With a new councilmember on the virtual dais, the Edmonds City Council is scheduled during its Tuesday, Nov. 23 business meeting to consider two issues related to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic: whether to extend permitting for Edmonds streateries and whether to continue meeting remotely.
Position 2 Councilmember Will Chen is scheduled to take his seat on the council Tuesday night. Chen’s swearing-in ceremony is not on the current council agenda, but Council President Susan Paine said Sunday it was an oversight that it wasn’t included there. Chen, who defeated Janelle Cass in the Nov. 2 general election, will be sworn in by his wife, Lisa, via Zoom just prior to the flag salute, Paine said.
As for the streateries, Tuesday night’s agenda notes that the council adopted an ordinance Dec. 15, 2020, that permits the temporary outdoor restaurant structures known as streateries in on-street parking spaces. That ordinance is set to sunset on Dec. 31, but development services staff is recommending that it be extended. The agenda includes a letter from the Washington Hospitality Association asking the City of Edmonds to consider continuing the streateries program through summer 2022. The letter cites a number of reasons for the request, including financial hardship, reluctance of some customers to return to indoor eating, worker and supply chain issues, and continued struggles in the restaurant and hospitality industry.
The measure is set for discussion Tuesday night, with a public hearing on Dec. 7.
Other business on the council agenda includes:
– An update on plans to add bike lanes in various parts of the city as well as a proposal to add a northbound bike lane as part of the 76th Avenue Overlay Project.
– Confirmation, via the council’s consent agenda, to appoint three people to the Edmonds Diversity Commission: Elaine Helm, Gracelynn Shibayama and Robert White. All three terms would expire Dec. 31, 2024. The council is scheduled to interview the three appointees in a special 6:30 p.m. meeting Nov. 23, just prior to the 7 p.m. business meeting.
The council meeting will be held virtually using the Zoom meeting platform. To join, comment, view, or listen to the Edmonds City Council Meeting in its entirety, paste the following into a web browser using a computer or smart phone: https://zoom.us/j/95798484261
Or join by phone: US: +1 253 215 8782 Webinar ID: 957 9848 4261
Those who want to provide audience comments using a computer or smart phone are instructed to raise a virtual hand to be recognized. Persons wishing to provide audience comments by dial-up phone are instructed to press *9 to raise a hand. When prompted, press *6 to unmute.
In addition to Zoom, regular council meetings beginning at 7 p.m. are streamed live on the Council Meeting webpage, Comcast channel 21, and Ziply channel 39.
An oversight regarding the swearing-in of a new City Council member? Good grief.
have the city council meetings -in- a streatery
Hey, when you are totally busy colluding with the Mayor to get the next budget passed before you lose your friendly Mayor appointed C.P., how could you possibly remember to get the newly elected C.P.’s swearing-in on the agenda? One has to have one’s legislative priorities in the right place you know. Time for Council/Manager government in Edmonds!
I sincerely hope that the theft of Kelnero’s outdoor heaters overnight was not a form of retaliation over the streatery debate. The divisiveness over this topic has been unsettling.
Actually to keep seeing those shacks on OUR streets is what is “unsettling”. Get rid of these eyesores! Fix the broken sidewalks! Give us our parking spots back!
So you’re okay with the property theft? I think you can achieve having the steateries going away without advocating loss of property. They can be mutually exclusive.
There’s no reasonable connection between these thefts and the Streeteries. More likely to not it’s drug addicts stealing stuff to support their habit. Let’s get real.
Alicia maybe you should waite for all the facts come out before making suggestions as to who could of done it
Seriously did you call the streeteries shacks? I have had so many out of town guests be amazed at how wonderful and forward thinking our city was and is during the pandemic. Nothing shack like about them.
I think we all agree, if the stolen heaters are heating someone without heat, then that is okay and not divisive or unsettling.
I hope not too, Alicia. The theft was likely done by someone who will either sell or use the heaters, but the fact that we even have to wonder is disappointing (and unsettling!).
Like the movie, “Mean Girls”, three of them probably would not have let Chen sit at their table in the High School cafeteria.
I agree and immediate change not the next election.
As important as we all know our elections are, it is sloppy at best that Council President Paine forgot to add Will Chen’s swearing in to her agenda. Calling it an oversight is an insulting and inadequate excuse.
It is time to remove the streateries.
No and No. No reason to continue the unsightly and public parking consuming streateries. They are mostly empty.
No reason to continue Zoom Council meetings. Time to get back to normal and to let the public witness it’s government in action.
Not shacks, the structures are more like chicken coops according to my wife. I would love to buy one for wood storage.