City government watchers, rejoice. You can immerse yourself in several hours of Edmonds City Council business on a range of issues Tuesday, Feb. 8. The action starts at 4 p.m. with three committee meetings, followed by an 8 p.m. business meeting, during which councilmembers will be considering numerous amendments to the 2022 approved city budget.
Many of the budget amendments had been proposed by Councilmembers Diane Buckshnis and Kristiana Johnson for discussion during the 2022 budget deliberation process in November. The council held a public hearing on the proposals last week and began discussing them, although due to time limitations didn’t get through many of the amendments
Any changes to the existing budget would require a 5-2 supermajority vote of the council.
Prior to the 8 p.m. meeting, the council will meet in committees, which are work sessions for the council and city staff. Committee meeting agendas do not include audience comments. Note that some agenda items appear in more than one committee, depending on topic.
Here are the agendas:
Public Safety, Personnel & Planning – 4 p.m.
1. Ordinance amending city code regarding public records requests, to reflect that that the public records officer rather than the city clerk is responsible for all public records requests.
2. Position description revisions for Parks and Recreation Day Camp leader
3. Request by Edmonds Police Department to adopt an Extreme Risk Protection Order Statute into Edmonds Municipal Code (read draft ordinance here).
4. COVID premium payments and vacation for essential workers
5. Administrative assistant general job description
6. 2021 Public Defender’s Office annual report
7. Public Defense contract renewal
8. Update on current state law enforcement policy, and the potential impact of current session legislation on that policy, as well as the job of law enforcement in Edmonds.
Finance Committee – 5 p.m.
1. Preliminary December 2021 quarterly financial report
2. Business Improvement District financial policy discussion related to addressing the $75,000 in unpaid dues.
3. Leak sdjustment policy discussion (this agenda item was not explained).
4. Covid premium payments and vacation for essential workers
5. 2021 Public Defender’s Office annual report
6. Public Defense contract renewal
7. Presentation of Washington Department of Commerce Energy Retrofit Grant for Public Safety Solar Plant
Parks & Public Works – 6:30 p.m.
1. Wastewater treatment, disposal, and transport contract extension
2. Presentation of Washington Department of Commerce Energy Retrofit Grant for Public Safety Solar Plant
3. Right of Way acquisition documents for Highway 99 Gateway Project
4. Civic Center Playfield Project – change order notification
5. 2022 Parks, Recreation & Open Space (PROS) Plan Capital Program
6. Request for funds from Sherwood Elementary School for a playground renovation project aimed at benefiting the community.
All of Tuesday’s meetings are being held virtually using the Zoom meeting platform. To view or listen to a meeting, paste the following into a web browser using a computer or smart phone: Or join by dial-up phone: US: +1 253 215 8782 Webinar ID: 957 9848 4261.
Persons attending the business meeting who want to provide audience comments using a computer or smart phone are instructed to raise a virtual hand to be recognized. Those wishing to provide audience comments by dial-up phone are instructed to press *9 to raise a hand. When prompted, press *6 to unmute.
You can see all meeting agendas here.
I have some concerns about the adoption of language used by the state 7.94.120 that is set to expire according to the state website I believe 7-1-2022? Why would the city adopt language set to expire unless they the city the mayor? Has plans for rewriting the language? The mayor has at least once before tried to make legal gun owners criminals so you can see my concern. In general I am in support of the legislation that can take guns away from people that have proven themselves a risk to society but I have issues with the police asking for this without any crime being committed and the adoption of language that is set to expire gives the city/mayor a opening to write any language they like. We are only a few words away from the government being able to disarm legal gun owners. After all if contempt of elected officials can be considered a threat and justification for removal of legally owned firearms the second amendment is only a few words away from being eliminated. My opinion is for council to not adopt this until the state updates their language.
Will public comments be taken and will they vote and finalize all of this?
Public comment will be taken during the 8 p.m. business meeting.
Thank you Teresa.