Join the City of Edmonds and Sound Salmon Solutions’ Edmonds Stewards to help plant 200 native trees and shrubs in the buffer of the Edmonds Marsh on Saturday, Oct. 23 from 9 a.m. – noon. Plantings will be installed along the northern edge of the buffer, in areas currently covered by turf grass. The event is free, but pre-registration is required.
This planting event will complete the restoration planting effort along the northern edge of the marsh buffer, which has been undergoing active restoration since 2015 to improve habitat for fish and wildlife. Volunteers from Sound Salmon Solutions have continued to lead the effort in close collaboration with city staff, removing invasive Himalayan blackberry and planting a diverse community of native trees and shrubs. Earlier this year, the city completed a wetland delineation and an approved buffer restoration plan required to gain access to this area of the marsh to be able to perform these restoration efforts.
“Taking part in this city-sponsored planting day at the Edmonds Marsh gives each of us a way to help protect and appreciate the natural beauty of our community,” said Mayor Mike Nelson.
To minimize the risk of COVID exposure, participants should bring their own tools and gloves, and adhere to COVID safety guidelines including wearing masks and maintaining a distance of 6 feet apart from others outside of their households.
Ages 13-plus are welcome. Minors under age 18 must be accompanied by an adult. Details regarding the work party location, COVID precautions, and a list of items to bring are included on Sound Salmon Solutions’ events page.
The list of tools to bring (on the sign-up page) seems a bit strange for planting trees. Rakes and clippers? No shovels? Is this correct Joe?
Yes, Chris – it should say bring shovels for planting.