts for the building and site work required considerable coordination. As a result Environmental Works, the landscape contractor, and their team of consultants exceeded their scope of work by responding to 15 additional requests for information, nine additional requests for change proposals and 33 additional review hours for submittals. The technical challenges and a construction duration that lasted three months longer than anticipated resulted in a significant increase in team coordination, telephone conversations, site visits and project closeout efforts.”
Other items on the Parks and Public Works Committee meeting agenda include:
– A supplemental agreement with Osborn Consulting, Inc. for the Phase 3 Storm Maintenance Project
– The purchase of a new wastewater pump for Lift Station 1
– Civic Park funding
– Donation of property from the estate of Shirley Johnson
You can see the complete agenda here.
Agendas for the two other committee meetings include:
Public Safety, Personnel and Planning Committee, 5 p.m.
– Audio/visual assistant job description
– Special event permits and amendments to ECC Title 4 Licenses
Finance Committee, 6 p.m.
– 2021 September budget amendment
– Proposed amendments to Edmonds Public Facilities District Charter
– July 2021 monthly financial report
To view or listen to the committee meeting in its entirety, paste the following into a web browser using a computer or smart phone: Or join by dial-up phone: US: +1 253 215 8782 Webinar ID: 957 9848 4261
City Council’s home page on the City’s website indicates public comments will be allowed. Hopefully City Officials will clarify. I hope City Council won’t exclude citizen participation from an entire Tuesday night meeting. That would be a shame in my opinion. City Council’s home page states:
The next Council Meeting will be a Committee night on 9/14/21 beginning at 5pm with the
Public Safety, Personnel and Planning Committee
followed at 6pm with the Finance Committee
and the Parks & Public Works Committee at 7:30pm
OR JOIN BY PHONE: US: +1 253 215 8782
During the public comment period, please raise your hand electronically via Zoom button (*9 on telephone) to speak.
The Council will continue to take written comments up to 450 words, roughly equivalent to three spoken minutes at; comments submitted during the Council meeting will be included in the minutes for the following week. Comments submitted after the end of the Tuesday Council meeting will be included in the minutes for the meeting two weeks later.
I was going by what is noted at the top of each committee agenda. Committee meetings have not in the past accepted public comments.
Thanks Teresa – I see what you are looking at and understand. I’m pointing out 2 things. 1.) a citizen looking at Council’s web page may believe there will be opportunity to make public comment this Tuesday night and that written comments can also be made, and 2.) It will be a shame, in my opinion, if the public is excluded from participating Tuesday night. Thanks.