Letter to the editor: Alicia Crank committed to future of Edmonds


I’m writing in support of Alicia Crank for Edmonds City Council. I’ve lived in the Edmonds Bowl with my husband and my mother for over six years. I’m not yet retired but I am old enough to enjoy the new Edmonds Waterfront Center and am looking forward to seeing more exciting development in Edmonds!

I’ve been very impressed with Alicia Crank’s deep commitment to Edmonds thriving as a connected and caring community. I grew up in a small town where, no matter what your politics or religion, everyone looked out for each other. I’ve watched Alicia listen and learn about all sides of an issue and work across divides. She embodies the values I grew up with — service to community, bridging divides and concern for others. This is what we need on our city council.

Alicia Crank is deeply committed to the future of our city as a thriving place. She understands that a thriving economy is one that includes everyone. She supports our businesses and introduces us to them via her social media. Her commitment to our city is easily seen through her involvement and service. Right now she is serving as vice chair of the Edmonds Planning Board and chair of the Snohomish County Airport Commission.

Alicia Crank is a visible leader in our community. When there was a need, she helped all of us learn and understand through her series of Black in Edmonds panel discussions.

I appreciate having council members who listen, care and serve all the people of our community, even those they disagree with. That’s why I’m voting for Alicia Crank!

Rachel Maxwell

  1. It sounds like the Rachell Maxwell is describing Kristiana Johnson. And Ms Johnson already shows that she listens and has experience and education in City Planning. She helped implement installing sidewalks around schools in Edmonds. She listens to citizens and has demonstrated her ability to get things done. That is why I will vote for proven leader who cares about Edmonds where I have lived for 45 years.

  2. Thanks Beth I agree. Here are a few reason I’m backing Kristiana Johnson:
    Her participation serving on:
    Edmonds Planning Board
    Citizens Advisory Transportation Commission
    Economic Development Commission
    Historic Preservation Commission
    Mayor’s Climate Protection Committee
    Long-Range Financial Planning Committee
    Community Service
    Edmonds Rotary Member
    Chamber of Commerce Member
    Historical Museum Member
    Senior Center
    M.A. City and Regional Planning, Rutgers University
    Transportation Planning, New York University
    B.A. Political Science, Washington State University
    Website: https://reelectkristiana

    Her service and dedication, experience, and educational background are the real reasons why Edmonds needs Kristiana. If we lose her, we lose all that she brings to the table!!

  3. Alicia Crank also has a long list of commissions and committees she has served on. (Some MEN writers have tried to use that against her, saying she was too busy!) But, in truth, Alicia has brought an amazing amount of caring and integrity to those commissions and committees, to her commitment to the Edmonds business community downtown and “uptown,” and to her innovative approach to having meaningful conversations, for example, her Black in Edmonds series. She is the proven leader that Edmonds needs now.

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