Periodically. the Edmonds Floretum Garden Club receives letters from folks in our community asking us to help identify things related to plants. We recently received an email describing several large trees exhibiting bioluminescence just off Homeland Drive. Club member Chris Walton ventured out at night and took this 30-second exposure photo with a camera on a tripod. It was amazing!
Several club members immediately began researching winter fireflies and fungi that have this amazing capability.What could this be? Perhaps one of these which can be found in Northwest trees:
After extensive online research and asking all of the local experts, Chris went to the location in the daytime to see if it was possible to see what was in the tree. After interviewing a few neighbors, it was discovered to be a Christmas decoration that projects sparkling light!
The research was not in vain. We learned a lot about bioluminescence in the Northwest. How timely, because on Monday, Jan. 24, the Edmonds Floretum Garden Club will be hosting an expert speaking on fungi at their monthly meeting. Watch for the announcement in an upcoming My Edmonds News edition.
— Submitted by Chris Walton
HA that was good! Darn Well bugs are cool but I love that it turned out to be a Christmas Light set! ha. Looks cool. I do find those bright green fungi to be interesting and the Winter Firefly too. Do we have those here. I have never seen a firefly here, only in the midwest. I love them. Hate those June Bugs though.
There is a tree in Panama that has flowers that bloom at night and they are lighted.
Does anyone know the name of this tree?