Updated with additional details from Edmonds School District.
The Snohomish Health District is participating in a statewide investigation involving multiple outbreaks of COVID-19 among vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals connected to high school wrestling tournaments on Dec. 4. The number of cases linked to the events is estimated to be between 80 and 90 statewide, with at least 33 confirmed in Snohomish County. As this investigation is ongoing, the total may change, the health district said.
According to the health district, the Edmonds School District was among the nine Snohomish County school districts affected by the outbreak. Edmonds School District Athletic Director Angie McGuire said that as a result, the district has shut down wrestling until Monday, Dec. 27, and then will resume practices only. “Our teams will not be attending any contests during the month of December,” she said.
The impacted wrestling tournaments all happened on Dec. 4, and include:
- John Birbeck Invitational in Lacey
- Ed Arima Duals in Sumner
- Lady Jags Kickoff Tournament in Puyallup
- Yelm Girls Varsity in Yelm
The Snohomish Health District is also investigating possible cases linked to other recent wrestling tournaments, so that list may grow. The health district’s schools team and epidemiologists are working in collaboration with state Department of Health, local health jurisdiction epidemiologists, and school partners to gather more information about these events and the corresponding COVID-19 cases.
Over the coming days, local schools may be sharing letters with wrestlers, staff or volunteers of impacted teams with further guidance for next steps, the health district said. If you have not received instructions, the district recommends that anyone who attended these events as a participant, coach, official, support staff or spectator monitor for symptoms and get tested for COVID-19. Further, anyone with symptoms or who tests positive should stay home from work, school, child care or social activities.
This is a dynamic situation and evolving investigation. The health district has created a temporary page at www.snohd.org/wrestling with resources and information. Any relevant updates with be made weekdays on or around 3 p.m.
I wonder how many years will it be before we realize controlling airborne disease is impossible
If you would like to see how startling the increase in cases and skyrocketing close contact numbers are in Edmonds SD, follow this link for reported cases and numbers for each school. Tomorrow’s start of break cannot come fast enough for this parent!