From time to time, one of us will randomly remember something we miss due to the way our lives have changed due to COVID. The most recent one was the Alaska Air Fruit and Cheese plate, which is something you can purchase on the flight between here and where most of my family lives. While we are hopeful that we will get to visit sooner rather than later, and they’ve been saying they want to see everyone the whole time, I was hoping to try to recreate this in-flight treat at home.
Turns out that Alaska Air has a blog and posted about their contents this past summer. The plate includes two slices of Tillamook’s Sharp Cheddar, A wedge of brie, two slices of Beecher’s Flagship Handmade Cheese, crackers (as of 2018 and after apparent flyer feedback a fifth cracker,) apples, grapes and a piece of Seattle Chocolate. While I have yet to put this together, not for a complete lack of effort, I saw the cheese selection at PCC and got overwhelmed opting for a pack of cookies and a lemonade for my after-school companion. If you’re interested in the details, you can check out the blog at
The Edmonds School District has some additional support for families right now. The Food & Nutrition Department has added some curbside meal locations as “we work through this latest surge.” This Friday, Jan. 28 from 12:30 to 1 p.m. you can pick up five days of school breakfast and lunch at Edmonds-Woodway High School. There is also a weekly Grab and Go option at Lynnwood High School from 7:30 to 8 p.m. If you need a curbside meal and these times don’t work. you can contact Edmonds School District Family Support at 425-431-1454 or FamilySupport@Edmonds.Wednet.Edu.
The district also announced that there will also be a Pfizer COVID-19 booster clinic for those ages 12-plus at Meadowdale High School on Jan. 29 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Appointments are required for this Seattle Visiting Nurse Association clinic (I got my first two shots via SVNA and it was so well organized and comfortable) and as of Wednesday afternoon, there were close to 600 spaces left. You can find more information and make your appointment at
This weekend, Edmonds is launching the First Annual Lunar New Year Edmonds celebration and there are so many family-friendly ways to participate. On Saturday, Jan. 29, the activities kick off with an online Lunar New Year Story Time from Sno-Isle Libraries. Families can join Miss Kim and Miss Alex to “read stories, play games and sing songs as we learn about this rich tradition celebrated in many east Asian countries, including China, Vietnam, Singapore, and South Korea.” You can register for the Family Story Time at
Following Story Time, there will be two options to see an in-person traditional lion dance and a performance by Master David Leong’s Northwest Kung Fu and clear skies in the forecast to enjoy them. The first performance will be at 10:30 am at the Edmonds Lutheran Church parking lot, 23525 84th Ave. W. (which is an updated location) and then again at noon during the inaugural Edmonds Winter Market, 121 5th Ave. N.. The Edmonds Winter Market, to be held monthly on Saturdays, runs from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and features Asian vendors and a designated Lunar New Year booth where children can pick up their very own red envelopes (you can learn about the tradition here.) At 1 p.m., the Edmonds Theater is showing a Free Lunar New Year Community Movie Over the Moon (PG) with doors opening at 12:30 p.m. Plus while you are out and about, local businesses are displaying Lunar New Year-themed art from elementary school artists as well as an art installation on the fence of Frances Anderson Center designed by Edmonds-Woodway senior, Caitlin Chung. For more information, you can visit
There have been changes during the pandemic for local lacrosse players. Edmonds Lacrosse Club, which covered girls lacrosse for players in our district, closed in 2021. Their website directs girls within the boundaries of the Edmonds School District who want to play lacrosse in 2022 to the Washington Schoolgirls Lacrosse Association. Players should email Admin@WSLAX.Org to find out which team they should join based on their address, school, and/or grade level. A quick visit to WSLAX.Org shows that they are gearing up for the season with meetings and clinics for coaches.
For those interested in boys lacrosse for K-8 in the Edmonds School District, the Edmonds Eagles have again joined the Mukilteo League – I say “boys” because of the rules, but per all are invited to play.) If you have not played lacrosse before or would like to try it again, they are hosting a Free Try Lacrosse Clinic Jan. 29 from 1 to 2:30 p.m. at Harbor Pointe Middle School in Mukilteo. These clinics can be a great time to get a few basic skills, get a general understanding of the game, and make friends. My younger son picked up lacrosse after a PE unit in elementary school. I only say so because anytime I tell someone that he plays lacrosse there is some confusion in the reaction, frankly even for me when saying it. It seems like a real East Coast kinda sport, but much to my surprise there are a lot of lacrosse players across Western Washington and especially in Snohomish County. Play it Again Sports has been a great resource for starter gear, and more, in case you are thinking about giving it a go. For more information and to sign up for the season, check out
— By Jennifer Marx
Jen Marx, an Edmonds mom of two boys, is always looking for a fun place to take the kids that makes them tired enough to go to bed on time.
Oh thank you for mentioning the Alaska fruit plates! My family also travel back-and-forth frequently, pre-Covid of course, on Alaska flights and without fail ordered this item. Will check out the blog, thanks for sharing.
I am completely confused by this post. A recent MEN article said the Winter Market runs from 10am to 3pm.
This post says: The Edmonds Winter Market, to be held monthly on Saturdays, will run at a special time of noon to 4:30 p.m. and features Asian vendors
So is it 10:00 to 3:00 or noon to 4:30?
PS Just flew to Fort Lauderdale and back. The Alaska Air fruit and cheese plate continues to be the best (i.e., edible) offering on the flight — but I am sure yours was better. And if you are flying be sure to order before you fly or you will be out of luck when you board to get anything beyond biscotti or in the afternoon Cheez-Its:(
Hi Rebecca — thanks for noticing the discrepancy. The most recent news release from the city did say 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. We’ll fix it in the article.