Updated Tuesday city council agenda includes discussion of complaint against Fraley-Monillas

The agenda for Edmonds City Council’s Tuesday, Oct. 12 “special meeting” — set to start at 7:30 p.m. following three council committee meetings — has been updated to include a discussion and possible vote on the conduct of Councilmember Adrienne Fraley-Monillas.

The meeting, held remotely via Zoom, also is scheduled to include a confirmation vote on Seattle Department of Transportation Urban Design Manager Susan McLaughlin as Edmonds’ new development services director.

The meeting agenda doesn’t include time for public comment.

The new agenda item states that during recent council meetings, “a certain councilmember has raised concerns about the behavior by Councilmember Fraley-Monillas. Because of the continuing discussion of this issue, this item has been set on tonight’s agenda so that the city council can openly discuss the issue within the framework of the (council’s) adopted Code of Conduct and Code of Ethics. Council has the authority to censure the councilmember if, after introducing a motion and after discussion on the motion, a majority vote of the council approves the motion.”

To view or listen to the meeting, paste the following into a web browser using a computer or smart phone:

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  1. It’s about time. AFM and her bullying, flashing the Loser sign and inappropriate behavior of drinking at council meetings have been outrageous breaches of the code of conduct.
    Her latest excuse/story of her “Loser” sign being sign language for “I can’t hear” is laughable. She flashed the sign at the very end of comments, there is closed captioning on all comments, and she incorrectly and bizarrely referred to the comment (that simply stated the truth) as “hate speech”. If she couldn’t hear it, why did she do that? She also had a chance for rebuttal in a LTE calling out this behavior. She failed to mention this reasoning then, but took the time to accuse concerned citizens attending a city council meeting to express their concerns (with a median age over 50) of having a kegger in the parking lot, instead.
    I expect the bloc of 4: Laura, Luke, Susan and AFM to go against the people’s wishes and continue to be a total disgrace to the city of Edmonds, by dismissal of these charges.
    I appreciate CM Olson’s persistence on this matter and hope appropriate action will be taken tonight, at last!

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